What a night for a cyberpunk thread.
What a night for a cyberpunk thread
Is that anime good?
Anyway, what brings forth that sudden inspiration?
Shame the main character sounds like a rus trying to speak English for the first time.
tfw not cyberpunk
why are there so few really good cyber punk games?
Cyberpunks a niche interest right now compared to other forms of sci fi, and fantasy. Plus cyberpunk is hard to do right?
rutger is literally the only saving grace this game has. shit gameplay, shit jumpscares, shit puzzles, shit graphical glitches to make it look oh so cool, shit story that's sometimes in your face and sometimes cryptic bullshit^2
cyberpunk is quite a specific thing
Shadowrun (sega)
Shadowrun (SNES)
Snatcher (Sega CD uncensored)
Blade Runner
This is legit goty material.
HTPD fucking when?
Fuck this wait.
>main character sounds like a rus trying to speak English for the first time.
Go play dota and you will realize how wrong you are.
I'm used to it. It's a hell of a lot better a thing than us getting some downgrade shit after 3 years of non-stop bullshots. Hell if I were CDPR I'd announce the release date a mere 2 weeks away, put out a very simple trailer that showed the basic combat and gave zero hints about the story and let people get blown away.
>Go play dota
They are announcing it a few months before release, but they've said the announcement will be a surprise. Likely meaning an ARG or some shit, rather than e3.
I just want 2017 to be over, fuck the "year of Gwent".
Never ever
we're late in the year user, chill out
What do you make of these wild rumors,or a truly vast OW and some degree of destructibility in the environs? I think it's interesting and not completely implausible, at least the size part, this is a world with flying cars and shit so i doubt travel time will be an issue,in fact if getting a cab is easy they can probably avoid having a fast travel system of any kind. Destructibility on the other hand, jesus christ how is THAt going to work?
i think i read that they had learned a lesson from bethesda with regards to marketing. like the first we saw of fallout 4 was a couple of months before release. the hype train was able to run for those months. witcher 3 had to maintain a hype train for years and they had to make changes to the graphics due to the limitations of the consoles.
i guess when we finally see cyberpunk 2077 it won't be far from release and it will be representative of what we get on release.
>Never ever
Its literally coming out next year user, we've known this for a while.
>What do you make of these wild rumors,or a truly vast OW and some degree of destructibility
Well they didn't hire a shit ton more people to make the game smaller than Witcher 3. I dunno about the desctructable enviroment though, sounds like dumb baseless hype, physics in the last Red engine were garbage.
I'll wait and see. I want RP in an RPG more than anything. That means agency and multifaceted engagement over combat governed by stats. I don't want an immersive dungeon crawler like Skyrim. I want talking, player choice, and problem solving.
>In order to explicate how much more advanced Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be than The Witcher 3 in terms of ambition, sophistication, and pure immersion, Iwinski gives fans an insight into his perspective of the progression of CD Projekt Red’s games starting with the very first Witcher and how the studio’s abilities have evolved ever since then. An excerpt of the interview between Iwinski and Glixel can be found below, as the CD Projekt Red co-founder takes fans through the logical process of concluding that Cyberpunk 2077 will indeed be leaps and bounds ahead of The Witcher 3.
Agreed. My favorite parts of games are when i think my way out of a situation, either by avoiding conflict entirely or using diplomacy. Imagine if this game has a complex stock trading system and you can advance yourself by learning its ins and outs and become a rich tycoon without firing a shot? Conduct corporate espionage in disguise, pay gangs to do dirty work for you, etc. Now THAT would be great.
oh god
what other goty contenders are there in 2018??
please tell me cdpr are going to show up bethesda again
PS1 era had some pretty neat cyberpunk-themed games, thanks to GitS and other 90s anime.
Then it kinda died down in Japan and everyone moved on.
Thankfully demand has kinda flared up again over the last couple of years, so the release of Cyberpunk 2077 and Blade Runner 2049 might lead to a bit of a resurgence in the mainstream. That means we'll maybe get a few more high profile cyberpunk games, aside from CP2077.
2018? You're dreaming, no way it's coming out next year.
>what other goty contenders are there in 2018??
I've got legit no clue about other games. Cyberpunk 2077 is one of two games I remotely give a shit about, the other being MHW.
Its coming out next year user, they are pulling a Bethesda and not showing anything till a few months out, which is why we've yet to see shit.
PS1 had some good shit.
when did they showed up Bethesda?
Fuck off, yuropoor.
witcher 3 took a giant dump on fallout 4
some synthwave to spice things up
Keep clinging to that hope user. The fact that they haven't told us anything is definitely an indication that will be coming out sooner rather than later.
What has Witcher got to do with Fallout 4? Fallout falled on its own merit, not because Witcher was better.
>Keep clinging to that hope
Its not hope retard, its called keeping up with the news. We'll be hearing about the game in 2018, likely through an ARG, and they've stated once the media roll out starts the games release will follow within a few months. So unless they start the media roll out in Q4, we'll be seeing it in 2018.
synthwave is shit, i want cyberpunk to have some proper EDM or D&B or industrial music
b-but Fallout 4 is a better rpg and a better game than Witcher Senses 3 with deeper and more engaging gameplay. people shat on it because it was held to a much higher standards and expectations than a game with shit prequels developed by some no name studio.
It absolutely did.
>synthwave is shit
I hate popular music too user.
all of those are shit
Ruiner is gon b gud
When is this vaporware coming out?
Wasn't it supposed to come out this month?
>cyberpunk thread outta nowhere
Fuck yeah, I have been on a cyberpunk kick after playing Deus Ex for the first time recently.
I'm amazed how well the game has aged as long as you can get past the graffixs (not a big modder to get a overhaul)
Lots of fun desu need more games and animu like it
>not wanting a cyberpunk game with a noise rock soundtrack
But it is. Witcher is not an RPG while Fallout 4 is just barely.
Who's hyped for the bladerunner movie though
26 sept
Gesaffelstein/Lorn scored cyberpunk game when
Thats pretty darn neato.
>“It’s about telling story via what happens, not cutscenes or other features,” Mateusz says. “To do that we need to create a totally new unique dialogue system – we’re doing that right now, it should be awesome.”
What did CDPR mean by this?
Cyberpunk has been exposed as a meme and only people still devoted to it are those that browse /r/futurism and push magnets under their skin to develop a "mind-machine" interface.
i hope i'm not the only one who hates this retarded camera view. either place it a little further from the player character and place it at the center (like Zelda), or make it in 1st-person view.
You mean Cyberpunk™ right?
I'm a filthy console/handheld gamer but Neon Cyberpunk is my fucking jam.
How much should I save up to build a tower for 2077?
We live in a world where there is a reality TV show in which audience votes decide real verdicts in civil cases and where various massive corporations survail everything about you down to how often you shit.
We are living Cyberpunk right now, just with lamer fashion.
Dance with the dead version of the Neo-Tokyo is better IMO
>pick a random cyberpunk-y manga at random
>It's actually great
>Getting an American movie from James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez next year
The actual gameplay looks like fucking wow fantasy shit rather than cyberpunk
>Ryan Gosling
>Jared "Crazy" Leto
>Old grumpy grandpa Ford
How can it possibly be anything but awful?
Fucking G-Police, still fun to play today.
If only the sequel didn't have those fucking robot levels.
Thanks m8
being able to topple sky scrapers with physics would be stupid in a remotely grounded RPG, but being able to shoot holes in non-physically simulated walls and floors would be great
imagine being this retarded
Oh shit you mean Alita/Gunm.
Alita's a fucking classic man. How much you read?
I wish it was Cameron directing since he's a huge fucking Alita fan but eh. Weta workshop's on it so worst case scenario we still get fucking awesome props.
>but being able to shoot holes in non-physically simulated walls and floors would be great
I never even considered that, but yeah Rainbow Six style.
I miss scifi things looking metallic and industrial instead of like cheap chinese plastic.
Childhood fap material. The adaption will be shit though, 'merica cannot anime, let alone cyberpunk, just look at the shitty GITS adaption.
>tfw the alita movie is a hit because based cameron
>tfw you get an alita vidya gaem
I would literally cum blood
Alita is cuckcore.
Just the first volume so far but the arts fantastic, and the design of the all the scenery and people is exactly how I would want it to be.
Know any other good cyberpunk manga? I seen Appleseed looks kinda cool. Mech stuff
fuck off hugo, go hop in a suicide booth
GitS movie wasn't really that shit though. It's like a 7/10 and it's only real problems are shit writing and gettin HOLLYWOOD'd. Gorgeous sets and props, for example.
'Murrica can't do anime but we can do cyberpunk, and Cameron's a fan, not just a necktie with a buck to make. I have hope.
>america cannot cyberpunk
you'd better not be implying cyberpunk is a jap thing
My nephew of African descent with excellent taste, being reminded you exist fills my withered, almost dead and beaten heart with supreme joy.
so 1930s USSR is cyberpunk?
No, I'm implying that the Japs currently do it better.
please stop
fucking idiot. its terrible and it's sjw.
>confusing cyberpunk with transhumanism
>conflating cyberpunk with Cyberpunk™ by Mike Pondsmith
kill yourself
>white germans saving the world
I wonder how long it takes for Cyberpunk threads to be ruined by Sup Forums once they found out the creator is black.