Wargame: Red Sale on Steam

What's the opinion of v on this game? Can some oldfag recall the glorious days of the Reddit VS Sup Forums matches? Why isn't this game more popular?

Why is Israel so stronk, goyim?

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Can also anyone give me tips on this game, since it looks like there's an Everest-high learning curve?

If you have /k/ommon-sense the game shouldn't be too hard. You have to learn the meta units however.

I think I lack /k/ommon sense, as in every rts I'lltry to attain air superiority by darkening the sky with my aircrafts, but here I can't for obvious reasons.

What I'm having a lot of problems with right now is finding a way to open up the match, I don't know which units to take and which to not, well except recon, I never begin a match without at least a recon squad

>Why isn't this game more popular?
Because nobody knows how to fucking play it.

But by bearly playing 10 hours I improved from a lot, and I'm not even that skilled with vidya

tips :
1. use a lot of recon (at least with very good optics)
2. having a lot of anti-air in forward positions is important (especially if you want to push and survive panic-bombers)
3. use infantry in forests and towns
4. don't leave towns undefended (they're basically fortresses)
5. don't play 10v10s
6. keep your units in cover
7. buy cheap defenses for your CVs
8. don't use helo CVs
9. usually, always get the high-end version of a unit unless it's infantry or a tank
10. move forward your mortars and MLRSs so they have a tighter radius
11. don't pair up your choppers or else they'll take more damage

Infantry are your bread and butter units in forests and cities. Tanks are your main units everywhere else.

Your tanks are only as strong as how well they're supported. They need recon to see enemies to shoot at (at least very good optics). They need anti-air to survive against ATGM helos and ATGM planes (hard-counters of tanks).

Ground ATGM units are useful at their max-range and to defend towns. MANPADS are good in cheeky forward positions like towns or hidden behind a mountain peak.

If you need to push, have A LOT of AA ready in forward positions and cheap recon to support your push. Get some ASFs hovering near the front line. Try to panic enemy positions by using MLRSs first. Don't send all your troops at once. Send cheap units like infantry and low-cost tanks to begin the assault and have your main units cover them from a safe position. Once you have a foot-hold, send your main force.

Attack helicopters are best used as defensive rapid-response units. You can also rush the enemy base with them if you're a fag.

If you want to get to good positions first at the beginning of the game, pick a coalition with a good AA helo and do a helo drop at the middle of the map (preferably on a town).

>Why isn't this game more popular?
contrary to popular belief, you don't draw in newcommers by complex competetive MP, but by good story-based SP. Longer you can keep them entertained with SP, better chance they will try MP. And if campaign or/and tutorial can teach them enough to not get smashed by meta fast enough to not learn a thing, then you have a winrar.

I see that the SP campaign is not exactly a strong point of the game, being simply revisiting, albeit with some simplifications the various wars at the end of the last century.
The tutorial, oh God almighty, it's an abomination.
I read it for the sake of certainty, but it doesn't give you even the roughest idea of how to behave in game.

>TFW I couldn't get into Wargame
I tried so hard to like it but I just couldn't, whether I played 10vs10, 2vs2 or even 1vs1. I think I'm too stupid to play anything this complex, just went back to playing Company of Heroes.