Fuck off, Gabe

Fuck off, Gabe.

How come your lockscreen is young Orson Welles

kys commie

le see through attempt at a Sup Forums thread


is that fidel castro

nice one jew

no it's justin trudeau

>le boogieman


lot of butthurt capitalists ITT



>tfw Sup Forums is too dumb even for the most obvious bait
lel just fucking burn this shithole down


The time for "Don't steppy" is over.
People will accept the free market if they like it or not.

the commies we see won't be enjoying much of anything anymore

Based comrade

They can enjoy free helicopter rides.

I like this feature and hate it at the same time. Soon I will have a mighty collection of games I will never play

why are americans so easily triggered by communism?

Joker doesn't deserve to be on that pic.
I cringed so hard my eyeball got a blister

it's a survival mechanism.
people who aren't triggered by commies end up dead

Or people can recognize the irony of the situation and didn't take the bait. Oh no what if your post was ironic bait? Now I'm the retard.

You bought Miscreated too? Man I hope it's not shit but it probably is, half off tho.

>buy a capitalist product
>put a picture of a communist on it
Ché would have been disgusted.

>tfw over 5000 steam games but I'm playing Paper Mario

Why do you have a picture of Justin Trudeau as your wallpaper?

Alright, I won't be able to hold a candle to that.

Kiko Rivera


prove him wrong

>what is venezuela
inb4 not real socialism

nothing he said is supported by evidence

venezuela is capitalist

norway is socialist

When I was young I used to make fun of those guys who pretended that communism was still a thing to defend some regressive position...it's 20 years later and they are still saying this

called it

Famous drummer Tito Puentes.

Oни вce eщe ccyт нac, пpocтo.

what a flippant post