Why are you still playing this game?
Why are you still playing this game?
Because it's free if I use gold to buy game time, and game time is cheap so I don't run out of time. I only really play for like 8~ hours or so a week, but it's something.
I don't.
I'm not. Legion was the final straw.
I don't. They managed to ruin raiding and that was the last good thing about the game.
I don't, I play WoTLK private servers
I haven't played since halfway through Cataclysm, but my buddy recently got into it. He and I are gonna do a dual worgen rogue PvP gank run soon, actually looking forward to it desu baka senpai.
Legion was it, it was the final nail in the coffin for me
> Artifact weapons
> AP grinding
> More garrison shit
> Long, linear quests to unlock MORE...AP
> The same WQ's again and again
> Awful story that tries to rehash illidan
> All the terribly written quests
> The game makes you like the lord commander of your class
> Too many tumblr/reddit tier toys and pets
> Reskinned mounts out the ass
The game is just shit now. I am so fucking tired of that faggot illidan and khadgar. 1 expansion was enough of that faggot,white haired nigger. I don't need more. They've casualized the game more and more to the point that, I think the only people that still play are normies, tumblr tards and reddit autists. I put wow on the same level as rick and morty. The game gives me the overwhelming urge to just roll my eyes in absolute disgust and hatred whenever it's brought up.
Current wow is the best it's ever been, illidan is finally back and we can be demon hunters!
because 4.1 for ffxiv isnt out yet.
For stupid screenshots
>not liking khadgar
You clearly need to go collect more.
>finally back
Who wanted that edgelord back in the first place?
why would you not want the best character back in the game
I come back for a month periodically to rush through the new content.
This patch's one saving grace is that by some miracle Alleria is not sucking Horde dick.
>Best character
Arthas is dead, user.
For now.
Because I left for a year(?), and came back in 7.3. It was pretty nice, since I already had my class hall maxed out before I left, I returned to just do intro missions and collect free gear.
Running the same raid for years and years sure is fun
Because the only friend from college I still am in contact with is playing, and I'm too autistic to make new friends at work.
I want my water strider.
everyone who played wc3 and wanted to be a demon hunter
in 2017, you can pretty much forget about raiding with actual people you know. Even the familiar names I would see on OpenRaid have unsubscribed.
Just do every single last boring mission, surrounded by level 110 elite enemies, and you can eventually fly...only to be grounded in Argus.
I almost want to start again for this reason
Legion is the best thing since MoP or Wrath.
I just resumed playing after the beginning of legion but goddamit the suramar questline is so fucking boring that i'm going to give up if it dosn't end soon
it's pretty fun
and it doesn't cost me real money anymore so that's nice
>Too many tumblr/reddit tier toys and pets
Kill yourself.
>Arthas is dead, user.
or so you think
no better options on the mmorpg department
the least shit choice is still shit
>Fighting the legion for a thousand years
>The second we get there it gets shot down
The best line in Warcraft 3 comes from Arthas completely summarizes the series up to this point.
>Muradin's dwarves? Impossible... Doesn't anyone stay dead anymore?
I just use a token I bought with in game gold to look to see what the new patch brought in. I haven't paid cash for sub since before Legion launched.
they've been losing all this time you tard, which is why they sent x'era's core plummeting into suramar
Garri- order hall gold missions on 3 characters pays for a sub and a half a month for literally 0 effort, so whatever.
WoW PvP is fun, albeit the control / reward systems for it are obviously avg.
Why is the voice acting so shit? The villains are all well done (Xavius being an exception), especially Gold Dan, but holy hell are the heroes bad. Thisalee sounds like a fucking random girl plucked out of a shopping mall, Illidan and Turalyon are some of the most over-acted cunts in any game ever, Malfurion and Tyrande sound like English is a second language and damn near ruined Valsharah, and Khadgar sounds exactly like he did as Father in Fallout 4. The only one that sells it is Velen and his buddy Romuul.
And what the actual fuck happened to Sylvanas? Her being made Warchief was a huge fucking deal and she was in the damn cinematic trailer for the expac. Why isn't she doing anything?
>Play DK
>Get to listen to The Lich King's sexy voice for a large part of my order quest.
>Those little Easter eggs of Arthas talking about the nature of death scattered around the world
Can't complain.
I resub for a month 3 times per year
it's the only game that can scratch my MMORPG itch, the rest of them are either kusoge or scams
>Xavius being an exception
are you fucking kidding me? Xavius is the only villain who actually sounds like a real villain rather than a saturday morning cartoon villain going "FOOLISH MORTALS I AM YOUR DOOM"
until we actually face him in EN, that is