Legit question do you play as a boy or a girl?
I tried playing as a girl and I do marginally worse.
Legit question do you play as a boy or a girl?
I tried playing as a girl and I do marginally worse.
I play as a girl in pretty much everything, unless it's a character tied to the class (like borderlands or something)
i play exclusive as males except on games that you are forced to play a female character.
Depends who has cooler-looking equipment, animations, etc.
Or unless it's tied to a class like said.
I play female characters even when it's tied to class. Unless the male class is EXACTLY what I want to play in a given game, I'll go for a less optimal choice for my playstyle if it means I get to be a cute girl.
I like to play as girls in video games. Mainly because I want to be the little girl irl, but I'm not delusional/mentally ill enough to consider becoming a tranny. If there were a magical spell or pill that'd turn me into a cute girl I'd take it without a second thought, but I've long since accepted that will never happen. Living out my fantasies in video games is probably the closest I'll get, and it's by far the best outlet to express my inner desires in a way that's health to both my mental, physical, and social health.
People who "transition" are fucking weak.
if the girl's hot i play as the girl, if not i play as the dude.
The only exception to this rule is when the dude looks cooler than the girl
I play as female, because if I play as a male I can't stop staring at the characters ass and fantasizing about fucking it, which is weird because I'm not gay.
I don't have this problem with female characters thankfully.
I could never do that. I am pretty indifferent on playstyles, though, so I try to lean towards the girl character if I can. But Salvador and Krieg in Borderlands 2 for example are the most fun characters in the game, compared to Maya and Gage
That's actually pretty close to how I feel...
If the girl model is attractive, like in your example, I'll play as the girl.
I usually play as a male unless I can play as a tomboyish girl.
that's still like a tranny though
Shyah, you go girlfriend
If it's a game where you can create your own character like an MMO or Monster Hunter, usually a guy since armor tends to look better on them. Really depends on the overall art style as well. I'll make a girl every now and then but only if the art style actually makes them cute enough.
In shit like fighting games or class-based games where the gender can't be changed, then I with whoever is the most fun to play with. I don't tend to gravitate towards one over the other.
I play as whichever has the smallest model.
I'd rather RP as a girl in video games than mutilate my body with foreign hormones/surgery and turn myself into a social pariah so I can RP as a girl irl.
If that makes mr a tranny, so be it.
She knows.
First playthrough is always a guy, second playthrough a make a cute girl and role play.
A self-aware one that can accept the reality that no force on heaven or Earth will give me XX chromosomes, but yes.
Typically I base the character's gender off of what class I want them to be. Casters and healers tend to be female, while martial characters are male. If it's a non-class game I'll do whatever feels right at the moment.
>I play as the girl because they're better to look at
Why do people still say this when it's such obvious BS? The point of getting to choose a gender is to be able to self insert into the game, hence why male characters are fawned over by girls and female MCs by guys.
White knight male on first playthrough, evil turboslut on second one, if given the options.
This. Classes that mostly rely on magic or even Rogues I tend to make female, but Warriors/Knights/Paladins/etc are always male.