Batman is always right, you know

Batman is always right, you know

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Batman is literally insane and is one of the biggest hypocrites in fiction.

>beating up homeless people because you have millions of dollars
dunno man

We all can't be Batman. The world need lots of people that don't really do anything. In fact the world works best when lots of people don't really do anything.

Donating to a couple disaster relief funds is probably the most I'll ever do much like most people. There's nothing wrong with that.

I could stop playing games, but that wouldn't bring back his parents.

>lets The Joker do whatever he wants because killing him would be "immoral" yet he's ok with all the deaths Joker has caused
>right about anything

>government is corrupt and inefficient
>wealthy business owner saves the city by beating the shit out of the mentally ill with the help of his army of child vigilantes

>wireless SNES controller
more like fucking genius


how can he even play anything with that controller it has no wire

>comic books having the nerve to call any other form of entertainment trash

I cant even think of a more worthless media than comic books, at least video games have endings to their stories, Comics just maintain the status quo for 70 years

My Spyhunter high score begs to differ.

>read comic books instead
>it's easier for us to shove our agenda down your throats that way

I'm too far gone to care about any of that shit, you fucker.

Kill me if you have to.

does he actually have more than one
I don't read comics

This. Even nature agrees

though it'd be funny to see an alternate timeline batman where he poses as a reclusive otaku so no one questions where he is at night. Imagine Bruce Wayne gushing over his massive anime figure collection and talking about his waifu.

Is Batman a Sega fanboy?

fuck off mom

4 Robins and 3 Batgirls at least


Batman's accomplished even less because his phobia of killing means that all he does is put people in Arkham asylum which has a notorious rotating-door system

criminal kills people
batman catches him and puts him in the asylum
they escape and kill more people
repeat ad infinitum

batman could have saved hundreds, if not thousands of innocent lives if he was willing to take responsibility for his actions
this is why the punisher is a better version of batman, he doesn't fuck around with a secret identity that he can hide behind and go to fancy parties; and he makes up for the failing (and potentially corrupt) police system by taking matters into his own hands, and also, he never kills innocent people, which was always batman's fucking retarded argument of "if you kill them, you become just like them!"

He's got Dick, Tim, Damien, Barbara, Jason, and Azrael all working for him in some capacity. Jason may murder the fucks but he actually makes a difference compared to Batman's retarded rationale of rehabilitation when they keep getting out to destroy Gotham.

I've successfullly kept myself from suicide for over a decade. That's quite an accomplishment considering the rather miserable life I have and how much of a fuckup I am.

>you've accomplished nothing
>says the guy who let the Joker run free for the 100th time
>crime is still rampant and nothing has changed for the better
Getting really tired of your shit there, Batman

I have no other thread to bitch about this in and I'm not about to fucking brave Sup Forumsmblr so here I go

>Watched the entire DC:AU over summer break
>Batman was incredible
>Superman was even fucking better because Timm actually made him believable and not just an invincible flying brick
>"I am many things Kal El, but here I am god"
>That fucking ending
>Justice League
>Oh god it's absolutely terrible
>Season 2 is way better holy shit
>Something about Unlimited is really dry but I don't know what
>All that fucking buildup to Brainiac/Luthor and he's killed off in an episode
>All that fucking buildup to Darkseid
>Ends on a fucking wet fart
>Hey Darkseid I have the anti-life equation
>Oh sweet dude bye
>Poofs out of existence

All that buildup for absolutely nothing, every time, god Justice League was awful compared to the original animated series

How is Superman throwing his enemies into the Phantom Zone any less retarded than Batman throwing his into Arkham?

>That time in Justice League Batman threw a temper tantrum because Superman wanted to throw MOTHERFUCKING DOOMSDAY into the Phantom Zone

What a bitch

>When Deadman possessed Batman and shot someone, killing them
>This is never brought up again

This and the fact Punisher is alone most of the time instead of dragging everyone down with him if it all goes wrong. Microchip is a fat fuck nobody is going to miss and he just provides information while willing to die for Frank's cause. If any innocents die in Punisher it's always the criminal killing them not Frank or it's some fuck up the innocent did that led to the situation of them dying.

Someone got the screen caps of Frank knocking on some pedophile family's door then murdering the parents while remarking that the two kids weren't old enough to really suffer but the oldest kid was and he'd probably have to go after him when he gets older?

Did you at least enjoy the Question/Huntress moments?

it's easier to escape a building than a dimension

Why hasn't the law killed Le Joker?
Who gives a shit if he's insane. It's obvious he's just gonna escape and cause more ebin mayhem no matter how many times they lock him up.

Yes, Batman has taste

>All those people that go volunteer after a disaster end up just getting in the way and eating all the food that could go to people in need

Naw. They don't need the help of your average joe. They already have tons of average joes trying to help that were displaced by the disaster. Stay home and float the fund 10 bucks and for fucks sake don't earmark that donation. Only volunteer if you know how to build a house or lay a sewer line or have a skill that not everybody already has anyway. Let them spend that money where it needs to be spent.

Volunteering without skills and earmarking donations only hurts the efforts.

if we had too many batmen the streets would be filled with violence and cripples and burdens on the state

if we have too many people jerking off to hentai everything's all good

Deadman possessed Dick Grayson who was just a termporary Batman and has less qualms about killing than the autistic Bruce Wayne.

Yeah, and you have made everything worse.

It's entertainment. Are we not allowed to be entertained after working all day?

I've hated DC for years but I'm slowly shifting into this position where DC at least is proud of being stupid capeshit while Marvel is just turning into goddamn SJW horseshit. I even went from someone who absolutely loathed Superman to wearing a goddamn S hoodie right now because of the animated series.

I'm going to assume The Question is some kind of kid-friendly Rorshach or am I being really stupid?

I was talking about that one episode of Justice League, not the actual comics

I can't stand it when retards continue the mistaken belief that The Joker is insane.


The reason why The Joker is Batman's greatest enemy is because The Joker is using the EXACT SAME METHODS as Batman. He's pretending to be an insane criminal to mask the fact that he's a schemer and master strategist.

When Bruce Wayne first began, he failed miserably as an anonymous crimefighter because he was just a man fighting crime. The same skills, ... but the criminals were always confidant they could take him on: he was just another man. So he created the "Bat-man". Suddenly, criminals were scared of what he could do. Many in Gotham honestly believe Batman isn't HUMAN. Others believe that no matter what you do, Batman has a weapon/strategy to stop you. GODMODE VIA PREPTIME. That's how well Bruce Wayne has pulled off the "Batman" concept. Through theatrics and misdirection, Batman cannot truly be predicted.

The Joker does exactly the same. By *pretending* to be insane and commiting ridiculous acts at any random interval, The Joker is *disguising* the fact that he's just another clever criminal. Every step of his plan has been carefully planned through the ingenuity of a Chess Grand Master, but he covers it with seemingly insane moments of random madness. The clothes, the behaviour, the sheer unpredictability... "You cannot predict what The Joker will do". YES YOU CAN. That's why Batman always beats him.

This is why they are arch enemies. The Joker is aware of Batman's methods and works to outmanuever him. Batman also studies The Joker's actions and recognises which were feints and distractions, and which were clues to his REAL plan. A master strategist hero and master strategist villain, using the same methods of misdirection and theatricality to succeed.

...but no, people are all "Joker is Batman's opposite because he's truly insane, and a force of chaos lol".

No. Just... no.

Are you talking about Sup Forums or video games? Because I met my FWB on Sup Forums and video games help me relax.

I haven't got them all in one image, but here's the relevant pages


Is it really batmans fault though that the law enforcment in his world is dumb as fuck?

Also, its not about him becoming like them, its about setting an example.

He is setting a moral standard for others not only himself.

Batman is an objectively shit character created to comply with 1960s comics codes.

His only powers are money and self righteousness. He only does anything to please himself, he'll constantly leave innocent people suffer because he doesnt want to get his hands dirty because all his actions are only so he can feel good about himself

>when Batman cucks Superman
>when Lex thinks he can control the Joker but Joker cucks him out of his money and kryptonite

Joker maybe a joke of a character at times with the wacky edginess but at least he has drive when it comes to getting shit done.

When is Disney going to slap Marvel's shit for hemorrhaging money with their SJW Agenda bullshit?

Batman is just pissed his parents never bought him a SNES.

>The Joker's last appearance in Justice League when Batman flat out asks Harley with the subtlety of a brick through a glass window if the Joker is a pedophile
>Even goes into detail about how he's always got Ace by his side and touching her, grooming her, etc

>That time where Wonder Woman flat out called Vandal Savage a NAZI WAR CRIMINAL in a KID'S SHOW

Justice League has it's moments

>Batman cucks Superman
>Batman cucks Nightwing
>Batman cucks Terry's dad
>Batman fucks this
>Batman fucks that

God, that was so fucking stupid.

>Supergirl stays in the future with a boy she's known for all of a couple hours

I'm sure it's partially just her being a typical woman and the other half it being more fleshed out in the comics but that left a sour taste in my mouth

ESPECIALLY because they teased her with my boy Jimmy so much in S:AS

>Is it really batmans fault though that the law enforcment in his world is dumb as fuck?

it's not his fault, but he should recognize it and do something about it, make his own fucking unescapable prison or something

also any semblance of immersion is completely broken whnever the joker gets sent to arkham for the 1000th time
no judge or jury would accept the same insanity plea that many times, someone would stand up and say "he is clearly not crazy and is completely aware of his actions", and then he would be sentenced to death for the sheer number of bodies attributed to him

if batman was so worried about doing the right thing "legally", then he shouldn't have put on a bat costume and become a vigilante (which is a crime)

the question came first.

Batman also literally cucks Orion, Darkseid's son.

>In fact the world works best when lots of people don't really do anything.
t. Ayn Rand

He's right, SNES Classic is trash, could've downloaded an emulator and roms.

Friend with benefits.

I don't care about reality.

Batman's belief in not killing villains has killed more people than any one villain.

that joker guy seems like he has brain problems

He said funds.

>fires from hip
>misses milk jug 8 feet away

This guy motivated me to get a haircut.

It's trash for real now since they're using it as a platform for cinematic political manipulation. Fuck video games, but fortunately, there are devs from other parts of the world who haven't been tainted yet by political faggotry.

I've got great taste in videogames, I can help rebuild some fellow Sup Forumsirgins videogame library better than it was before.

>I'm going to assume The Question is some kind of kid-friendly Rorshach or am I being really stupid?
Steve Ditko had this character he wanted to make forever, even back in the Spider-Man days. When Stan Lee didn't let Spider-Man become that character, So too eventually went on to write comics at Charlton, where he toned that character down into a kid-friendlier version called The Question. In another publication, he finally wrote the character as intended, called Mr. A. When DC acquired the Charlton characters and Moore wrote Watchmen, he made Rorshach out of The Question but heavily based the new character on Mr. A, with things like his brutality and emphasis on black and white. The DCAU adapted The Question, but made their version a toned down Rorshach. It is convoluted as fuck, like everything in comics.

>writing this entire reply when you couldn't even read what he said

If he is right why isn't society killing off neets, welfarefags, oldfags, and none Whites? They don't add nothing to society and are trash too.

Checkmate Batfag.

>A Mary Sue telling me what to think
Bitch please


>In fact the world works best when lots of people don't really do anything.

That system you want is called Communism/Socialism and it has failed in every way through out history.

I'd take Batman's advice more seriously if there weren't so many games featuring him

Fake news. Batman plays videogames and here's proof:

Reminder Batman got the shit kicked out of him by a 60 year old man in a silly helmet and a pair of boots two sizes too small.

I love memeballs

>Refuses to kill the Joker
>Joker just goes on killing people

Have a superior controller kid!

Batman refuses to kill anyone. Why isn't the joker ever put on death row for his crimes? Why is Gotham's court system so incompetent?

>crippling the poor with hospital bills and permanent disabilities forcing them back into the life of crime
Thanks for helping, Batman!

>That system you want is called Communism/Socialism
No it isn't.

>Big government that takes care of your every needs while you sit at home and be a lazy piece of shit and contribute nothing to society

Yes it is.

Chill. You can't take people that use socialism as the basis of their argument seriously.

Isn't the idea of communism that everyone would be employed?

yes, the genesis was better

Based 25%

You work in the field until you die, you stupid underage turd.

If Batman has such a problem with me playing videogames then he can try and stop me, but he won't because he can't.

He's not against killing the Joker as so much as it's suppose to be Gotham's job to declare him guilty of all the crap he has done and execute him. Only edgy writers and certain part of the Batman fanbase tries to portray him as someone that can't live without the Joker.

"You know something Bruce? Your are not always right"-Superman

I rather have Regime/Red Son Superman over Batman any day.

Super Bro>>Edgy Man.

okay but how does Superman enter the equation?

The Question is nothing like Rorschach.

The only thing they have in common is that they both like fedoras and overcoats. Difference is, Rorschach wears his because the city he is based in is cold as fuck, and Question wears his out of sheer pretentiousness. I still love Question though.

That's as believable as communism thinking that no one would be selfish.

That would be fascism.

He's the supportive wife that's trying to get Bruce to stop being Batman.

daily reminder that Rorschach was right

but theres a batman game on SNES

How come Batman can't just cripple the Joker like paralyze the Joker so he can't move at all and is just a veggie?

He wasn't, but the fanbase bitched so hard, they're going to change it so that he is.

Too fag during his young age to do this,but in the "The Dark Knight part II" he did it.

>punisher executing pedophiles

I don't get the whole story from the link but even as severe a crime as making child pornography is I don't believe being sentenced to death is right. Death is the ultimate punishment and only religious people find comfort in oblivion. These pedophiles might not deserve much but here the legal system at least works leaps and bounds better than putting a loony, as mentioned, in revolving door Arkham.

Did they murder any children as well or something?

The question is who rorschach was based off of