I like Takatsuki Yayoi

I like Takatsuki Yayoi

Prove it.

Remember when Yayoi went to fucking prison?

I want to dig trenches with Yukipo.

I love Reisen!

Oh shit that bar is going through her fucking head.

I need you to tell me more about this.

I love Chihaya!

There's something definitely wrong about this Chihaya.

I love her plane

I sure hope they come to AC7
>tfw IM@S in the west is tied to collaboration DLCs and games on platforms literally no one ever wanted



This is the worst list I've ever seen.

I just hope they don't all get replaced with Cinderella girls instead of 765 if we do get IM@S planes back.

>anything but CG

I like hambahgah

I love Shijou Takane!

Yayoi went to fuck in prison?

Hambahgah, you say?

I want to fuck Hibiki.

Couldn't you have posted a CG that people actually care about?

Takane is in Great tier, which is all that really matters anyways. Go pound sand, shithead.


>doesn't censor that 70s bush


Who /Cake/ here?

>that hair

go back to Sup Forums cuckold

daily reminder that all cinderella girls are sluts

>that gooch hair
good lord!


not my wife tho

It's more or less the general consensus if you go by these threads. If your mad at the list being bad, blame the anons and their taste.

Holy crap, it's an anime casual, but surprisingly Rin isn't in Goddess tier.

But you're still an anime-only fag, so get lost.

be quiet you anime fag

How the hell can that list be proof of being a "anime-only fag"? Most of the top tier characters (like Mika and Takumi for example) didn't have much screentime in the anime and a lot of what makes them special is in the games.

I swear, nobody actually likes Rin outside of her design. Even the people that played the games think she is rather forgettable.

>not much screen time
You have a point about bancho but Mika? She had her own goddamn episode and liked to appear as an honorary 15th member.

Literally everyone on that list but Takumi had at least supporting character presence in the anime. She's like the only black sheep in it. This is evidence that the guy who made it got his first exposure through the anime and probably added Takumi along the way, maybe because of WWG.

That may be true but the story focused way too much on Uzuki, Rin and Mio and everyone else had to fight for some small amount of screentime. I still maintain that the only way anyone would understand just what made a lot of those top tier characters great is by playing the games. No one is going to know that by only watching the anime

I just tell people to read Cinderella Theater

Good luck in tiering her.

I swear Japanese have no fucking understanding of what the term "ensemble cast" means. You know like FF6 where there was no "main character" and everyone had equal screentime and importance. They constantly keep telling us that Idolmaster (and Love Live as well) are suppose to be ensemble casts but all they ever do is focus on two or three characters that the viewer doesn't care about while the fan favorites get ignored unless you played one of the games or read into Drama CD or something. Japanese really need to stop adding +14 idols and then expect the viewer to give a fuck about them. That's incredibly bad writing

Who cares, we only need Iori, Chihaya, Rin and Mika.

>Writers are stupid and don't understand what the fans what

Pretty much that

I love her

Proof: There are 27 idols on that list. 14 of them (over half) are Cinderella Project. Most non-anime people don't even have the rest of Cinderella Project on their list if at all. 5 of them are Krone with some overlap with Cinderella Project (like Rin for example), leaving 8 more up to discussion. Mika prominently appears throughout the series as support and even had her own focus episode alongside Miria. Airi co-hosted events with KWSM, with one of those events in an episode shared with Sachiko who was probably the most outstanding of her unit to those who probably wouldn't recognize Grandma and Baseball since they rarely ever place anyway. Koume's rather popular with some casual lolicons who like that spooky /x/ girl with Rosalina hair so she gets posted in those kinds of threads anyway. Most fans already knew of Karen and Nao as part of Triad Primus before the anime began but they turned into plot device characters in the anime series so people don't know how fun and likable they actually are.

Kaede had her own episode and Mayu kind of did, too. Both of these two were present in the early introductory episodes, as well as Usamin who was a made for the cafe that ended up getting blockaded by Miku.

Takumi is the only questionable one, almost added there to make it seem like he isn't anime only, but she appeared in Gekijou at least and has her own manga series.

Be less casual and get into SS or something and stop pretending you enjoy CG.

>Iori, Chihaya, Rin and Mika.
>Not Makoto, Miki, Hibiki, Takane - Kaede, Natsuki, Anastasia and Mika
What a shit list.

what game

>you must play the games to enjoy idolm@ster

>was a made
Maid, rather.


Funny thing is if you went on /@/ they would more or less agree with that list except for contrarians bitter that no one cares about their literal who idol of choice

Moon Princess has a huge ass.

Damn straight

Found the homo

I swear Takane is so fucking overrated. I'm so sick and fucking tired of people jerking her off. Just you want to bone her doesn't mean she's a good character.

>game features a delicious brown girl

now this is progress

>he didn't pick on them for having an irrelevant idol with no voice
man those were some fun times.


Said the girl "gamers"

She's only on my list BECAUSE I want to fuck her.

lol what a gay

>iori and niko #1
as it should be

I've got a plan to take Takane out.

If you're trying to prove something. I don't really care desu.

Yes I know liking Makoto is very gay no need to remind everyone.

Nothing wrong with being gay, bro.

Not like any of the games are even translated. And honestly even if they were it's not like anyone would play them. People would just jerk off to the porn, look at fan art, and maybe listen to some of the music and call it a day.

Love Live has literally 2 groups of 9 girls each, one group in the making and a bunch of game-only characters nobody really cares about (though 3 of those are getting promoted to the better status with new group coming)
it really isn't crowded

You just described what its like to be a secondary desu.

>tfw fapped to Yayoi doujins last night

I'm not into feet but I would make an exception for Karen.

I wanna fuck that boy and hold his hands.

How fucking gay can you be?

And two of those casts only focuses on one main lead (Honoka and Chika) and maybe the other two friends (Umi, Kotori, Riko and maybe You if we are being generous) while everyone else gets the short end of the screentime stick. And PDP is for the game only they aren't relevant anywhere else. It's not as bad as Imas, but LL isn't much that much better with it's cast either.

this thread is not video games

>one of the best voices in the franchise
>fantastic body
I bet Makoto is your favorite considering how fucking gay you are

I want to fuck Yayoi.

You are fake news

I love you, I-Love-Reisen-guy.

The honest true is that Takane, along with her love live equivalent Nozomi, are the "sacred cow" girls of their cast. You know, the characters that you have to like and no one will ever accept any kind of criticism whatsoever. You could shit on every single girl in both casts but these two are the ones that are "off limits". You dare admit to liking another character over either one? That's unacceptable as well. That is the sad truth of the matter

Same, my brother.

Yayoi isn't even hot stop this

nobody asked for opinion on the subject, dumb takaneposter


Remember when Yayoi was a terrorist?

E.T phone home

Not really.

I knew she was poor. But I didn't know that.

this an idol thread you personna fuck, get lost.

None of these girls are that good. They are either boring or outright annoying

I like Chihaya too.

Why don't you make like a Yamagishi and Fuuka off then. Faggot

My mistake then, I saw others post non-idol girls and assumed it was fine to do so.

I want her to phone home via my prostate.

You have my full

Its never fine to do so when its you, faggot. Now make like a tree and get outta here.

/@/ if your reading this just know I take back what I said about your general being one of the better ones in /vg/. You guys are just as awful as the rest of them.