You have one month of free time.
What games would you play during this month off?
You have one month of free time.
What games would you play during this month off?
If I had a month off I'd find something better to do than play video games
Plenty I guess.
Rainbow 6 Siege, Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, Morrowind, WoW, FFXIV, Yakuza Kiwami, and I guess I might check my backlog.
Man, OP sure did a good job making this normalfag bait
how can american women even compete?
One month of free time? Suddenly I don't want to play games
all my life is a free time
My whole life's free time, nigger. Disability cash.
I L L .
No you wouldn't.
So you'd be playing JRPGs then?
I find myself playing less games the more free time I have.
Sad but what can ya do.
what's so normalfag about not wanting to spend an entire month cooped up inside your house?
unironically this.
t. normie
Look, you already made it obvious so there's no need to keep doing this.
stop acting like Sup Forums is not a 99% normalfags
I've had more than a year of free time now and I have barely played any game. Exccessive free time does that to you, you stop finding vidya enjoyable at all.
I spent two months cooped up in my house playing video games following foot surgery. Cleared some games off the backlog
No, being a faggot does that to you.
I spend all my time on Sup Forums and feel guilty after the month is done because I wasted it.
I usually play more casual games that I can put down at a moments notice due to errands and the like as I've gotten older. There is less of a chance for me to feel exasperation that I can't get fully immersed into a game like I used to. So I guess if I had a month of solid don't have to do anything I would probably crack into an rpg, or maybe get into a game that took a lot of time with a decent story. I might get into divinity original sin 2 with a friend if I had a bit more free time maybe.
i disagree, i've been on unemployment for a year after working full time for five years and it's been the best time of my life
i can do whatever i want whenever i want, sleep as much or as little as i want, play video games for 8 hours straight every day
the only downside is that i can barely afford to eat after paying rent, but hey whatever
That's not free time that's called depression.
Try it out for some more years and slowly watch as you want to kill yourself more and more every day.
I've had 7 years of free time. I've played everything.
How the fuck do you get these?
>Try it out for some more years
Let me guess, you're like 24?
>tfw actually handicapped but doctor cucked me out of gimmedats
wrong board
20, actually
uni dropout
I have free time now but i don't feel like playing games, its just too boring, but i'm looking to pick a Xbone in christmas and buy Fifa, FF XV and a shooter game, i'm excited!
19 here, i dropout too like a month ago, feelsbad.
but with all my backlog i still end up wasting more time here then playing
i need to get back to MH:stories now tho
MH is my crack, i need worlds!!!!
DoS2, Death of the Outsider and TWWH2. I wouldn't have enough time in a single month to finish up with them though.
gonna try and get my shit straight this year, start hitting the gym, go to psychiatrist, get drivers liscense so next year I can start uni anew
we're all gonna make it brah
If you're being serious. How much you're getting a week?
I plan on do the same, but i don't really gonna hit the gym, just do Home workout, pay for my dermatologist because my face doesn't look like pizza but i have acne scars and prob grow myself and be more mature, if i comeback to the Uni i will change the major, We're all gonna make it indeed brah.
This was a pretty benign post to warrant deletion.
I'd probably just waste my time piddling around in mediocre open world RPGs.