A new Thief game

Will be announced soon.

Thief is already dead, please stop the necromancy.

Sorry, but its not.

Don't apologize. It's better this way.

we never know, stop being a contrarian faggot

Hitman and Tomb Raider kinda got back up after their last installments.

>Hitman and Tomb Raider kinda got back up after their last installments.

please be bait
please be bait
please be bait

Lol no. Even if, I don't want it anyhow.

Fuck you if this is true.

Do we really need to prop up its corpse once more?

Please no.

Still made by Eidos? No thanks.

>implying SE ditching Deus Ex after MD (sadly) bombing they would come back to a series they already wasted potential

>Hitman absolution was shit
>Nu-Hitman was great
>Thi4f was shit
Maybe there's still hope.

Hardcore thief fan here who used to play the first three titles yearly for the last 8 years.

To be fair, i hated this game at first because it wasn't a T1/2/3 like game where you are put in a big map and then you have to figure out where to infiltrate from and find all loot by yourself.
Also, despite the story not being cannon to the first 3 games and the voice actor not being the same. I got over it and enjoyed the game for what it was
You guys should try the same, play the game for what it is instead of wishing it was something else.

The reason why you hate it is because the game is not faithful to the previous installments, not because the game is shitty

The game is shitty, though. It's a crap game, and the fact that it's called Thief is only insult to injury.

>The reason why you hate it is because the game is not faithful to the previous installments, not because the game is shitty
No it's just shitty

>No jumping, just "swooping"
>Rope arrows are just cinematic setpieces
>Opening windows are cinematic setpieces
>Garret was a sarcy bastard, "Gorrot" is just xxx-edgemaster-xxx
>Environments are sometimes way over the top, after the brothel level everything was all green and the air filled with dust
>Cock rings

> Hitman and Tomb Raider kinda got back up

Hitman TM was goty, nigger

>stop being a contrarian faggot

It's contrarian to not consider Thief to be dead.

how? Looking Glass went bankrupt almost 20 years ago, and they're the only ones who know how to make it.

And yet two games have been made within that span of time.

Where did all those Looking Glass employees go? They should get together sometime.

and they're both total garbage.


Bruv, I played Th14f before touching the previous games, and it's shit. Going back to it to see all the potential it had and good things and mistakes built up by the previous games that it completely ignored just made it worse.

Adding to this user's post >Guard AI is horrifically retarded
>Hiding closets that straight up remove you from the map and guard's sight if you run into it while no one's looking
>Hub map is boring and tedious to go through
>Game straight up ENCOURAGES killing, like in the retarded side mission tokens that ask you to kill via headshots
>The minimap exists, which completely kills any sense of guidance or environment when all you have to do is just go to the objective, and turning it and objective markers off just makes you blind because you have nothing built organically into the game to guide you to your objective
>Multiple points of no return
>Thief vision
>Optional "challenge" choices at the beginning of new games add nothing to the game when the AI is still as retarded as it is
>Majority treasure or goods are boring as shit to steal; it feels more like a kleptomaniac stealing cheap crap from peasants than hitting up mansions or big, important people
>Sound is NEVER a problem because it's restricted to strictly glass pieces; no marble, no metal, no wood, and no soft floors to make walking on a threat or not when sneaking up on guards
>Game is WAY too gloomy, not dark, just gloomy. Has zero charm, even for grimdark fags
>Nothing's really hidden, especially with the retardes thief vision, but still easy regardless. The only "real hidden" shit are the cheap, 2 cent items hidden in the deep corners of rooms

And this is all in the first 3 chapters. I cannot force myself to play past it, it's so terribly boring.


to be fair the last thief game was absolute fucking garbage in every possible way imaginable, these devs have to earn their trust back before people will forgive them, this is how things work.

I can understand why fans are angry, and they are justified to feel strong emotions about it.

different teams