"oh hey user! Why don't you come here and pop some puyos with us?"

>"oh hey user! Why don't you come here and pop some puyos with us?"
What do?

What the fuck is a Puyo?


Oh god, i can't even get ladder patterns consistently yet

Try to steer the game into a loli 4way

>popping puyos when tetraminos exists.
Why don't you take your bad taste away from my dimension.

I'd pop their puyos

Panel de Pon > Puyo Puyo >>>>> Tetris

I really like Ringo for what ever reason.

n-no thanks

Lose at puyo

Puyo? Oh those. We call them Beans where I'm from.

This is a trap isn't it?

No, they're blobs.

she makes up for Amitie being a shit

taihen daaaaa


Get beaten by little girls at a puzzle game

>Eggman went from being the toughest asshole in the circuit to getting his shit slapped from a measly 3 chain
What happened?


>Getting slapped by Davy Sprocket
wew lad