What's the angriest a video game has ever made you? Did you ever unleash that anger physically?

What's the angriest a video game has ever made you? Did you ever unleash that anger physically?

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this fucking game

one time i got so mad at a video game i decided to stop playing it

i unleashed my anger physically by pressing the power button

Man, I thought that framed part was some midriff with underboob action going on.

>getting mad at RNG

Yup. I got so angry once at a game, that I went over to it in my Steam library, right-clicked on that bitch, and hut uninstall with the fury of a thousand suns.

Ha, taught that game all about what you get when you fuck with me.

Seems like such a mature and nice fellow.

I once got so mad in PUBG i called some dude FUKING NIGGER

I got so angry playing CSGO I raped my neighbor's daughter to death.

Slammed the mouse upwards on a cabinet from network bs in one of the DS games

Broke my scroll button. I didn't get a new mouse until two months later, so for that whole time not only did I have to adapt to it but I was reminded every time that I'm a fucking dumbass. Honestly did a number on me as a result, and I've never broke shit since

Mnnnnffffdon't know what the fucking do with this monitor


i was in like fifth grade when soul calibur 3 came out and i got stuck in arcade mode, so i straight just spiked the game box in my living room. immediately felt wildly autistic and never did that shit again.

I threw my ds4 at a wall and the battery inside broke because of bb chalice dungeons. Never did anything like that before or since. Honestly I needed a new gamepad anyway since it was a launch ds4 and the thumbsticks were no longer padded.

Street Fighter V has made me launch my controller twice in the past few months.

PS4 pads are pretty sturdy to be fair. Parts came flying off but just opened it up and popped them back in, no actual damage.

Back in 2006 playing WoW, I was fighting horde in southshore and solod this high warlord undead warlock. I killed him, he soulstoned, killed him again, but his dots ate me before I could drop combat and start eating. I raged out, grabbed my pull-out keyboard and mouse tray and destroyed my desk, both metal rails are bent, the wheels snapped off, and now I can't pull my keyboard tray out anymore. I'm using the same desk since 2005.

3 wild incidents, all on PS2...

Punched CRT TV off the stand, almost broke my hand

Bit the controller...big bite marks left in the plastic

Punched/karate chopped controller and the right thumbstick snapped off, part of which was stuck in my wrist

Im not a manchildren lmao

Not very angry, but disappointed. Borderlands 2 endgame loot drops system.

Always a good laugh!

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers for PS2.

Angrily hit the eject button, ripped the tray toward me cause it was taking so long, take the disc, put it on my bed, smashed it with a wiffle ball bat.

I was an angry kid. I bet if I were to replay that game now I'd beat it pretty easily and not even remember where I got stuck.

Yeah, but I never broke anything.
Only hit the desk to vent a bit of frustration.


This one is way funnier.

Back when I was first playing Demon Souls, Flamelurker kept fucking me up every time I fought him. I got so mad that I twisted the controller in my hand hard enough to hear the creak. Now I can go beat him without getting hit and I feel silly about it.

>Zelda II on NES
>Got killed on my way to Palace 5, kicked my NES across the room (it actually worked better after that)

>That god awful Mega Man and Bass port for GBA
>That motherfucking boss with fists, YOU KNOW THE ONE
>Trying to beat him as Mega Man
>After dying for the 5659862325485215th time I smash my GBA against one of the metal support beams in my basement and it fires the cartridge out, it still has a scratch on the sticker where my GBA snapped around it

And that was the last time, because I honestly don't get angry that much. Bonus story:

>My super autistic friend who collects all these awful fake weapons from that Bud K magazine
>Threw a fucking SPEAR into his dresser because of the tower of souls on Soul Calibur 4
>Threw a hatchet through his window because of Wings of Liberty on Legendary
>Smashed his bed with an axe because of 9.0 White Hot on Sm4sh and threw his Wii U tablet out the window

I've maybe slapped my knee a couple times while practising 2hu, but other than that no. Isn't a response any further than that a symptom of severe autism?

i once was frustrated and screamed at me mum
never played a game that's making me mad since then

Street fighter 2 on the SNES
Snapped the controller clean in half

Fight Night Round 2
Slammed the controller on the ground full force

It takes a lot for me to spaz out and break things. I generally laugh at those kinds of people but I've been butt-tussled enough to do it also.

Been quite some time now though. Haven't done it since PS2 era gaming.

Protip: If you're constantly checking with yourself about whether the behavior you just exhibited is "autistic," you probably don't have autism. Don't inhibit your reactions and life because you think they "look" a certain way, act and react genuinely.

Once through my copy of SF4 out the window because of vanilla sagat.

Was probably like 12 at the time

I broke my shitty 360 headset playing Halo 3.

the dev literally jerks off to people rage quitting his game

I got angry at WoW and threw my computer chair at the wall. Realized how ridiculous I was a couple of seconds after and met up with my family for dinner after turning them down to play.


most recent would be smough and ornstein solo fighting smough last, his charge with the hammer was so fucking weird to dodge it always would get me somehow, didn't have any problems with the rest of the game + DLC either

i think there's nothing worse for me than in a competitive game someone is talking shit AND is also a fucking god so everything you try just makes you feel like more of a retard until you either lose or ragequit


Super Mario Sunshine when I was 19

Snapped my glasses in half and broke the controller, parents were fucking pissed and took away my Gamecube for months, it sucked

This is comedy gold.

getting made at video games is the sign of a true patrician gamer

>19 years old
>parents having anything to do with what you own


A patrician gamer isn't bad enough to get mad at games.



dudes got anger issues

>it takes time
>No, it doesn't
god his anger is so palpable

>19 years old
>playing Nintendo games

SF4 came out 9 years ago.
Sorry for being born when I was

If we're talking about legit mad like throwing your controller, then only one time at a local USF4 tournament.

You do realize SF4 came out 8 years ago, right?

god its so painful to watch

>they call mad guy out on every single thing he says
So satisfying

>19 years old
>playing games

What did he even do to break his monitor?

no way this isn't fake

This one's a favourite of mine

I deliberately seduced and got nudes from my DAoC guild leader's wife because I was raged out that he Jewed me over a rare Atlantis drop. I logged the chats of us cybering and sent them to him, along with her desperate attention seeking lingerie pics she sent me.
She was a fat pig , so it was purely revenge. Probably the most spiteful thing I ever did to someone over the internet.
They eventually got divorced.

twice in wotlk
one time i was gonna get the fishing achievement but my fucking toaster died when i ported to dalaran so i turn in the quest 2seconds after the 1st guy
another time when i lost the roll for the gorilla bubble

both times i grabbed the mouse and slammed it 3-4 times on the desk

man, i wish i was rich so i could have infinite mice and monitors so i can slam them into the screen : /

when I was 8 I threw my ps1 controller against tiles when playing street fighter ex2+ after 2 hours of trying to beat Bison II, had him down to one jab left of health and he chained 2 supers to take out my entire health bar.

controller still works too


Damn dude. Any remorse looking back on it?

The only people who never got mad at a game never played a game long enough desu oh wait, Sup Forums doesn't play games.
It all makes sense now.

>1 DS2
>1 DS3
>1 mouse
>self inflicted wrist and hand injuries

Forcefully entered my friends ass because he wouldn't stop fucking camping for the golden gun.

>Guy screws you so you do him a solid by showing what a fat roastie his wife is.

Nice revenge op. I hope you don't have to explain this to your ancestors after you die

>DS2 and DS3 on a mouse
I can see your problem very clearly.

Looks like he threw the controller at the monitor

I do that and end up blowing blood vessels in my hand and knocking shit off the walls and desk. I probably have anger issues.

Dual Shock 2 and Dual Shock 3. I was listing the amount of things I've destroyed. I'm not dumb enough to play Dark Souls on a kb+mouse. Anyways, most of what I listed was years and years ago

not very angry and no, i'm not an autist

do you still have the logs?

i hit my monitor with a hammer because of dota 2

i punched a wall due to ultima online

>bit the controller

lol. I've done that. Bit my fat launch DS while losing some dumb Pokémon battle online to hax and mispredictions. Dad walked in and we locked eyes with my mouth on the ds.

The thing still has bite marks. I swear if I didn't have a gf while in high school that man would have given me no respect. Understandably so. Games bring out the autism.

He's being a big baby, but that chicks voice, cadence and words are beyond annoying. I'd like to sock her one.

ah my mistake, friend.

If you rage at videogames you're probably an awful person to be around and genuine man-child.
Getting frustrated and taking a break is acceptable, getting violent at inanimate objects because of your incompetence is a completely different story.

Swung his mic into it

Is that really a chick it sounds like a prepubescent boy.


>What's the angriest a video game has ever made you?

I called an opposing player "fucking nigger".

he's 100% percent right about them doing to him the one thing every streamer hates

but he's still a babyraging autismal

>All these people in this thread over paranoid about looking or sounding autistic

Either way.

I was about to laugh at your post but then I remembered I drilled a hole in my friends pants with a driller when I was supermad because he kept camping the same hallway with a shotty in 007 Nightfire. I tore out his underwear but still bullseye'd enough to not rip his skin out

Okay Mr. High and Mighty. Like you've never had an emotional outburst at anything. Humans are emotional animals by nature. Of course people will lose their cool from time to time. We're not robots.

Actually. Legit autism means you have a difficulty understanding emotions. Are you an actual autist?

The long game.

just be glad you didnt have a dildo next to your computer instead, who knows what you would have done.

You should be, in public, or if the neighbors can hear you sperg out.

yes I am, how did you know?

Street fighter iii 3rd strike
when I encounter turtles and people who do some bullshit techs which actually work really make me angry and I can't even talk bullshit sercastically in chat since their tech was working.
also people against whom you usually win but suddenly they start beating the shit out of you that have happened to me in both super turbo and 3rd strike.
I beat my table and or mash coins

The logs are pretty embarassing, put here's the hog in question.

like deli meat.

Christ almighty


How do people get so angry at sfv? The angriest I've gotten was when a rashid stunned me and started to taunt repeatedly, but all that did was get me to mash out of stun (something I usually don't bother to do) and win the round.
The best part was that when I stunned him the 3rd round, all I did was pause for a bit right next to him and then kill him with a jump in.
The only thing that makes me remotetly frustrated is when someone with similar LP declines to rematch after a close win, but even then I kinda understand that they might be trying hard to acquire lp.
That, or they dislike playing mika. even though its season 2.5.

Underrated kek

I got pissed off at Jak 2 when I was like 14 and tried to eat my ps2 controller. I chipped my tooth on it and it's a constant reminder that I'm a fucking idiot.

I called Takeda Shingen a nigger while playing nobunaga's ambition iron triangle since I was trying to do an honest Houjou run without custom officers and he took over a castle I was about to take over locking me into having to wage war on a (seemingly) vastly powerful force which got me to also ragequit and never play the game again I also felt very silly about having called him such a word since I'm not the raging type

omfg this is real topkek

I wish my life was like this. Being a fucking idiot; realizing i'm a fucking idiot, no in between shit.

>this qualifies as a fat pig now
f-fuck I would hit that

>raged at Jak 2
Understandable, have a nice day.

nice kill