Thank you Nig-

Thank you Nig-

Marcus always gets the weirdos at E3.

Pretty fucking solid mate. Made me chuckle.

Thats actually pretty good

I gotta admit his beard looks real manly and vikingish.
Indeed, I am kind of jealous.


Hahaha so funny xdd

t. humorless woman

wow what the fuck, seriously what has being a woman got to do with that? is it supposed to be funny? grow the fuck up edgelord its 2017


You got me OP, good job.

t. Right-wing cuck

you're ovaries are in fact testicles

Give me basic replicant on this hot fresh meme.

Pewdiepie said nigger during a stream
Apparently it's big news

t.cuck who has to put politics in it

Deep into that darkness peering,
long I stood there,

You sound like a pedo

it's a marketing stunt
pewds knows how much kids these days love edgy alt-right and memes so he became an alt right meme himself

Well, he said it as an insult in the spur of the moment. So it wasn't just a joke like the other times he was "racist" I think.
Still nothing wrong with it though.

Good job user, here's a Sup Forums pass for your trouble!

Yeah, I've got a pretty good beard but his is better.

and you sound like a faggot

Something people forget is how internet interactions is virtually all the exposure a Swede will have to English.
So when you type foul words in chats and such it really influences non-natives more because they don't have the day to day to normalize the situation.
My brother goes to Sup Forums. He's not the kind to use the word fag flippantly but he has by mistake. It looks bad but it's not that extreme really. It's just another slur, like saying fuck.

Of course pewds could be a hardcore nazis undercover. I'm just saying people shouldn't read that much into this. He's streaming video games. No doubt he'd have people bombarding him with foul language all the time.

No u

no u

he said nigger like 2 or 3 times before in his videos.
i remember that when he started that he said it quite often, the first time i heard hm was in his penumbra let's play.
>inb4 underage
i-im 24, and he was fun back when he had no viewers.






Cucumber Hubert?



He just mindlessly said it out frustration. Big deal.




This is the quality discussion everyone visits Sup Forums for




>tfw he'll end up having even more fans and the MSM will continue to cry that he can't keep getting away with it

Dumbass and I've already said idiot