Since The Evil Within 2 is coming out next month and I can pick up the first one for 10 bucks, I give it a try

since The Evil Within 2 is coming out next month and I can pick up the first one for 10 bucks, I give it a try
What should I know beforehand?
buying it for PC, how is the optimization

The game has inconsistent pacing. Sometimes you'll be sneaking around an open area performing stealth kills, other times you'll have to fight off waves of enemies in a fast-paced fight.
Optimization isn't that good, a lot of players suffer from texture pop-in, but there's fixes in the discussion board.
Overall it feels like re4 with more gimmicks, like extra traps, collecting matches to ohk enemies, and the crossbow with gimmicky ammo types.
Decently replayable, with new game+ items and Akumu difficulty.

I think it's worth a shot given the general dearth of good survival horror games, but it is kind of all over the place in terms of structure.

That's just variety you're talking about.

And I would agree with the re4 thing. It just feels like the the natural next step to that game. Feels more like the sequel than re5 does.

>you'll be sneaking around an open area performing stealth kills, other times you'll have to fight off waves of enemies
that sounds like the Last of Us to me

play it, focus on the story. the combat is glitchy, but fun

seriously, read up on the story after you beat it. its pretty good, IMO

>agree with the re4 thing. It just feels like the the natural next step to that game
I loved RE4, so I good to go, I guess

The story makes basically no sense. Gameplay is functional but nothing breath taking. For $10 I'd say you're more than getting your moneys worth. A functional horror themed TPS. It's not scary at all.

I really hope that the second one is scarier and less action focused but I doubt this will be the case. It was nice of them to swap out the Japanese black goo for refreshing milk though.

>I really hope that the second one is scarier and less action focused but I doubt this will be the case
Almost everything is more scary than The Evil Within.
I bought it last week and was hoping to shit my pants in fear, but nope. Just making gore and weird monsters doesn't make a game scary.

Unfortunately you are correct. The DLC with the weird sexy legged bird spotlight wasn't scary either.

If it's not scary I'd like it to be a really fucking nice tight TPS but it isn't that either. Just average over all. Still, I hold out hope for the second to deliver on one of these things

I'm in disbelief the second game is already coming out. Has it really been that long already?

Three years old October 14th.

and the DLCs?
I can buy Steam keys in the same shop and the two DLCs featuring Miss Roundbutt cost 15 bucks together

level up sprint time and flash bolts
play on at LEAST the middle level difficulty
dont waste ammo like an idiot
Joseph a best

I found the DLCs to be extremely boring but for an extra $5 I'm sure you'll find at least a little bit of fun in them.

Two are you play as a nice butted lady doing mostly stealth shit with a giant spot light bird with hot legs and I believe stockings if I remember right. The other is you play as safe head guy and just go hit dudes.

tl;dr for $5 sure why not

The first one plays like trash and is still an unoptimized mess. Also looks like an early PS3 game.

Just wait for the 2nd game.

1 play this on the highest difficulty to get full experience
2 health upgrades heal you so it's also a medpack
3 conserve ammo even with bosses

that's pretty much it

I just finished it yesterday and I totally sucked. The game seemed to bait me into using ammo when I didn't have too. I felt like leveling up melee was pointless as well.

just youtube the dlc they're not worth playing

the dlcs take away what's unique about EW from other horror games, you can actually fight the horrors

I didn't write it accurately, the DLCs together cost 15 bucks, so with the base game it's 25 bucks

Oh christ fuck that then man. Abandon the DLCs. If you finish the base game and get curious they'll almost definitely get cheaper than that around halloween

ok, then I give it a try, but won't bother picking up the DLCs
thanks, anons

I died in 189 times in my play through :(

>how is the optimization

It's a modern game where the AI still gets trapped running into a wall trying to navigate around a room to get you. That's how the optimization is.

That's a horrible idea. The main twist in the DLC is an important plot point for TEW2

>main twist in the DLC is an important plot point for the sequel
when did developers become such dickheads