Delayed indefinitely on PC

>Delayed indefinitely on PC
Enjoy the scraps if you ever get them pctards

What the fuck is this?

I think it's funny they got the license for the game by promising a day 1 PC port, then half assed the QC making mistakes like misspelling the title of the game, and the PC port was so buggy they had to delay it.
Guess it goes to show that you're better off promising the moon and under delivering than actually being honest about what you can do.

>First game in a long while I was looking forward to for some inexplicable reason

Why do I even bother?

this games seel like shit on steam, why do they keep porting them? or is it that the port is dirt cheap to make and any sell is profit anyways?

>it's true

For fucks sake, only two days from release

As expected of NISA

I wish they were more customization on the ps4 dashboard like moving the games and the folders in the order you want, my ocd is killing me.

Didn't Ys Seven just come out on PC?
I guess they realized that releasing two similar games right after another is not such a good idea.

Whelp, I wasn't going to buy it anyway because of the price.

Hopefully they'll give a price cut as an apology when its actually out.