/vr/ talks at length about Daggerfall

>/vr/ talks at length about Daggerfall
>/vg/ is pure Skyrim
Is there anyone playing Morrowind in this day and age?

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I am a pleb and couldn't get into it. Recommend me a good build please.

I wanted to play it again but I'm waiting for OpenMW to be more finished.

The main problem is that some things sound appealing but are actually shit.
Get at least one weapon and one armor type (preferably Medium or Heavy if you like more health)
Get speechcraft, very useful for beginners
Get Security or Alteration, as they're going to help you open shit
Get some kind of distance attack, whether Marksman or magical
Get Athletics or Acrobatics, since they level way too fast and you start getting strong mobs against whom you have THE POWER OF JUMPING
Choose a preset class
Get support skills as Major. I mean, that's useless

And finally, get the unofficial Morrowind Patch and the Morrowind Code Patch at least. They're almost obligatory.
And if you want some QoL get Talrivian's HP change mod, Graphic Herbalism and a slow magicka regen mod because fuck sleeping all the time

Let's say I'll reinstall Morrowind. What mandatory mods/ graphic overhauls should I install?

Oh boy
You have some options: Get the Morrowind Graphics Overhaul (outdated and glitchy) or get all this shit by hand and have a vanilla-but-prettier game: pastebin.com/7gF2VLaf
Actually you can just skim through that link and grab whatever sounds fancy, just to check, as long as it's in order

Nice. I'll keep this in mind if I finally reinstall Morrowind. I'm not playing anything at the moment, so probably I'll end installing it

just started a Dunmer Thief yesterday.

The Morrowind we all have in our collective minds, through the promise of rebuilding the game on new engines, incredible fan artwork, the skill trees we lost and nostalgia in general just make it too difficult to play.

What mods do you have for survival and such
I grabbed a backpack mod because it's silly to carry 400+lb in your pockets

I've started morrowind but I'm having trouble getting into it. Is there any "jumpstart" type quests or encounters like the oblivions arena, or that glass helm off the coast? Just something to get help get past the early game.

I was going to play modded OpenMW but I got caught up messing around with its parallax mapping features.

How is the mod compatibility with OpenMW?

Go to Caldera, steal the master alchemy set from the mages guild, grab the orcish armor in the house where Creeper the scamp is and sell it to him, I remember being able to take the armor in front of an orc and all he did was yell but I didn't get chased by guards.

I don't remember by which road you needed to exit but there's a female redguard merchant that wants you to escort her to a village and she gives you the Boots of Blinding Speed, create a custom spell that gives you 100% magic resist for 1 second and equip the boots to have sanic speed forever.

Due to my recent movein, i'll have to rely on my old laptop to vidya. I played morrowwind before as a melee warrior build, now i want to get back in and try something completly different.

Any ideas for a wacky build that is comfy? I'm probably focusing for a complete playthrough, so i might risk even some mods. Any recommended mods except the obvious fixes?

Almost all mods work with it, the only mods that don't work are the ones that require Morrowind Script Extender and mods that rely on specific quirks of the vanilla engine to work that don't exist in OpenMW. Some mods like Animated Morrowind and Windows Glow do work but have weird issues, like some of Animated Morrowind's NPCs floating in the air and Windows Glow's light script not working correctly, but the devs are trying to fix issues with mods like this.

The same twenty people have been playing it since release.
When they aren't playing it they are here defending the shitty combat.

For them it isn't a game it is a way of life.

>For them it isn't a game it is a way of life.
Can't argue desu
Wear full, mismatched armor or something, and use that one weapon you never used. *cough*spear*cough*



>not playing with OpenMW

>Windows Glow's light script not working correctly
Fixed in the new nightly. They just did it a few days ago.

Make a saiyan. Unarmed unarmored only. Focus magic on short self buffs.

Waiting for more OpenMW iterations. I recently reinstalled windows and I just cannot be assed to set up all the prerequisite shit for mods. All I really want is a 16:9 resolution without a fucked FoV and the ability to write my own books, but that requires the MGE and the script extender and the code patch and the hnnnngggg

t. outlander n'wah

Call me when it works with SE

I've never played morrowind and I'm waiting for Skywind.

MUDDY AI LORNEDOONES to you as well.
What a nice fellow.

The fuck, I just checked the .43 roadmap and it's at 94%, I checked it like a day or two ago and it was at 60%.

/vg/ isn't even about skyrim. it's simply just a waifu simulator

Okay goys, where do you go to get your TES news and where do you get your share of the lore?

Regarding the "community", which I absolutely detest, I kind of push myself into following Zaric. He does overviews of shit bethesda and the skyrim and plebbit fans pull.
Regarding lore as such, I don't really interact with anyone knowledgeable on my level. Once I learned the daedric alphabet and was able to comprehend and explain c0da to curious casuals... I basically quit the fandom. All the flaws of Imperial Library autists and plebbit retards seem to have grown more visible (or I've gotten deep into it to see the shittyness). So I don't want to talk to any of them ever. This includes Kirkbride, who's a total cunt and I don't want him to say a word more about TES after c0da, which contained the last good ideas he had.

Nowadays all I do is sometimes read these Morrowind threads and follow good mod projects. I feel so alone in my favorite hobby.

They usually start by listing 150+ bugs that are potential fixes for the new version and after they get 80 or so fixed, they curate the list for a few more they think should be also fixed for this specific release. Others get axed for the next release. That's why it's so much higher.

That said, they aren't releasing this for two more months, but they'll continue working on the next version. This one needs to be compiled, some features yet added not on the roadmap...

>Okay goys
the plural of "goy" is "goyim" not "goys"

rabbi autismberg has arrived

>where do you go to get your TES news
>where do you get your share of the lore?

All other answers are wrong except TIL

I don't really like UESP anymore now that they've integrated TESO stuff into it. Every time I go there and something retarded pops up, I look at the sources and remember TESO is a thing.

I don't care they got new Redguard pics and thats fucking awesome

What's a new redguard?

From the games themselves.
The official forum used to have decent discussion on lore.C0DAfags like Merari ruined it by being far too hostile toward those that did not drink the kool aid.

Now the best place for me is here.The C0DAfags are by and large far less cuntish about it.

I just started a playthrough last week. Currently maxed out in the Imperial Legion, and now I'm going through the Morag Tong quests.

As in new pics from TESA: Redguard
Sup Forums is the only place I go for lore discussions too, I tried other places but it's always faggots pretending that their fanfic is canon, you know, the usual bullshit

Actually I made an Altmer "Scholar" with the sole purpose of gathering as many books as possible. I'm storing them with a library mod.
It's pretty nice to see consistencies across different cultures and some people dropping "redpills", like the Khajiit account of the Dragonbreak in "where were you...".
And then you see names like Numidium pop up here and there, and you see just how important the damn thing is. The first time I played this game I barely even noticed where the final fight happened.

>join Mages guild
>make resist magic 100 for 1 second on self spell
>warp to Caldera
>head north
>get Boots of Blinding speed from NPC

I don't think it's even a c0da problem. c0da works as a way of explaining many metaphysical things about the universe, whether you accept it being the end of the story or not. c0da in its capacity to stir up lore debate was a great boon.

The problem are uniformly left wing "Vivec is a XE" faggots that make up the plebbit community and a lot of Imperial Library. It's them who push c0da = whatever I say is canon meme, which is a wrong approach and, unfortunately, subsidized by nu-Kirkbride.

Link to pics?

God this. I like MK lore and C0DA but the whole "hur dur there's no canon" bullshit that MK and r*ddit faggots try to push is annoying as hell.
C0DA is nothing more than just another story in the TES universe, as it should be.

Here's the link, most of the new Redguard pics are from creatures but I think there might be more.
I noticed that they are rewriting some of the articles and organizing them better too, like the NPCs one.

Say, am I alone in the observation that Morrowind lore fans want to discuss it on here much less now than they did five years ago? It feels like there's a lot of suppressed lorefaggots, both high and mid tier, that float around this Mongolian tapestry, but don't engage into it anymore.
If so, I have a few theories. One is that we said all that needs to be said and feel like it's all played out. Another one is that we're just so jaded and cynical and old we don't bother. And lastly, is it possible we kind of honed our lore skills in these threads years ago and feel like we have nowhere to go anymore?

>looking up analysis of the 36 lessons
>find new whirling school
>see this
Fucking dropped

I told you about the "lore" """fandom""" senpai, I told you. It's double nigger because Kirkbride himself wrote a document for Morrowind in which Vivec explicitly says he is a HE and not a third gender. But that doesn't matter nowadays because muh pronouns are cool and so everyone ignores it, including Cuckbride.

Where does that pic come from senpai
as for me I barely have the meme lore from Sup Forums, composed of such gems as
>CHIM motherfuckers
>Numidium blocks your path, wat do
>Mantling works like so and so, it's literally RPing your way into godhood
So please teach me more

I'm a mid to high tier lorefag, I don't even give a shit a the TES games itself or Bethesda anymore and I hate what both the series and the company have become. The TES setting is still one of the favorites and I still love discussing it.

But speaking of being jaded and cynical I think I'm suffering from Sup Forums's tired gamer syndrome. I simply find it much harder to actually enjoy vydia anymore, the fact that we've grown older and now have a more cynical and realistic view on the industry doesn't help. I found a new hobby now, instead of playing video games I just spent my time complaining about video games on Sup Forums.
But that's another story for another thread.

>Where does that pic come from senpai
Made it myself when I was working on my daedric. I forget where the left pic is from, but I made the translation to illustrate how daedric is written. Up to down, left to right, first letter can or can not be over the whole word, in different coloring.
I also made this to visualize the timeline of the Empire.

Regarding lore, just pull out a topic and your confusions with it or unique ideas you had and we can see where the thread goes from there.

Yes, the TES world is an entity unto itself now and with games getting worse and Bethesda no longer caring about lore (altho Skyrim was a marked improvement over Oblivion), I'm mostly content to talk lore and think about the world. Big exception for Morrowind mods related to Tamriel Rebuilt.

Where were you when Kirkbride BTFO furries


*breathes in*


I'm a book thief. Before they know it, all the important books will have disappeared, hidden in a new cottage in Sadrith Mora which actually connects to my Batcave.
Vvanderfell's lore will be mine!
That's pretty cool man, thanks

I still have to work on my Daedric someday, I can only recognize a few letters. Nice to see I'm not the only one that makes some lore resources for personal use every now and then too. S'cool.
Here's a good one from Lady N, it's funny to see how many people don't know that most Emperors aren't direct descendants of Tiber Septim.

So anyways we're in a lore thread, what do you guys want to talk about?

What exactly is the Psijic Order? They seem to have trained everybody, from the founder of the Guild of Mages to ALMSIVI.
Also, how does their not-magic work?

The oldest organization devoted to magic in Tamriel and also home to the most powerful of mages. It's not like they train random people, Galerion and Mannimarco are some really fucking good mages.
Mostly they focus on "The Old Ways" and Mysticism but I think there was a change of politics and ideology in the Order over the years.
Note that the have nothing to do with the Psijic Endeavor. The word Psijic is a corruption of PSJJJJ, the original name of Padomay, which is meant to be unpronounceable.

they're literally just psionics from dnd but illuminati

That's a great resource senpai.

PSJJJ order is basically a bunch of the best old Aldmer and Altmer wizards who ran away from Alinor in order to preserve philosophy they loved. It's something like Plato and Socrates hiding in Atlantis for the last 2k years because Greece went to shit.

I really need to re-study them, but from what I know they're followers of the faith that evolved from examining the life and achievements of Auriel. This way of life was generally preserved on Alinor after they left, but philosophy was rejected, which is why thru time Altmer fell into "degeneracy" from which Thalmor are supposed to save them. Except Thalmor want to end the world, which is emblematic of modern systems that react towards modern evils by appealing to old, yet not following it, but going too far in their anger. The philosophy monks follow is one of preserving divine until world plays out itself. Of course, with that knowledge comes strong magic, which they dangle in front of men they'd like to join them as a rewards to come and work with them.

I meant, everyone of note, yeah. This Iachesis character is mentioned in many books, for instance.

But isn't it supposed to be nothing like modern magic? What's the difference?

Not the same guy, but as far as I know, the modern magic system, the schools and all that are all Galerion's creations/innovations. He sought to make magic as a whole more accessible, stipping away bullshit, but also probably streamlining the fuck out if ot.

So by the nature of the departure, it is likely more caught up in a ritualistic practice and rooted in efforts to understand magic and the world as an entity. Less practically minded, but far more refined and powerful.
Or so I imagine anyway, but I haven't read much recent stuff about them either.

Technically there's no difference. It's mysticism. The problem with mysticism is that it's basically manipulating forces and facets of reality that aren't understand. It's about finding magical rituals that work, even though they make no sense logically if we go by existing magic theory. Because of this spells that are generally understood to be mysticism are hard to uncover and learn and generally each mage needs to develop them for themselves.

By being masters of magical theory and having a strong, thousands of years long tradition, monk magic is basically the best and strongest way of learning various mysticism. Especially strong spells that no one else in Tamriel figured out. For example, how to shift the being of an island to another place. That's what they love to focus on; on the essence of being and what is.

I really need to start saving up more lore resources. I made a document with most of the OOG lore out there and was looking to share, maybe I'll make a pastebin or something.

My enchanted items only build is extremely comfy. I can learn spells but I'm never allowed to cast them, only using them as references for my enchanted items. If thats too strict, just have it be extremely Conjuration/Alteration/Enchantment focused.

Actually this is a great way of putting it. Mysticism and PSJJJ magic is building a fortress in Dorf Fort. Other schools of magic are doing the same thing, but in Skyrim with a mod.

Have you never been in a Sup Forums TES thread? All we talk about is Morrowind. Personally, I'm more of a Skyrim guy.

Been playing through with my brother fun as fuck.

The problem with Skyrim lore is that its best facets are discussed in the context of Morrowind. What of Skyrim's lore doesn't require a knowledge of Morrowind ends up being a shit flinging contest. For example, the civil war. You get countless threads about it, but it's not really constructive talk for the most part. Beyond that, it's always waifus.

For me, it's gotta be insert best ES title here

For god's sake let's not talk about Civil War here because it just turns into shit and derails everything.
But, really, did Skyrim even add any new lore worth discussing besides that?

The shit-tier new imperial line, I suppose.
Also probably some excuse as to why they'd removed Mysticism from the game, or turning the Falmer into not-Goblins.
Other than that, there really isn't much, since they outright refused to flesh out the Nords or do anything that is interesting. I think there were references to giants before, but parhaps not to them keeping mammoths.

It depends upon what you consider discussion worthy.

A lot.

It really depends how you want to approach it. Do you value confirmations in your Morrowind metaphysics? We got you; College of Winterhold dwemer quest confirmed the fate of the dwemer.
Do you value a followup on what happened to Morrowind afterwards? We've got you covered.
Do you like culture? Nords have been fleshed out in various ways and while it was bastardized, along with some Kirkbride stuff out of game, nord culture is very fleshed out now.
Do you want more history stuff? There are pretty good songs of the companions in the game, the whole kalpa concept was a fringe meme before Skyrim.
Do you want fleshed out locations? Riften is a great place now that it's fleshed out in lore.
Are you into lewd? Lusty Argonian Maid vol 2
Do you really suck Kirkbride dick? Godhead is now mentioned ingame.

Skyrim did a lot of bad shit, but it added so much. I think it's usually understated how importat it actually was for the series. Which is also why I still want a new TES game because Todd at least partially still got it.

>Even though each successive Bethesda RPG seems to be getting incrementally bigger than its predecessor by a few measly miles, it's hard to see any of them reaching the terrifying scale of the second game in the series, Daggerfall. Sure, the majority of the world was just procedurally-generated wilderness, but you can't help but be a little bit in awe of it - it really doesn't look bad for a game of its time either. You could spend hours lost in the auto-generating Dragontail Wilderness, the Ravennian Forest, or in one of the game's endless number of labyrinthine dungeons - a single one of which could probably fit all of Skyrim inside it (not necessarily a good thing, given how confusing they can be). We'd probably say that procedurally-generating a giant world would be a bit lazy if Bethesda did it today, but the technological limitations of making a game in 1996 meant that this was the best way to create a convincing fantasy continent, which continues to far outsize any game in existence today.

>We'd probably say that procedurally-generating a giant world would be a bit lazy if Bethesda did it today
Yeah because Cyrodiil totally wasn't procedurally generated or anything

yup. just started again. finished it a year after it released. i was 16 years old and played morrowind exclusively.
playing a redguard warrior with knowledge in alchemy to make money and help with the battles and traveling. if just every rpg today would rely on directions instead of questmarkers. yes you can turn them off, but then you dont have any direction at all.

>you start getting strong mobs
But you can just grind weapon skills outside dungeons if that happens. Overworld isn't levelled

Get a leveling mod too. Then you don't have to fool around with bethesda's stupid attribute system. I use MADD with two submods: one to reduce attribute gain to every 4 skill increases, and one to change which skills connect to which attributes

That was just beginner advice. Everyone who's played this game more than one playthrough knows the ins and outs of leveling.

They are talking about games like Minecraft or NMS. Don't be dense.