What can Nintendo do to win back your trust?

What can Nintendo do to win back your trust?

Announce Pikmin 4 and 2 new Metroid games.

Fed Force wasnt bad, it just came out at the wrong time. Would have been better to come out after The new games.

Hey Pikmin isnt bad at all and Colour Splash was just a 7/10

stop licensing their IPs to shitty devs

Super mario rpg 2
Paper fucking mario without bullshit

>just dont buy their shit games

They've already won me back with ARMS though I think the ARMS devs are probably the most competent devs at Nintendo right now, they actually seem to listen to complaints and fix them.

Metroid Prime 4's been announced so we'll see how that pans out. Unlike Federation Force which caused a big fuss, Hey Pikmin is just kind of forgettable. Probably because Pikmin 3 was more recent than any big Metroid title though.

The Paper Mario series will probably change again considering it changed after the first two entries in the series, and the guy in charge was scared of making the games too similar. Hopefully that means the Sticker Star/Color Splash gameplay won't be here long.

It'd really win me over if they made an actual Mario Party game again.


Make a good game and DON'T meme it up with stupid fucking gimmicks.

>Furfag franchise
>Spin off AND caring about Metroid past Super
>Who the fuck cares about paper mario after 64
>Wonderful 101 but shitter.
Nintendo did nothing wrong.

They've gotten better with their partnerships. See Mario + Rabbids. It's an incredible game. And their first-party games like BOTW, Splatoon 2 are also fantastic. And the little bit of ARMS I've played has been solid.

Other than Hey Pikmin, this is false. They were either made by good 2nd party devs, in house, or in a partnership with good 3rd parties devs with a history of good games.

It's obvious that the Nintendo direction for all those projects are what caused them to bomb. We could easily have a good Paper Mario game, but we won't because of multiple boneheaded decisions on what Paper Mario is supposed to be now.

Star Fox Zero could have been good if it wasn't the fucking 3rd reboot of the series with forced motion tablet controls. Fed Force could have been good if it just wasn't called Metroid and focused more on content.

All Nintendo-directing related fuck ups.

A VR sex game with Krystal.

Was color splash actually bad?

I thought Hey Pikmin was pretty good overall.

remove Miyamoto's ability to make executive decisions or influence games he isn't actively involved in

It was pretty much Sticker Star 2.0: Console version.

Did it have a more interesting story? Yeah.
Was it funnier with more memorable characters? Sure.
Was the battle system better? Kind of.
Was it even close to PM64 or TTYD? No fucking way.

You just can't take the absolute most boring formula for a game possible and only tweak it to make it good. You absolutely have to flush Stick Star mechanics down the fucking toilet and start anew.

Melee HD

>Was color splash actually bad?

And it was especially insulting to make a copypaste sequel after Sticker Star was met with such backlash.

I've never seen a company as out-of-touch with their fanbase as Intelligent Systems.

ehh, already have that on PC
>climbing into krystal's gigantic cunny shadow of the colossus style in supersampled VR
feels good my man

>Was the battle system better? Kind of.
Honestly, I thought it was worse

You could get away with not using "thing" stickers to trivialize the bossfights in Sticker Star. No fucking dice in Colour Splash.

>Cherry Pciking the image the thread

BotW best game this decade

Mario odyssey going to be the second best game this decade

What is Splatoon 1 and 2 with a new and fresh take on shooters

Arms with a hot new take on Fighting games
Mario and Rabbids bringing a new IP with one of the least used concepts on consoles

Like IntSys had anything to do with Miyamoto's decision to scrap their beta of basically TTYD 2, remove all fun and characters and make the most boring game ever made.

Release a current gen console, its that simple.

Stop this. People don't actually want this

Everything about color splash was 9/10 except for the rpg mechanics, which make the game pretty much unplayable. If they had stripped them out like they did in Super Paper Mario the game would have been phenominal

>Cherry Picking
That's not what cherry picking is. That's 4 completely different IPs, and the newest game in each of them. All of them completely missing the point in why each of their respective franchises got famous.

Also thanks for the trip, now I can ignore you.

b-but paper jam was g-good hahahaha.....

don't start this autistic argument

They already have. Zelda and Mario being great, back to basics sequels and Splatoon and Arms being great new franchises really solidifies that Nintendo still has it, and that their new devs have a bright future

I do with Smash 4's roster.

Release a non-gimmick console that can run normal multiplats using a standard controller and voice chat.

IS should still be held accountable considering it's not just Paper Mario that is in a slump. Fates outside Conquest gameplay and maps was a fucking disaster.

Release a system that-
• Uses a controller that looks like a controller
• Contains zero built-in gimmicks (examine every playstation console, every directXbox, and the NES & SNES for examples)
• Is accessible to third party devs due to its robust SDK
• Is desirable to third party devs (and consumers) due to its industry leading hardware specs

I present to you that we haven't seen a home console from nintendo that ticks all of these boxes since 1990, and I for one resent the fact that I need to buy some meme-box just so I can play zelda and metroid games.

It was boring as shit. Who thought making Escort missions that take ages even when 4 people push the payload was a good idea?

The only fun mission in the entire fucking game was the Metroid lab one.

I had a right giggle when the game sold like shit and my friends were defending it before it's release

It won't be the same game nor have the same exploits. Nintendo has moved beyond Melee.

abolish DLC
abolish Amiibos
erase Pokemon Sun/Moon from history

>people think S/M are the worst Pokemon games ever when the absolute trainwreck that is X/Y exist

I will never understand this. Did the removal of gyms and more text in the beginning really trigger people that bad?

Wow your still butthurt about those games even after stuff like BOTW, ARMS, Splatoon 2, Samus Returns, and Mario Odyssey?

>Samus 2
>Prime 4
They already did

>Abolish DLC
Haha no
I'd love it if they abolished DLC that you have to pay for but I like my free ARMS updates thank you very much

Regardless, they would get my trust back if they did this.

Ridley on the Smash roster.

So pretty much won't ever trust them again.

you forgot Mario Tennis ultra smash, animal crossing amiibo festival, and mario party 10

> good 3rd party dev
> hey pikmin

Why isn't Zip Dash and Yoshi's New Island on there?

Fire Tanabe.

Release an awesome hybrid system with a new Zelda, 3D Mario, Xenoblade, and Splatoon in the same year.

Oh hey!

Seriously modernize their online systems. No friend codes, no phone app bullshit, no 300x100 drawing canvasses.
Make all DLC free, including Amiibos, though preferably all that immersion-shattering Amiibo crap ala BotW should just be deleted. Should've put those resources into, I dunno, some more quests?
Publish AM2R on the 3DS and the Switch and pre-load it on all systems.
Unfuck the Smash Bros series. Take cues from Project M.
Port everything to PC and the other consoles, including modding tools. I want to play Mario in 4k at 60fps, man. I don't care about the portable gimmick. I hate having to buy consoles just for the exclusives. I don't care how much you think it'll "feel wrong".

Get the fuckheads over at Konami to release Magician's Quest: The Town of Magic in the west.

Would have had a slightly less shitty reception if it was announced after they announced another mainline game.
Not in the middle of bum fuck nowhere with no word of a mainline game in sight and after a several year silence on the franchise brought about by a one of very few terrible metroid games.

Nothing. I'm a grown man and I don't need to play some sad little baby shit.

Project M.

Paper Mario without bullshit
Mario Party without bullshit

Then you would still have Nothing but Toads and color splash and sticker star bullshit.
Miyamoto despises Toad. He was never his decision for basically anything of the last two paper mario games.
Tanabe is the culprit for those games as well as Federation forces.

this is actually my big dream
"guys... what if we made these multiplayer games have actual player agency and interesting interaction instead of just dice-rolling shit?"

>Nintendo got this idea, at some point, that players who sucked at games should be given unspeakable power at the crucial moments of a race. Using this power, they can disrupt all players’ fun and destroy the possibility of some players winning the race. One of these unspeakable powers is the Lightning Bolt. You can only get it if you’re in last-ish place. When you use the Lightning Bolt, it slows all of the other drivers down, making it so that everyone else playing the game is groaning through their teeth that the jerk who sucks enough to be in last place used a Lightning Bolt to ruin everyone’s fun.
>It’s like, in Mario Kart, if you have a Lightning Bolt, it’s already sort of a lost cause. When you use it, you’re probably thinking, “This isn’t fun if I don’t win, so I don’t want everyone else to have any fun, either.”
>Maybe if Nintendo wants to keep all gamers welcome, they could stop cramming their games with mudslides and banana peels and heat-seeking red shells and gophers that jump up out of nowhere and squids that shoot ink in your god darn face.

They already did. BOTW was great, Mario looks great and hopefully Prime 4 will be great too. Plus they have SMT V which may be exclusive and a new FE in the works

I just meant regular Mario Party without car shit

well heck off then, mate, I want a mario party where all the minigames share the same platformer control scheme and have as little direct RNG as possible. chance time is terrible RNG. minigame selection being RNG is alright.

Which they did?

stupid RNG is part of the fun of mario party, my dude, it's not supposed to be a test of skill

Release a console with more than 4 good games
>But metacritic loves all of these really shitty games
>Mariokart 8:NOT EVEN FUCKING TRYING ANYMORE EDITION is actually very good

Yes, that was the implication of his post.

Are you on the autism spectrum by any chance?

>people are still hating on starfox zero
I liked it, the controls weren't that hard to learn. I don't get the issue here

What flaws are in X&Y that aren't in S&M?

why do you feel like Mario Kart 8 wasn't trying?

then why are Bonus Stars an option you have the choice of turning on or off?

I'm really glad that we got ALBW and BotW after Skyward Shit. As for the games in the pic you posted... Just give up hope, it hurts less.

Because it was a port. they didn't make a new Mario Kart. They just ported a already made game.

I feel like rereleasing Mario kart 8 just get some double dippers is not trying. 8 was fine on with, even if Sonic racing transformed was better

What's the point if you're only going to play Fox on Final Destination.

Another Donkey kong country game by retro.
Seriously, it is so far ahead of every other platformer, it's ridiculous.

because sometimes there are players who take things too seriously

I didn't realize you were talking about the port

Yeah shit is lazy as hell. I guess this is why they got rid of backwards compatibility

>As for the games in the pic you posted... Just give up hope, it hurts less.
2 new Metroid games, friend.

does it make you upset that players are given a choice of bonus stars?

Get back Rareware.

As long as it's good

a fugly 2.5D remake that will likely be worse than the fan-game and MP4 without Retro at the helm

I'm not optimistic, but they could surprise me.

no, it's better to have the option than to deal with someone who gets mad at mario party because it's a party game

I'm mostly a Kirbyfag, and HAL is generally pretty competent with their IP to where I'll end up buying whatever Nintendo system it comes on.

I would like a real Paper Mario game though. I also hope Samus Returns and Prime 4 are actually good.

>new 2D Metroid
>by MercurySteam
just give up expectations familia

>new Prime
>no Retro

yes, I mad

>a fugly 2.5d remake
>Judging graphics by blown up screenshots
>likely be worse than the fan-game
>muh fan-game
Opinion discarded.
Anons have been playing leaks and say that it's pretty good.

I think you're the first user I've ever seen whose used bullet points instead of greentext arrows
It looks so strange

>Hey Pikmin

Pick one

Samus Returns, Metroid Prime 4, and Xenoblade 2 are doing a pretty good job of it so far.

>yfw Retro stopped making Prime and now Donkey Kong because they're currently making a new F-Zero


scintillating argument

The only nintendo console that is kinda line you ask is tje SNES.
Everyother was underpowered or had gimmics control design.

1- F-Zero GX is the best racing game ever
2- all it needs is an up in resolution, online mode and track maker
3- it can't be surpassed and whatever comes after it will be a downgrade

considering this trifecta, the only logical conclusion is an "HD remaster" of sorts

I stand corrected, maybe Retro can shit out an F-Zero that tops GX

>considering this trifecta, the only logical conclusion is an "HD remaster" of sorts
and yet we will never, ever get it

Nintendo really couldn't give less of a fuck

This really won't fix anything, Nintendo would just get eaten alive by the competition. The only reason they survived the first two gens was because the NES had no real competition and the SEGA was fucking retarded when it game to the Genesis/Megadrive.

Nintendo doing it's own thing is far better than you realize.

Literally nothing. Nothing will ever make me buy nintendo again. The Wii U was a total piece of shit. Even after """""hacking""""" it so I can get free games it was gathering dust. Sold it to someone for $100 last week.

the gamecube, retard

-Get rid of Iron Fist Miyamoto
-Start using the new ideas that other employees want to try
-Stop giving their existing series' out to third parties
-Ditch gimmick controls/accesories
-Stop being fucking lazy with their game design

>every playstation console
PS1's dualshock controllers started coming with rumble though not in the beginning of its life, and rumble became a staple in PS2, 3 and 4

The Dualshock 2 has pressure sensitive buttons, even if you never knew about it

PS3 had the Sixaxis (LOL), even if you don't remember it, even the Dualshock 3 had the sixaxis rotor thing iirc, and so does the Dualshock 4

Sixaxis, Dualshock 3 and Dualshock 4 all have these shit L2/R2 analog triggers that are well used in 1 out of like 1000 games, and are inferior to regular buttons (the only games I can think of that analog triggers were well used were in some Gamecube games like Super Mario Sunshine

Dualshock 4 has that shitty annoying backlight that you can't turn off, the touch pad thing, and I'm not sure if I should count the share button

1. Give every Nintendo fan the license to Twilight Princess of a $50 eshop gift card. This is to make amends for screwing the left-handed fanbase with the Wii release of the game, screwing GCN owners by delaying it for a year without explanation until recently, and lastly for making such a shit port in the first place.
2. Give out replacement 3DS/N3DS' with IPS screens to everyone who sends in their old TN systems.
3. Release a budget collection of GCN of the original non-player's choice version of games like Metroid Prime, and a budget collection of Wii games without the babby impediments like the B button on Super Paper Mario not being run. Name it the "Apology Box."

>Stop giving their existing series' out to third parties
Mario Rabbids was good, though I dunno if it counts cause it's a straight up crossover
>Ditch gimmick controls/accesories
Literally what keeps nintendo afloat

eshop *credit I mean

Baito desu.

>Get rid of Iron Fist Miyamoto
He's just a Creative Fellow now
>Start using the new ideas that other employees want to try
BotW? Splatoon? Arms? Mario Odyssey?
>Stop giving their existing series' out to third parties
Mario Rabbids and Metroid SR are good, fuck you
>Ditch gimmick controls/accesories
Pro Controller exists
>Stop being fucking lazy with their game design
This applies more to AAA 3rd parties

>Get rid of Iron Fist Miyamoto
I think they restructured the company after Iwata died and this actually resulted in Miyamoto being less involved with individual games.

>Start using the new ideas that other employees want to try
Isn't that what's going on with Splatoon and ARMS?

>Stop giving their existing series' out to third parties
I dunno Mario + Rabbids was a surprise hit. Metroid looks fine for a remake of a Gameboy game.

>Ditch gimmick controls/accessories
Haven't they done that? I mean the joycons are "backwards compatible" with previous gimmicks like rumble, motion, and amiibo. But besides that the only gimmick, attaching and detaching, is something that is universally liked. And everything is compatible with Pro controller anyway.

>Stop being fucking lazy with their game design
Well I dunno how to address that one.