Gravity Rush

Did you like Gravity Rush ?

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It's a lot of fun. Controls aren't perfect, but being able to fly around and explore the worlds is nice. Kind of makes me think of Nights in a way, but without the arcard-y flying through rings stuff.

Yes, I love Kat!

1 was decent but i didnt like 2 at all

It's a fun game, people who don't like the controls need to git gud

it's still a GOTY contender imho

What happened to the manga?

the games are good.

Playing 1 atm. Game's simple as fuck, just aim at the target and fall towards it. Flying around is fun though.

Yes, especially 2. Everything was a step up, from storytelling to gameplay mechanics to the controls.

I want to marry Kat and start a family!

It will never happen

i just wish there were more of people pictures to rate in 2, i have alot of fun seeing some of the stuff people come up with

Me too

Sony's best female character, everyone



Yes. My girlfriend is beautiful and cute. We are so happy together :)

I think I fell in love with this game.
World, characters and OST, everything is so magical and new.
Camera and controls are kinda off tho.

It's my favorite new IP of the generation.

watch it buddy, this is my wife you're talking about here

Delete this

what the fuck

Nice joke there kid. Really funny. Now go away,
My girlfriend is becoming uncomfortable with you here.

Alley Kat

she's cute when she's mad

wear a bra

and get checked for bacterial diseases

While you arguing about Kat, please remember to tell her to fuck off from Raven hidden food stash, we don't like when you stealing our food.

Yes. I platinumed the first on Vita and PS4, and am working on the plat for 2 now.

I believe in you.

That's my Kat haha. I love her so much :)

i'm so lonely


at least you're not shipping her with the boy from ape escape, then assuming they're your wife and son

Right when I finished Gravity Rush 2,
I had a dream. In that dream, Kat and I were in a room and she was wearing her schoolgirl uniform. I don't remember it very well, but I think we were just laying in the sofa talking about fun things. Then this chad comes into the room and they start kissing and fondling each other and I just stood there heart broken. When I woke up, I couldn't stop thinking about the dream and I was so fucking depressed that even my brother noticed and he's like "Dude, you alright?" and I just gave him a look of a cry for help and said "yes".

I know user, i know.

I feel the same. Good taste tho.

Even in your dreams you get cucked.

someone once said they dreamed of the wolfenstein guy helping them dating kat

you can see her nipples poking through the burglar suit in game
its alot of fun

You can see her butt in the 2B costume.

Also for Jazz singer and work clothes.
School uniform have the best panties.

Nice puffy pussy

Kat a cute



user got cucked but BJ.

Kat pleasures Dogs for Gems.

Kat is ugly

>with jews you loose


well I still got cucked


>ywn lick her entire body
Why live?

Is this game as much fun to play as it is to masturbate to?

Kat needs more art

For me it is.

2 is probably my favourite game ever. It's not flawless, but it's probably the closest any game will ever be to "perfect" for me.

Both games appeal to me so much in such specific ways and 2 ironed out the bigger issues the first game had. I really couldn't ask for more.


The only thing I want from this series now is to play as Yunica.
overall best girl


I guess even Kat wants 2B her


Oh fuck you.

you'll get an infection

her bacteria can eat through condoms


She'll just wipe the std's with her gravity powers

1 was great and made me feel like the series have potential.
2, however, ruined that potential with shitty missions, the main overarching plot of 1 being nonexistent until a last hidden act, gameplay still not that great (but improved), lame mining shit no one cares about and an ending that was so rushed and so lame that I lost faith in the series.


I love it and Kat is so damn cute.
I did make the mistake of playing 2 first, tried playing 1 after and it is just too clunky, limiting and slow comparatively

Yes. Currently awaiting for pic related.

I want a Kat nendoroid


I liked when she sings


I want Kat to sit on me

yunica sucks dick

I thought it was pretty boring desu. It just felt really repetitive to me, I gave up after about 3 hours.

You are going to like what I like and you are going to like it


I've been to over 10 GR threads trying to find out what people like about the game, and they were all waifufagging. I mean, nothing against it, but don't try to pretend that anyone gives a shit about the game itself.


you don't really get games with this type of gameplay very often

You're too lazy to read the posts, anyway

3D beatemup is fairly common, and the gravity thing isn't that cool, now

>lady Kat!
>I love Kat!
>mating press with Kat!
>1 as meh, 2 was horrible
>here's 5 facts about Kat!
>Kat's forehead!
>uhmm who let you post pictures of my wife?

am I?

You're even worse

look at this thread and the proportions of waifuposting vs posts about the game, you deluded fuck

Cee wee wee!


Never caught my interest, dropped it relatively quickly. My hatred of French probably doesn't help.

They're kind of niche for a reason

cee wee

>mfw the Eto chapter
It kinda feels like they had a lot of dropped backstory from the first game they didn't know what to do with nor explain properly.


If any of you were to make new moves after Jupiter and Lunar styles, what would they be?

all right, now I'll quote waifuposting (Sup Forums wouldn't let me quote these many posts, thought it was spam)
and you claim that I'm cherrypicking

c'mon now

Aju ju!

I loved the game, I really did, but the terrible side missions and the story really soured it a bit for me. Kat, the OST and the gameplay made it up for me though.

>I've been to over 10 GR threads trying to find out what people like about the game, and they were all waifufagging. I mean, nothing against it, but don't try to pretend that anyone gives a shit about the game itself.
Your whole arguement was that gameplay related posts never existed and now it's that they do, but there's not enough of them.
You're never gonna get satisfaction, so you might as well just fuck off.

inb4 when someone says they're going to catch a cold you think people are actually trying to capture low temperature


I bet you think that Backpedal means a pedal in the back seats, so I have no idea what you're talking about, captain autismo

I want to cum inside of Kat

Brown girls are objectively patrician. Both in 2D and 3D.