what game were you playing today 17 years ago?
What game were you playing today 17 years ago?
Baldur's Gate
9/11 was 16 years ago retard
What game were you playing in 2000?
tekken tag tournament
some wario game on gameboy
user today is 9/11
Jazz Jackrabbit 2
I remember exactly when I heard about 9/11, because it was playing JJ2 online and people in chat went "fucking saudis" in chat and I didn't understand what was happening
Either Starcraft or Diablo 2.
diablo 2
Majora's Mask was out already, so I was making my way in that. Also getting excited over Pokemon Gold and Silver with that one Nintendo magazine they had back in the day.
I cant say for certain, but it was probably something on the N64. (12)
Uh, i think Chrono Cross
Probably one of the Spyro games
Red Alert 2
Probably this, maybe. I would have been 4 at the time.
Maybe it was the Neverhood
Nothing, I would have been watching TV.
But 16 years and 11 months ago I would have been playing Pikmin and wiggin out at aliens
Super Mario World on my cousin's SNES
Oh wait, I was a year off. 15 years and 11 months
i wasn't, i was being a delinquent
17 years on, little has changed ;_;
I was only 1 year old, didn't play any video games back then.
>implying anyone on this board was even born 17 years ago
>This is the state of Sup Forums
I remember getting FF8 and FF9 for Christmas of 2000. I can't remember what games I was playing during that year though.
Got out of school early. Went home and made more custom skateparks.
Sonic 2
lol get out of here old man
I was 1 years old back then so probably whatever my dad was playing at the time but I just slapped the controller
Namco Museum 3 or the first Spyro.
In shop class we had flight simulator. We were goofing off and crashing into buildings. Next class was history class and the teacher made us watch the news live at the towers.
We were in disbelief.
Diablo 2 most likely
Quake 2, roller coaster tycoon, and red alert 2
Go back to your cave you senile fuck
Pokemon Red or Donkey Kong Country 2
Sometimes DK64 or Earthworm Jim and Sonic at the neighbor's house
Pokemon and smash bros
>Sup Forums has become an anime where anyone over the age of 20 is ancient.
Nothing, I wasn't born yet
Jet Grind Radio
Perfect Dark
Either this, Fallout 2, Discworld Noir or Heroes of Might and Magic 3.
Soul Blade, if I remember correctly. My mum made me turn it off so she could watch the news.
Haha same thing happened to me!
I think there was some sim that actually had a challenge to fly between the towers.
I feel old.
Game I'd have been playing was probably something like hidden and dangerous, omikron, anachronox, tomb raider, sacrifice.
Fuck knows.
It would have been with a voodoo or voodoo 2 card cos I just got one for an early birthday pressie.
>Sup Forums has people who disregard opinions due to age
That might be the real problem
Probably star wars rogue squadron stuck on the 4th level because I didnt know how to deploy the tow cable
To me its Tamiya ps1, fucking famous in that time for some reason.
No idea but it was almost certainly on the N64. I was in 6th grade.
couldn't play any because parents had the news on all day and night long
do you not see anything embarrassing about being over 15 and still posting on Sup Forums?
17 years ago, at this time of the day, I was in school. I had friends back then, and I would be playing with them.
Where did everything go so wrong?
Homeworld, Mechwarrior 2, or Delta Force: Land Warrior
>tfw 9 y/o you was /patrician/
Fallout 2
Rad taste bro.
I wish you were my Lil bro.
I'd have bro opped with you!
I was in school.
But since it was the year 2000, I think Mechwarrior 3.
Marvel vs Capcom 2. 17 years later and the character select song is my ringtone.
Y-you too
Probably Power Stone 2 or Soul Calibur. I remember watching it on the news that day in school, but not a fat lot of what I did afterwards.
>Mechwarrior 2
I wish I wasn't a poorfag when I was 9, would've loved to experience those games as a kid.
2000....Probably that Scooby Doo game on the N64
Ah... Old Fallouts with INT 3>=. I miss them.
gta 4
Something on N64. Maybe OoT. I would say Banjo Tooie but that came out a few months later.
I was such a happy/cheerful kid back then, I don't know where it all went wrong. I'm /fit/ and have money, but I don't have time for videogames or even friends anymore. Being an adult sucks.
i haven't even play Final Fantasy in that time.
No idea, my big bro had this cracked PS1 with a shitton of game, i played so much games i don't remember any except that fucking pacman game because of that super hard spaceship boss
My N64 go-tos at the time were Mario Kart, Toy Story Buzz Lightyear To The Rescue (GOAT licensed game) and StarFox
>check wiki for releases
Most certainly at this time of year 17 years ago was a mix of
Threads of Fate
Skies of Arcadia
Diablo 2
I was 2
Reminder that if you weren't at least 8 years old and if you had any nintendo games at the time, you're everything wrong with this board.
Either this or Tekken 3
Nah fuck you, N64 was fun as fuck and anyone who says they had one in this thread is probably a decent person who actually had friends to play Mario Kart with.
Nova Strike!!
Diddy Kong Racing
i was 4 so idk
>implying the majority of neo-nu/v/ was born 17 years ago
Age of Empires 2 and SM Alpha Centauri
shut the fuck up kid
Gran Turismo 1 mostly.
Still play it at least once a year.
When I was 5? Probably Super Mario Kart with my brother
The bouncer, TimeSplitters, and other launch ps2 games
Most likely.
Spotted the Euro