ITT: Oh yeah, that happened

ITT: Oh yeah, that happened.

Shit art design. Are you surprised?

Is this the arms thread? Ver:3 release date Wednesday

Nobody cares.


>look at shit
>get idea
>color it blue and slap it on your characters head
nintendos seal of approval guise

inb4 shit opinion


This game came out 7 months ago but feels like its been out for 2 years

She is super cute. Kinda looks like Leslie from parks and recreation

It's actually not that bad if you sit down with it and give it some investment.

Can't believe there's no demo on the eshop for this. I might buy it if I could give it a try.




Literaly Ryse 2, including forgetability.

They did like two TestPunches that lasted collectively 5 days or so over the span of a month before and a month AFTER the game came out.

Pic related

>pretending literally anyone cares about a dead game's updates

Yeah man, very exciting stuff

You cared enough to reply (:

>sony negroes get btfo for yet another month
>can't shitpost sales
>spastically try to shitppost arms and Rabbids as last resorts

Being a sony negroid must be suffering


>Biggest fighting game of 2017

Nintendo year olds, everyone

Have these threads all the time, the one time the OP has a Nintendo somehow it's a move with an agenda

c'mon man.

So, you often pretend to be retarded?

Knack 2 couldn't even break top 10 in their Europe and UK stronghold.

b-but Knack is b-back?


Outsold Tekken 7, the only competition

I guess they really need to cling onto any small victory they can get

I'm excited for Lola Pop!

id' post splatoon 2 but OP already did.


That's cute and all but ARMS is still a semidead mediocre game

Do you have a single fact to back that up?


so, metacritic score is an indicator on wether a game is dead or not?

THat's funny

He was probably saying that it was proof for the "mediocre" part. But, I mean, journalists knowing shit about fighting games is a joke

no buts its indicator if a game is good or not, also sales dont indicate whether if a game has legs or not, i mean SFV sold terribly and there's tons of people who play it religiously

Knack wasn't even good nor did it get good reviews? How did Knack 2 even happen?