Switch thread

So how are you guys enjoying yours? What are you playing right now? Are you looking forward to the next Direct? What is your dream game you want to be announced? And do you use portable mode often?

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I'm very much enjoying it, I'm not really playing a lot when I'm alone unless I'm on public transport but whenever I'm with friends they ask me to bring it out because they are getting addicted to mario kart

Is Switch the comfiest game console of our time?

>dream game

PSO or PSO2 or PSU for switch with online play.

so we meet again lizard man
cut your nails

Yeah. Living in a crowded home with only one TV that isn't shit doesn't leave me as much time as I'd like to play on my consoles, so the Switch is pretty much what I've always wanted out of a console: the ability to play the same games on my console and handheld.
Right now I'm playing Puyo Puyo Tetris.
Fuck yeah, I always get hyped for Directs. It sucks that it starts at the exact moment I have to leave for my class, though. I'll have to surpress the urge to look at Sup Forums on my phone the whole time in case there's a big surprise I would ruin for myself.
Wonderful 102 / Wonder Blue solo game Kamiya said he wanted to make.

I asked for one for my birthday, which is today. Cannot wait to play zelda. There are a few more games I'm interested in that are out currently. I have missed the boat on lots of stuff that I think the switch will be really comfy to play for the first time on: hollow knight, binding of issac, shovel knight, etc.

I just really wish MHxx was in english because I've never played one and I don't want to not understand a fucking thing. I'm going to have to go back and play one on the 3ds aren't I?

My dream game to be announced for switch is honestly a soulslike by From Software. I am betting its going to be AC they're producing for switch, not soulslike games, but it would be cool to have mobile souls. I know I'm a huge faggot for saying that sentence, but that's what I want.

Playing Sonic Mania when no internet
Playing Splatoon 2 when internet

I'm cumming
a brand new PSO title

that hand is a bit too big

Playing Sonic Mania when no internet
Playing Splatoon 2 when internet
Playing Nier on pc thinking about how great it would be to play portable

I like it overall but I am growing more and more frustrated at the little indie game ports filling up the eShop. I was hoping that the Switch would have a better variety of games and not just games that have been on Steam for years with added rumble support or whatever
But I really only blame myself for not waiting 1-2 years for the library to be larger.

Still debating on if I should, the only thing that has any appeal to me is Zelda and I honestly don't care about any of the other ports or exclusives right now to justify buying it for $300+. Maybe once Travis Strikes Again comes out I'll take another look but for now I'm good.

I've recently picked up VOEZ, which is a really great rhythm game. Other than that, I've been playing rabbids and that's also really good.

>Splatoon 2 completely doesn't allow playing with friends outside of a premade 4

This... kind of killed Splatoon 2 for me. I'll jump on when I'm completely by myself, which isn't often, but I'd recommend Splatoon to pure solo-style players. It's just not a great friend game. Going to tend up playing Titanfall and Destiny more than Splatoon it seems.

Looking forward to Stardew Valley with friends, wish we'd get a Fantasy Life sequel on it or fucking Monster Hunter. I thought I'd play on my Switch a lot this year, but honestly at this point I'm just going to have most of my hours into BotW and Odyssey. It's not looking to be too fantastic of a first year purchase.

MK8 on the go is pretty great tho.

Really enjoying rabbids, it's such a nice surprise.
I feel like the puyo tetris demo is so good that I don't need to buy the game.

Happy birthday, and hope you enjoy your Switch. Replaying Shovel Knight now and absolutely recommend you play it soon.

animal crossing when
warioware when

I have big hands for my height I guess.

How quality are the buttons for those shells?

I'm just waiting for them to announce a DaS trilogy for Switch, you know? I'd play the fuck outta that.

That looks comfy as fuck user.

They're not double injected, but the plastic feels pretty similar


Switch has no games so no.

cut your nails lad.

Can we make predictions here OP? I say this game will be announced, no idea why, but I strongly feel Sega will try to capitalize on the game current popularity before it dies down, this is an easy 1mil+ on the console, hell.

I'm still waiting for a good single player game to come out. Right now I havbe no reason to take the thing with me outside

Animal crossing is getting announced this time.

don't think the Switch could run Dark Souls III

it could do I and II easily enough though

Breath of the Wild? If not that, SMO and Xenoblade will be out in a few months.

BotW and Mario Rabbids

I've become a normie who is too absorbed by job and housework to play games so I haven't bought a Switch yet. But Prime 4 is going to change that as soon as the first footage is out.

Already beat Zelda on Wii U. I'm waiting on Mario and hopefully a new Animal Crossing

I think it can, but even if it can't it'd be amazing to see a handheld run dark souls 2

I'm sure From could optimize it, but I'd really want 60 FPS for these games.
That's what makes the Switch perfect. You can drop in and out to play for short sessions. Much better than gaming on traditional consoles.

I'm playing Mario Rabbids, and it's really good. I can't believe a game with rabbids in it is actually bringing me pleasure.

For the Direct, I'm looking forward to seeing some release dates, namely for Xenoblade 2.

I use portable mode 80% of the time.
I play my Switch everyday but waiting for Stardew Valley and Skyrim is killing me because they are the exact games I want to cuddle up in bed with.

What height? Post dick.

Agreed on both points. I'm loving the XCom style combat though I can't say I like the exploration too much besides the eye candy. And I'm looking forward to what will hopefully be a new story trailer for Xenoblade 2.

where did you get those joy cons from

>I'm looking forward to what will hopefully be a new story trailer for Xenoblade 2.

I'm not. I don't want any of the story revealed to me in any way. I'm honestly considering just not watching when they show trailers for Xenoblade and Mario.

I installed the shells I bought off of Amazon. They're pretty easy to find and originally come from Aliexpress but Amazon has Prime shipping.

Well, I get what you mean, spoilers do ruin some moments, but I have to say that I'm greedy and love hype, personally. I don't want any major plot points revealed, but I think them showing a bit more about the Illuminati organization or some different Titans would be great.

they just released atomic purple too

How do they compare to the official ones? Particularly the buttons, how do they feel? Because they look great.

Also I asked you to post dick and you haven't yet?

Buttons aren't double injected, but have the same general feeling.

My height is 5 foot 9. My little friend has the exact same numbers.

Sonic mania since I'm a poorfag
Glad I found the switch at 200 on ebay

I'm enjoying mine but I forgot nintendo games rarely go on sale and some stuff I just refuse to pay full price for. For now I only have BotW and Rabbids, but mario is coming next month and xenoblade 2 is this year so the wait won't be that bad.

>Home button lighting up
Tell me your secrets. Why the fuck does mine not? Is it supposed to light up?

Collecting dust until piracy is go.

>atomic purple joycon
Wait, really? I need this in my ilfe



Woops, dead link.


My only problem is I only really want Mario and Xenoblade 2. It's ok though becaue I mostly got my switch now to play botw and avoid the hellish nightmare of trying to get a popular Nintendo console near the holidays.



never ever faggot. fuck off.

>The entire transparent N64 color library is there
>Complete with a cover for the back of the Switch
>On top of trips
I'm going to die, this is too much.

Don't listen to that other dude. Hes just a handlet.

I'm enjoying the hell out of my switch. I just got Sonic Mania and my MHXX finally arrived in the mail, so I've been busy with those. I still honestly am hoping that there's some merit to the dark souls rumors, and I use portable mode a lot for breaks at work

Shitch can barely run its own games. What fantasy land are you grin where it can run fuckinh dark souls?

I dont know where all these assumptions that the switch cant run stuff like DS3 are coming from; aside from the fact its one of the easiest consoles ever for devs to port to and develop for, it is CONSIDERABLY more powerful, even undocked, than a PS3 or xb360, and has more than enough potential, once devs are more familiar with it, to run anything (if a little scaled down) that we can find on a PS4 or XBONE, including the llikes of overwatch, diablo, GTAV, full releases of third party software such as battlefront 2, battlefield and CoD. This horse cockery about the switch being drastically under powered is very misleading, and largely unfounded, or atleast confused with the necessity for devs to become more familiar with the system to perfect optimization.

How's MHXX in Japanese for a non-speaker? If we don't get localization news this Wednesday I'm probably going to just dive for that, but I'm terrified of a game this text-intensive in all moonrunes.

Same question. I don't want to import if they're going to announce a localization.

Got my switch last week and have really been enjoying Botw so far. Also excited for Pokken, I didn't have a Wii u so I missed out on the original game.

>you will never be this nintendelusional
Feels good man

If you have played a MonHun game before you'll be fine



It's not too bad if you're already used to Generations or the fan-translated XX for 3DS. I've been a MH fan for years and a lot of the menu navigation for me is almost muscle memory. Until you start caring about armor skills and training palicoes there isn't too much that's necessary to understand, but once you get to that point then google translate and kiranico are going to be your best friends.

> you will never this much about other peoples tastes and hobbies
Thank god.

I did have a Wii U and I recommend you temper your enthusiasm for Pokken.

>Generations or the fan-translated XX for 3DS.
Actually, I've never played either of those.
I didn't get Generations because it was the first iteration and I only get seconds, and didn't get XX because the Switch was fresh at the time.

Cut your throat

In that case it's still plausible but you'll need to learn a bit more when it comes to menus than if you already played gens.

I've not touched mine since I got it such a waste of money I should of waited till it has more games

>Nintendo drone really thinks devs are gonna port games like BF2, Overwatch, and GTA to the switch
Oh I'm sure there are DOZENS of people on the system who are willing to pay $80 for the base game of SW without any of the dlc included at that price. DOZENS, do you hear me!

Fu faggot. Infact, if you go off power to weight ratio then the switch is actually the most powerful console ever, even more powerful than PCs, iMacs even.

There also were those rumors flying around saying that From Software actually revealed that they had a build of DaSIII running on switch on a level that they were happy with, but who knows if it's true or holds merit. I would love to at least have the first game on the console.

Is it bad that I want to buy a switch just because I want to play PuyoPuyoTetris?

a used PS4 would be cheaper most likely

I think its perfectly possible. Hell, rockstar are clearly testing the water with LA noire. If it does well, who knows what that could open up. People are still doubting the system when there is literally nothing to doubt, and its annoying; clearly it performs.

>the glare of direct sunlight

This your response to me? I don't care how correct your caustic comment is, I don't want to play any of those games.

Dark Souls is plausible because they actually had working builds of it, this isn't just daydreaming, we're talking about it because it's a real possibility. Is asinine console warring all that controls your comments?

does anyone here wanna be Switch friends? I have zero friends irl

I really fucking hate that Salmon Run is every other day. Why the fuck would they do this?

>glare of direct sunlight
>when sitting on a porch
>and in the shade

I'm just not a delusion moron like you seem to be user. No console warring here whatsoever.

To prevent the population in modes being too low. Hopefully they change the schedule to have different hours on different days.

3rd parties in general have been anti-Nintendo since even the days of the NES, and they've honestly used every excuse possible to explain why they've chosen to not support their consoles each generation.

I really fucking hate that the game has no splitscreen co-op despite being amazing with Salmon Run.

doesn't matter m8, if Switch versions of stuff starts selling (which according to rumours like Sonic Mania they are) then devs will port

Hopefully that'll be the case, but even EA had to be strongarmed by stockholders into putting games on the NES after almost 4 years of wild success.

Except from the wii, which literally had some haggard release of almost EVERY game that came out during the consoles lifespan. The switch already has the sales figures to entice that sort of support again, but this time it isnt chronically underpowered. Interesting times ahead, and all these blatant barometer games such as pay day 2 and LA noire are evidence of devs showing cautious and tepid interest.

All of this aside, the sheer scope for llast gen upscaled ports is amazing and very interesting in itself; look at skyrim and tell me that playing it in all its glory hand held isnt a fucking dream. Granted an over priced dream.... but still!

70 million in 3 years

Oh, okay.

No matter what the graphical downgrades are, I'll be buying any multi-plat on switch easy. Portability is too good of a gimmick

For me it depends on how much of the experience is based on graphics. FPS games and "MUH graphics" will generally be a buy for my PC.

Where the FUCK is Yooka Laylee?