Am i stupid for using Butcher Knife in DS1? I just like how it scales with strength...

Am i stupid for using Butcher Knife in DS1? I just like how it scales with strength, absorbs HP from hitting and is quite fast unlike Zweihander for example.

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Use what you want as long as you're having fun dude.

It's one of the fastest strength based weapon, but if you want a fast weapon, then you should go for dex build.

The HP recovery is so small it can be ignored

if you're not using the halberd in DS1, you're doing it wrong. Don't (You) at me.

I'm at Anor Londo now and i've been leveling strength and i just enjoy heavy weapons more

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that weapon, it also has the best one handed R2 in the game

You are not stupid for using that weapon but wearing that helmet makes you a goddamn fashion criminal.

As far as the HP recovery goes, you could also use the Server which is also found in Blighttown.


That's not my character. HP recovery isn't important but it's just a plus

Has anyone ever done a build with the Server? I've never seen anyone use it.

>that's not my character
What a relief. Onion helm pretty much never works with anything except it's own set.

I would also recommend looking into Golem axe and Demon's Great Machete.

I have to ask, why do people mock Dex builds? What is it about Strength weapons?

Black Knight Halberd is more fun

but it's one of the better weapons in the game?

Use whatever works for you, then replay the game and use something else.

awful moveset

>What is it about Strength weapons?
You really need to ask?

I swear, it's my favourite polearm in the game. It's just so good. I tried the other day the Gargoyle Halberd but it's not even close. The only attack of the Halberd that I'm unconvinced about is the R2, but other than that it's golden.

Neither have I, but I did make a variation of this guy's build and I really enjoyed it

But Guts is fast as fuck. In DaS you tank hits until your sword hits the enemy.

>not driveby'ing invaders with the greatscythe

>havel's ring
>pump end and str
>fastroll in medium armor

Funny, I'm the opposite. The small hitbox of the halberd annoys me (unless I'm using the R2, but I don't care to do that because it's a slow windup), while I like the Gargoyle Halberd for its reach and horizontal opening swipe. The bleed/poison resist is a plus too.

Apparently its muh Guts meme, like nobody could think of a STR character besides Guts.

Ha, I have a 0 poise great scythe build that wipes the floor during invasions. Even when the enemy has poise I can outmaneuver them and hit for good damage. Great Scythe is OP


Am I stupid for using firespider's fury sword and a murakumo for my buffless dex run?

Serious reply this time :
I like the way STR weapons in Souls feel weighty in a way they do not in a lot of other games. It feels like the animations and the sound really communicate the massive power of the weapons and they feel really satisfying as the result. They are also often fairly slow or at least slower than their dex counterparts and as such they rely less on quick spamming and more on controlling your spacing to the opponent. So yeah I would rather use a big slow weapon to one hit kill smaller enemies rather than r1 spamming them multiple times. Also I don't like katanas or curved swords in general so there's that aspect of it as well.

>DEX character
>Katana wielding faggot, probably uses magic too
>STR character
>Manly as fuck tank

Yeah, I get where you're coming from, the Halberd has practically no horizontal reach in most of its attacks, what with them being pokes or that beautiful axe slam (Running R1).

I find that the rolling R1 is pretty much anything I would ever need in terms of horizontal coverage, though, it's a very nice horizontal sweep that comes off pretty fast (as fast as an attack that comes after a roll can be). It always feels nice to line up some enemies and kill them in the same attack with it.

I'm thinking about picking up the not-Mirdan Hammer (Lucerne?) in a next build though, and trying it out. How is it?

and I'm serious when I've killed more Gutsfags than Sephiroths, Narutos, and Sasukes combined in the collective Souls games.

shut the fuck up, OP.

The Lucernehammer is the "real" name of the weapon, the Mirdan hammer is the fantasy name only used in Demon's Souls.

Just use what you like. Fuck stats

Knight GF > Rogue GF

>not being a gentleman and only using cestus
ruffians and roodypoos abound in these parts

>not using the dragon tooth

I don't cosplay as Guts. I have met a shitton of "Guts" characters though, most of them using horribly ill-fitting gear like curved swords and shield+dark sword in DS3.

that picture makes me want to play it
but soul mode is replaced with ugly zombo mode
what do I do?

It's not that nobody can think of another character, it's that there are weapons, armor and enemies in the games reminiscent of Berserk.

>babby's 1st playthrough turtle weapon that requires a high investment quality build to be decent
No thanks.

I never really tried a dex build before, I plan to next time I'll play through some souls game, but there is just something incredibly satisfying in smashing enemies in one hit with a ridiculously oversized weapon

You get enough humanities to stay pretty if you're not baddie. Alternatively wear face covering helmets.

>I'm thinking about picking up the not-Mirdan Hammer (Lucerne?) in a next build though, and trying it out. How is it?
Insane with the Leo Ring.

Everything is a Berserk reference, its a fact Berserk invented getting seriously injured, greatswords, rape, and anger. Dark Souls is just the Berserk of video games.

>DEX character
>fun and challenging weapons like whips, claws, dual daggers, falchion, rapier
>STR character
>nothing but giant medieval slord

stop posting her you fucking creep.

>turtle weapon

Is it then a preference between a more strategic style and a more reactionary one? I can understand that

>Katana wielding faggot, probably uses magic too
It's funny because magic goes very well with Dex, and, since they tend to be less tanky, it doesn't match as nicely with Faith, so one could say that Dex chars are fedora-ish.

I used the Black Knight Greatsword through Anor Londo and beat the game with it, fuck you.

The only dex characters I see are

For once we can agree on something user

>so scared to be hit by enemies that you have to use a long weapon

>posting the eagle shield's best friend while calling the halberd a turtle weapon

>implying braindead halberd users didn't pick up the weapon simply because it out-ranges most PvE enemies
Almost as bad as spearfags I swear.

>turtle weapon
How exactly? Are you even aware that you can't shield poke with it?

I'm aware the actual weapon isn't called a Mirdan Hammer, but it's the name I remember it by the most. It's the actual name really Lucernehammer?

unironically this. halberd is the best weapon in the entire game.

I just think it would be cool to see her play Dark Souls with the bro. I mean she could potentially become a thing like Lobro. I recently had to drop my Lobos sub because I heard he was a fucking shitbag to Fieldy and subbed to her instead but I still like Lobro.

Leocerne especially with Power Within and with a weapon buff absolutely tears ass. I think Epicnamebro is using Lucerne plus PW, Leo Ring and SLB and the damage is fucking insane, made me dust off the old x360.

>implying STR characters don't get fun weapons
Also what exactly is "challenging" about DEX weapons?

It's because Guts only attracts degenerates and edgelords.

True patricians base all their characters on Serpico

Are whips ever not awful?

On a second note, I'm still sore at the lack of Kilij in post-DeS games, it was so nice.

>They made Solarie float a bit over the ground since they couldn't make characters taller.

Google Lucernehammer. It's the real name.

It still doesn't make sense, if someone wants to outrange everything, might as well use a pike. Also makes for a better turtling experience

>I googled the best shield and armor set disregarding fashion and roll speed starter pack

powerstanced poison spotted whips were pretty memey in DS2

universally garbage in 1 and 3 though

>I recently had to drop my Lobos sub because I heard he was a fucking shitbag to Fieldy and subbed to her instead but I still like Lobro.

Be thankful that he's using the full set of giant's armour and not the fucking mask.

>tfw using the SKSS
>solid weapon with some weight behind it
>has that top tier straight sword moveset while not being a complete shitter weapon like the BSS
>lowkey stylish without being gaudy
>perfect for carrying buffs

Only a retard would let you use SLB/DMB and PW without hitting you.

The longsword, tho.

Whips are great in DaS2 especially if you off-hand them.

it's the best mask in the game

>guy who made that video is now an ugly trap who only stream pubg

Patrician, SKS is also good. Silver Knight weapons were too good for DaS3

>retard who panders to the lowest common denominator is now a degenerate

Yeah but in PvE. It's not like anybody plays DS1 online and pvp is backstab fishing Souls anyway.

I don't take kindly to cheaters. Plus Fieldy is a cute.


>not best aesthetics that can be mixed with any setup
Die, normalfag

>Are whips ever not awful?
they were alright in ds2 before From nerfed them, now they are shit
they were actually buffed in ds3 and witch's locks has retarded damage on weapon art but still quite low-tier

hey it works doesn't it?

You could just, you know, buff before the host/invader sees you? Besides, Lucerne is parry bait in DaS1.

The game's speed does support a Serpico playstyle better though.

Indeed it was, you learn something new everyday. I should brush up on my polearms.

What was the difference between the Lucerne and a Bec de Corbin? They look very similar.

id be nice if they fought for realsies once. Gutts using the armor and Sepico using the windy cloak and feather sword

If they fought "for realsies" Serpico would be fucked.

would he though. he can fly and cut with wind all he wants while guts only has his crossbow and canon for range

With the full armor on Guts could just stand still and wait for Serpico to get tired of floating around scraping his sword on the armor


Onion helm is only appropriate if you try to cosplay as a cosmonaut or try to look like you have a literal dick for a head.

The Steel Set / Brushwood set is the best armor set for true patricians.

Guts is just as fast as Serpico. He is also leagues more durable and powerful.

sure, but he can't fly. Serpico would buzz in the air and shave him bit by bit until theres nothing left

Where has it been shown that Serpico can remain in the air indefinitely?

I used a washing pole, Pyro Flame with 16 Black Flames.

Invaded in the Tomb of Giants. I played for fun

whoa whoa whoa whats wrong with balder side sword

I personally found the serpent greatsword to be the most fun moveset.

Nothing, he just has shit taste.

Will we ever get anything equivalent to adj shield+blessed weapon+regen ring combo?

>Dark Souls 3 has Silver Knight armor finally with cape physics
>SKSS is not in Dark Souls 3 despite enemies using it

You can make a semi decent regen build in DSIII too. You'll spend a fuckload of time and FP for all the buffs, but it's doable.

I played through the entire series using nothing but straight swords.
What the fuck did I miss out on?