Divinity: Original Sin 2


3 days man... 3 days...

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EDT release on the 13th?

Neck is way too long.

No breasts here, friend.

Wow just 3 days til Ys VIII, I cant wait.

and also wome western shit about tranny goblins or some gay nonsense

they don't even have dicks. I guess female lizards must be thirsting for some cock.

Is Fane the only character with access to Time Warp? I don't really want to play a skeleton or an origin character the first time through (probably going to be a 3-4p co-op run) but fuck I want that spell.

Finally a new spotlight.

2 pm EST (steam store update time) would be my guess

>Wow just 3 days til Ys VIII
That's 1 day, shitposter. Even got the date wrong, not so much hype after all.

>no external penis therefore no dicks

Do you even yiff, you fucking newfag normie nigger?

hall of echoes is going to have some really nasty creatures

So, Sebille was raped?

Does GOG drop at the same time or what?
I mean if you have slave that you can control why not?


>butthurt scaly
It's time to admit your women need some human meat.

I dont get it
its already out on Early Access on Steam

Spooky dragon is spooky.

mindfucked just like in anime hentai

>Does GOG drop at the same time or what?
no idea

Repeatedly in every single orifice.

So, here I was trying to get the Elf free and had an idea
stealing the weed that the bandit has and placing it inside the orange
After a loot of work I manage to steal the weed and the cage key to boot
But when I try to place the weed inside the orange, the orange just disappears, I was so fucking disappointed
But at least I managed to free the slave with the key and some distractions

Who knows. Do lizards even find elves attractive?



>Divinity releases on thursday
>New Metroid releases on friday

I want companies to stop pushing this weekend meme and go back to the good old days where shit released on tuesday.

>Do lizards even find elves attractive?
Story of Red Prince clearly shows male lizards prefer other species to play with
Even if they are demons

They have cloacas.

just 1 act currently available so pre-order sillies can do some bug testing before launch. it's getting the full release in 3 days

When did it start?

She's trained to be a femme fatale, so I wouldn't disbelieve the idea that she's danced the horizontal tango with some people as part of the job, and since her job was apparently something she did while coerced and brainwashed, yeah, that'd pretty much mean she was raped.

Larger lizards have cocks sheathed inside of their cloacas.


I ain't posting the image directly because the mods will take a paddy. This is educational dammit.

Whoops, wrong link

And even act 1 has some things missing like 2 of the characters you can play as.

your prince looks like a fucking clown

>when I try to place the weed inside the orange, the orange just disappears
that was a cool idea but the orange is stuffed with tons of drundane.

>Unzips dick.gif
Lizards deserve death.

don't have the money right now to get this Game.
maybe end of the year.

Did they change the elves? I remember them being more beast like in early beta and having a body like it had no body fat at all.

Boners master race.

>Lohse and Sebille have the same VA
Swen please.

Mod will fix it. Even if you do have very shitty taste.

I know, I had the orange empty after the dreamer used it (which Sebille proceed to murder) and I thought it could work
but it didn't and I was disappointed to say the least

I can't access the VA page while at work, it's confirmed it's the same VA or they just sound alike?

I'd say it's lazy, but at the same time voice acting wasn't the plan originally as well.

So how do the party members work? You pick their class when you recruit them? If so, that's a really cool way of avoiding the metagaming having to look who is what ahead of time

Are they? They don't sound alike. On the other hand, Eden and Aloth exist, so...

What happened to elves?

Fuck, Eder


Not confirmed officially, but it's clearly Alix Wilton Regan doing both.

>wome western shit about tranny goblins or some gay nonsense

It's not, especially on higher pitch.

Who cares? Elves are vermin that belong in meat grinders and their remains strewn across fields to serve as compost.

Will health from skills like bloodsucker and mosquito swarm actually damage and undead pc?

Remember converting her to pragmatism? This is the end result of that happening to all elves.

Dumb scalieposter

>mad furry
lmao ill just kill all u shitters with my white male oc

Is there a hub or home area in this like OS 1 had that place you could teleport to to recruit your companions and shit?

Swen originally called them wood elves. Maybe there are different types of elves or maybe they just like changing thing for no real reason.


I guess one of us needs to get their hearing checked.
Maybe it's because I've heard her so many times already, but I'm 99% certain it's her.

Yes, it's a ship this time.

>Not fucking all the lizard girls as a warm blooded human and converting them to the church of hot throbbing cock

imgur post full

Space ship or big boat ship?

please let me do this


rogue galaxy kind of ship

I used to pack my party full with the cheap love interests whenever I played a cRPG and watch them go at each others throat.
in OS2 every male companion is so much more interesting tho, its a real shame.

Same here, and I'm sure Lohse isn't her. Guess we have to wait until official confirmation.

why would i fuck cloacas? it's not like it's a monster girl tier, it's like a full fucking lizard

You're fucking gross

So i'm guessing all healing form necromancer abilities is fine then?


Was slightly interested in it because Divinity 2 and Dragon Commander were fun, but holy shit the Elves in this game are beyond hideous.

3 more days until another shit Larian game filled with
>Shitty cliche story
>Boring one dimensional characters
>Retarded meme lol so randumb humor
>Dialogue so bad Chris Chan would blush
>you won't read this line you fucking faggot
>slow as molasses
>constant shilling
>outdated turn-based "combat"
>same reused graphics
>quests locked behind characters to make the game "longer"
>mages are op as shit and make every other class irrelevant
>LE interactive environment meme

Lizards can be cute. You telling me you wouldn't mating press this fine piece of ass?

they're a sub race of elves, wood elves that eat flesh to gain memories

ow, the edge.

Jokes on you I read it

no? it's literally just a dumber looking elf, literally same giraffe neck length

Knife-ear lovers deserve pain and suffering




I'd rather fuck a thicc dwarf than this walking beanstalk.

Need a Red Prince edit of this.
It's essentially his backstory.

Who scoundrel here?


This gif cuts the part where the bulbous end of the dick plops out of the cloaca

what's with all the elf haters
did /tg/ leak again

nah just mad lizard furries

Also they're always erect.

And local co-op. I think I'm the only person in the world excited for this specific feature.

Begone, elf fuckers.

It's a meme, they're jealous of the ears and superior intellect

Honestly I want to use local co-op, but I hate the idea of split screen instead of dual. Granted I only have a 24" monitor so it's probably not an issue for people with 28+.

Maybe it won't be that big of an issue since typically you're grouped together.

stop being angry about elves

>want to make a heavy armored knight, but this only has one viable build (STR) and isnt terribly interesting
>want to make a highly damaging melee character but scoundrel skills cant use swords, just boring knives
>want to make a wizard of some kind but really the elemental wizard with points in every school is the best
>dont want to make a ranger
>want to change the Red Prince's skin color but can't


Know your place, elf scum

The guy getting interrogated by the houndmaster gives you anything of value? I can't win the fight without gettim him killed

>viable builds

>It's in moonrunes