Is this worth getting if you don't have friends to play with ?
Is this worth getting if you don't have friends to play with ?
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depends on how much your time and money matters to you
but it's much better with solid teammates
Yes but expect some bullshit
>Is this game worth getting.
No. It's the "pet rock" of gaming.
No it's honestly absolute trash, even with friends
>spawn with shitty parachute mechanics
>get stuck in mid air and have to wait gorillion years for unstick prompt to appear
>run around like a retard and pray you find a guy
>if you do, kill 4 other retards who didn't find one, if not, better luck next time :^)
>run around without seeing a soul for another 20 mins because half the game is afkers who died 3 mins into the match
>make it to final circle with your heart racing
>kill some guy who has his back turned
>immediately get 1 shotted by an AWM without any warning of where the guy was
>repeat until you're a famous streamer
Playing alone can be pretty stressful and frustrating, or boring and frustrating. You can play two ways usually
>Land in populated areas
>frantically look for a gun and ammo
>usually die 7 times out of 10 within minutes of landing
>land away from others
>spend the entire game looting and sneaking from cover to cover until you get to the circle
>let them all kill eachother while you hide in the grass
>wait until 2 left
>if you're lucky you'll get a chance to shoot the last guy in the back like a coward
>enjoy your chicken dinner
It's the same with friends. The only difference is you have someone to talk to during the 20 minutes of literal nothing that you'll encounter playing this game during the """"""mid""""""" game.
auto match squads are sometimes fun
>get matched with a korean who is playing from a cafe
>doesn't know what push to talk is
>the whole time there's this korean cafe background noise playing
>other guy in the squad is extremely irritated and is yelling at the korean guy most of the time
>the korean doesn't understand and just compliments his voice and says america is a great country
>end up being #2 squad anyway just because we landed in a good spot
wow, your friends are pretty bad at the game
Definitely not. It's pretty much only a "kill time 1-2h a day with friends after work" casual shooter game.
If top 500 in solos and duos is bad then yeah he's pretty bad. I myself am complete dogshit though because I can't be assed to sit in a bush for 20 minutes
Pairing up with randoms is either faggot memesters or people who just don't talk. Solo is boring as shit past the landing and looting part.
player unknown battle shits.
No, it's early access garbage.
>Sup Forums's creativity in 2017
Is sold over 10 mil. how do you not have friends to play with?
i found that its alot funner solo queing with Europeans than na.
solo is very boring
europeans just have really nice manners and are nice ,americans are rage filled retards.
this game looks boring as fuck, for some reason not even all the "funny" streamers linked here seem to be able to sell me this game.
I'm missing something?
i don't have friends in general lol
school deathmatch is the only fun thing to do solo
Drop into the pit/pochinki/Rozock/military base every game, shoot it out with other people immediately, die before the first circle comes in, go to the next game and repeat until you are gud enough to "win" those places regularly. The only way to get gud is to fight people. Besides dropping away from and avoiding people in hopes of winning is the surest way to not have fun in this game.
You can tell scrubs who actively avoid firefights because they're constantly shouting some variation of;
>loot for 10 mins, run for 20 mins, die to someone you never saw. Great game guys.
you're like 15 years old
Nope. Well, kinda, but only economy-wise. Gotta get steambux from steam somehow.
Is it really easy to recoup the $20 or whatever the game costs?
Crates sell for a buck each, or you can open em and hope for a rare item,which sell for stupid anounts of money.
Not until some new limited edition crate gets released.
The regular crates are barely a buck each.
>its fun with friends :^)™
>win school consistently
>never see anyone else till the last few circles because 30 players per game are afk
tell me again why I'm a scrub if the game is down to like 25 people before the end of the second circle
well, it IS a multiplayer game with focus on squad play
If you want to get cucked by hacker. Yes it's the perfect game.
dont buy this game, the community is a scum
>the only thing people say to defend this game is "its fun with friends" and "i bet you have no fruends to play with lol"
Of fucking course not
Is anything fun at all with or without friends anymore?
coke and a 3000 dollar escort is pretty fun with friends
Henlo you Egg you stinky Egg go suck a knort, ugly
This is bad. Very bad. This formula is making fucking millions.
no friends IRL but playing with the /vg/ discord is p fun
player unknowns battle cocks.
Wow what a fucking niggeR
I had to force myself to play like this. It went against every gut feeling of wanting to be a pussy, and dying a bunch of times because my aim is ass sucks but sure enough I slowly started to improve.
Now I can at least say I have fun, and I've won a few games.
>play game
>4 players left
>player zone closing in on small town
>hide in building on edge of player zone
>player died outside of player zone
>3 players left
>hear shots both North and South
>player died outside of player zone
>2 players left
>player died outside of player zone
>Chicken Dinner
Oh shit but he is tho
how to get this game 4 free
>posting this on Sup Forums expecting to be applauded for being a massive fucking vagina
>play other game where you can farm cosmetics
>make $30 selling said cosmetics
>buy pubg
yea just go and kill people.
yeah just get it, make sure you're racist as well
Sell your body
okay also how much space does this take up I have 1.19 GB free
You're gunna need more space
Free up some space from the Windows folder and you are good to go, just drag some big files there to the recycle bin.
H1Z1 KOTK is cheaper but better