We're nearing release Sup Forums and I wanted to get everyone's honest opinion, will it live up to hype or will it fall flat on it's face?
Shadow of War
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Will be a huge success. Normalfags will eat it up regardless of any controversies.
>another bamham reskin
In the trash it goes
What hype?
>Cash me six feet under
>Shelob dindu nuffin the game
If you're mindless you may enjoy it.
I'll probably pirate it. Wouldn't even consider buying it because of their tripple A jew shop.
Fags are defending the microtransactions.
I dont see any reason for this game to garner more popularity than the last one
It's gonna be mediocre as shit, but make a decent sum of cash because it has pretty wide appeal with normies.
Not gonna set the world on fire/10
Will pirate.
Tell you in a couple years when I pick up the GOTY edition from the bargain bin
Watch. This and Origins are gonna sell like fire.
Loved the first one. Story missions sucked, but the nemesis system was so fun. Looks like it'll be pretty good.
The first one is in a unique league of games for me, along side the mad max game. They look so boring they aren't even worth a pirate.
I was really excited for this but the microtransactions and the fucking disgusting dead dev dlc killed it.
the first one was fun and this one looks fun, the microtransactions don't at all seem necessary
i really wish WB would stop fucking jewing their games though, they did this with Arkham Knight and MKX too.
I was genuinely interested, because I had a blast with shadow of mordor. But now that I know it'll have microtransactions - fuck it. Maybe I'll pick it up in a couple of years in a bargain bin.
Any interest I had dissipated when they announced microtransactions in a single-player game, and now I know it's bullshit loot boxes I don't even plan on buying it years down the line. It's a shame because as easy as the first game was I actually enjoyed it a lot. WB can get fucked, I hope they don't pull this shit with Dying Light 2 when it's announced.
>charging five dollars for a tribute to a recently dead person
Warner Bros is fucking scum.
....and yet...
they will. they have been doing this for every single new release post-Shadow of Mordor. they're as cunty as Ubisoft, EA and Activision now.
>Sup Forums flips out on the lootboxes in this game
>but no in games like pubg, etc.
You should know by now the more microtransactions and scummy business practices a video game has the more money it makes. Gamers are an extremely exploitable demographic and will pay through the nose regardless of quality of the game itself
Yeah, I know they probably will. I mean Dying Light has that docket system so no doubt that will get turned in to a microtransaction. I hope Techland manage to get the rights to the series or just makes something better on their own.
Consider the following. PUBG loot boxes are cosmetic. Yes, it's shitty but they are only cosmetic. Shadow of War, you can buy loot boxes that give you better followers, currency, etc. Since SoW also has a multiplayer aspect, this makes it pay to win, despite it costing around about $60 in the first place.
Therefore, it is infinitely worse.
>lootboxes are just random gear in a random loot based game
I should care and be upset about this why? As if you don't get enough random trash loot in games like this.
>Consider the following. PUBG loot boxes are cosmetic.
It's content you can't otherwise get which is gated behind lootboxes in a paid beta (early access) game.
In SoW it's just random gear shit you'll be swimming in anyway, you lose out on jack shit.
It's worse in PUBG.
Another reminder of just how horrible Warner Bros and DC's become.
You shouldn't care about it if u gonna grind hours and hours to get a piece of gear or an orc you want.
>mobile game is a rip-off
Whoa, stop the presses.
>You shouldn't care about it if u gonna grind hours and hours to get a piece of gear
Why would I grind for that shit? I fucking hate random loot. If I liked that shit I would be playing Destiny and autistically grind the same fucking content 500 times over for the same piece of loot, only with slightly better numbers.
>an orc you want.
Why would I grind for that shit?
D-did you fucking read any of that, you raging autist? It is literally pay to win in a game that costs £45. It blows PUBG out of the water, you faggot.
OP here, while I understand the outrage against Micro-transactions, is there anything else wrong with the game? I'd just play it for fun, I don't want a follower with good stats, I want him to have a personality
cashgrab game
>It is literally pay to win
Pay to win in a singleplayer game? Are you fucking retard- no wait, I shouldn't even ask that when I know the answer.
Are you telling me you can't beat the game without the lootboxes? In a sequel to one of the most braindead easy fucking games I've played in the last 10 years and you seem to be even more fucking OP in this game?
For fucking real?
Mega retard.
Fucking kill yourself you subhuman ape.
no, other than WB manipulating a man's death for profit
the game will just be like the last one except bigger and with more things to do so if you liked that game then there's no definitive reason not to get this unless you aren't interested.
>loot boxes
wait this isn't another single player game?
What makes it cancerous is that they're going to deliberately craft the game to entice you to buy the microtransactions. Anything you work for in-game will either take months of tedious grinding or have lackluster result, that's how microtransaction games work now.
Dungeon Keeper Mobile was a horrible early example of this.
There's a multiplayer mode you fucking mong
>Anything you work for in-game will either take months of tedious grinding
Are you talking about this game? You're literally pulling shit out of your ass.
Give me some examples of shit you would need to grind for months in this game.
I was excited for this when they revealed it but the most recent news headlines about it have really poured water on that. The game will be successful but I don't think it'll make a long-lasting impression for any good reasons.
>There's a multiplayer mode you fucking mong
And I should care about some tacked on shitty MP mode to a singleplayer focused game, why?
The so called "charity dead man dlc" If they really wanted to help the guys family they should of made the dlc free and donated a percentage of the overall sales to his family.
>The so called "charity dead man dlc" If they really wanted to help the guys family they should of made the dlc free and donated a percentage of the overall sales to his family.
You're downright delusional if you think any company would ever sign a deal where a group of people would get a set percentage of a game's overall sales.
You think investors would greenlit that?
If it was free then nothing would go to his family. Only if it was paid would any of it be allowed to go to them. Wake up to reality. So if anything it should've been a free tribute, but then his family would've gotten jack shit.
>t. someone who never played the last game, let alone who knows what they're talking about in regards to this one
These games are piss-easy. Perhaps the armors and weapons will be somewhat "difficult" to get normally since they're random like the last game, but literally every other thing you can acquire in a loot box is very easily gained.
No. As the other user said, it's more of the same, but with extras. And this time around you can play on hard, so there's that too.
Kind of tragic. The game looks great, but WB are a bunch of fucking slimy shit bags and I don't want to give them a penny.
I'm getting real fucking tired of publishers absolutely ruining the hard work of decent developers.
No, retard, there isn't. It's just an MGSV FOB style fort invasion mode where you try to capture a fort in a certain amount of time.
Will be glad to pirate. Even if its months after release. Just as I think companies cant get more jewish they pulled this shit game from their greedy assess.
The more I hear about this game the less interested I get. I was really hyped for it when the fist gameplay trailer come out, but now with all the microtransactions, dlc and stupid shit they are doing, I decided to completely ignore anything about this until it comes out and I play a pirated copy to decide if I'll buy it or not.
I'm just waiting for sfm orc porn. Didn't like the first game and this one looks to be more of the same with microtransaction cancer on top.
why do you feel the need to speak so strongly about things you clearly have no idea about
I liked the first game but I'm not hyped because it looks like it plays exactly like the first
What controversy, what the fuck is going on now
From the trailers it looks like they cut out a lot of the trash "stealth"sections which is fantastic news, those fuckers couldn't spot you from 10ft away.
They're not going to include microtransactions in this game without implementing new mechanics and features that'll manipulate you into wanting to buy them. It'll be just like with crafting materials in Dead Space 3.
Well whatever, you guys seem content to defend this shit to the end. Enjoy letting Warner Bros suck you dry.
I'm sure you'll enjoy having to watch commercials in your games too some day.
I haven't played it but it looks alright if you're into those open world type games. the problem is that people are spending obscene amounts of cash for video games than they used to
I remember back in my day you used to be able to put in cheat codes and unlock new stuff.. now you have to buy them with real money
no idea, I watched the E3 trailer but gave up halfway because there was this orc who will never shut up
that's what I want in a western action generic game, more "writing"
it will be another "oh look it happened" where everyone will buy it, then finish it (not hard when the boss will be a QTE or a cut-scene) and forget about it
people will even forget they bough the dlc for it
>What controversy, what the fuck is going on now
People just hear the word microtransactions and loot chests and get triggered, even though the loot chests in this game is the lamest shit.
It's like going to the beach to buy sand. No sane person would ever consider buying more loot in a loot driven game.
...But it's a singleplayer game isn't it?
It's like you didn't even read the posts you were replying to. Why don't you actually look at a single minute of gameplay that's been released? Not a single thing indicates any of the autistic claims you're making. The only realistic thing you could foresee is them making the actual loot more challenging to get, as already stated, but orcs and animals are as piss-easy as ever to recruit.
It's just funny how vocal you want to be even though it's so obvious you're retarded and actually don't have a clue as to what you're talking about. No one in the thread has even defended WB's business practices, it just doesn't take a genius to see that they're not mandatory. It seems like your understanding of microtransactions and their implementation in general is very lacking.
Try again some time, maybe when you actually know what you're talking about and you aren't just parroting what your fav outraged e-celebs say.
the final straw
>They're not going to include microtransactions in this game without implementing new mechanics and features that'll manipulate you into wanting to buy them
So far we have yet to see shit like that and unlike you I only go on facts.
>Dead Space 3.
Massively different. The entire way Dead Space played was changed in DS3 to support microtransactions. With Shadow of War, pretty much nothing was altered. You got runes (random loot) in the first game from slaying orcs, now you get physical loot instead.
>Well whatever, you guys seem content to defend this shit to the end.
I only get mad if there is something worth getting mad about. Get mad about the random loot chests in a loot driven game is dumbest fucking shit.
I fucking hate random loot, why in the FUCK would I PAY to buy more random fucking loot? They won't gate your progress with that shit and even IF the game gets a tad difficult for some fucking reason if you don't then I'd fucking welcome it because the first game was fucking easy as piss.
Meanwhile you chucklefucks defend fucking cosmetic loot chests which is far fucking worse, now THAT is fucking triggering me. Cosmetics are still content which is fucking gated. Not only that said cosmetics are random so you can't even buy the fucking shit you want directly.
Pick your battles, you dumb cunt.
>doesn't give examples
>can't even come up with one instance where this would happen even though the people arguing against you already have
this is embarrassing mate. stop talking out your ass.
>...But it's a singleplayer game isn't it?
And? It's random loot in a game all about random loot. It's pointless.
If it's pointless than why are there lootboxes if there's no point in buying them? It takes away from the apparently limited gameplay
>I'm gonna make a bunch of assumptions about this game I know nothing about and compare its microtransaction system to that of another game which is completely different
Wow, you sure showed them! Showed them you're an absolute idiot, I mean. As the others have said, you should think about actually paying a bit of attention to what you're talking about before you go off regurgitating the same shite that's already been said a hundred times.
>If it's pointless than why are there lootboxes if there's no point in buying them?
For dumb fucks to buy them.
Why would I ever buy lootboces with more random loot? Maybe if for some ungodly reason you sucked so hard at the game you couldn't progress because normal orcs were kicking your ass, but in that case why aren't you working for Polygon?
>they will make getting things impossible in a game where you can acquire things (orc recruits, executions, etc) in practically one-two button presses
makes sense, good hypothesis. might as well just be completely dumb and say something like "well they COULD change the whole game and have it centered around loot boxes!"
they are for dumb/lazy people. this is the same reason "unlock everything" packs exist for games like battlefield, hell WB even did it in mortal kombat x...
They are shortcuts. The higher in price, the easier the game becomes and the more OP you and your army get. Nothing in the game has changed.
SoM was a cool concept but the combat was just so fucking boring
>I fucking hate random loot
>Why would I grind for that shit?
There is no point to play this game then, it's all about it.
I'm going to love it regardless of anything most likely so long as its only just 'better', small quality of life improvements here and there, pretty much the same combat, maybe slightly better..who knows. I still play the first game from time to time because its just silly dumb mindless fun.
You haven't lived if you've never spent a drunk night with ME:SOM just sadistically hunting down and chopping up orcs and looking for trouble.
Really really hopping they bring back avenge mode or whatever, seeing what other people died to and getting a chance to try it yourself was always amazing.
i'll get it. i just won't buy any of that extra cash grab stuff. literally every modern game is like that now and the simple way to get around it is to just not buy that extra shit
They could of easily done it to a set amount or just donated to the family, but no they are releasing it as DLC so Sony, Microsoft and Steam get 30% of the sales.
what combat would you have done?
What multiplayer?
>if single-button combat (with finishers or whatever.. like SoM)
>multi-button, allowing creativity
3 buttons x 3 is 27 permutations.
>forced un-needed multlayer
>the elf s suddenly on saurons side
I hope it burns, dies and then burns some more
6 button is infinitely better
i can see how nu/v/ would fall in love with basically no variance 3 button though
For example?
>pay to win
>except you can't actually harm the other player in any way
>defender orcs can't die for the player that put them there
>only attacking orcs can die
first game was alright to be honest, I'm guessing it's gonna be a solid 7/10 once the GOTY edition comes out with all DLC included etc
There is no hype. You either liked the first one or you didnt
Oh there's no way this won't sell like hotcakes. It's not for me though. I don't like the lorerape and quite frankly I bought the first game on a 5 dollar sale recently and I haven't played more than 30 minutes in it. I haven't even seen lorerape yet because to me it is just so mindnumbingly boring. I've turned it on 4 times since the first time and each time I do I turn it off without even moving because just looking at the damn game sucks the desire to play out of me. It's just so fucking drab.
once the goty edition comes but until then its gonna be 5/10
It will be a huge financial success because of the Lord of the Rings property and normalfags that don't give a shit about the industry.
The game itself will likely be a competent sequel to a decent game that will be bogged down due to its terrible publisher.
All in all, a typical modern AAA release.
youre a christphobe
Considering the microtransactions and perhaps more importantly the first game, it's either pirate tier or wait for a >=50% off sale.
I'm not spending more than $10 on that shit
Its not even pirate able because its always online. They can't let you play without supervision since you might cheat up some super orcs and mess up multiplayer.
The graphics look like ass