Why do liberals want to label video games as art? What is their end game...

Why do liberals want to label video games as art? What is their end game? Would labelling games art be easier for them to just want to turn games into pretentious dumbed down walking sims with shoehorned in political agendas?

Honest question.

>inb4 muh pole booger man

Video games are already art. Some people want them to be ART (pretentious).

Don't give a fuck about the politics behind it, but video games are literally and indisputably, pieces if art. They contain music, artwork/graphics, some woukd consider other aspects if vidya art too, e.g level design, theming, story, etc, etc. Pretty much art by definition.

If videogames are art then the can get governments funds for making garbage like Gone Home.

Insecure sissies not wanting to be a joke because they dedicate most of their time to gaming, that's the biggest reason at least.

Video games are art in the same way Baseball is, as in it isn't because it's a Hobby


>Why do liberals want to label video games as art?

gibs for state funded "cultural" projects

>What is their end game?

Being the lazy fucks they always are.
Alternatively propaganda.

>Would labelling games art be easier for them to just want to turn games into pretentious dumbed down walking sims with shoehorned in political agendas?

See first question

if video games are art I won't have to be embarrassed when I tell ugly girls from tindr my profession
t. game journalist

Why Sup Forums keeps on shitting themselves over this is beyond me


They CAN be considered art.

Killer 7 is art.

Shower with your Dad is not art.

>People create unique music scores for games.
>People draw backrounds.
>People create story lines.

If people squirting paint out of their vagina is art so is some vidya

games are games
art is art

games being games is a good thing
art being art is a good thing

Daddy wash my front

Way to copy the same thread we just had before of a serious debate into your retarded snowflake faggotry. You have to go back pol.


These as well.

Art, more like FART, my fellow conservatives

Why is everything now considered a "liberal" issue? Every time I come on this site, it's always "Why do liberals think this?" or "Why are liberals doing that?" as if being a liberal makes you apart of some collective mind.

They want things that push their political agenda to be seen as '''''''art''''''

>Shower with your Dad is not art.
It's a commentary on the state of video games, censorship and hyper-masculinity. I guess you just didn't understand the subtly of the piece.

Video games are art in the same way movies are. A lot are just garbage.

People removing aspects unique to video games like the actual game aspect just to make shitty visual novels with shoehorned messages should fuck off.

>as if being a liberal makes you apart of some collective mind.

Maybe that's because the most prevalent form of liberalism is left/collectivist liberalism.

It's easy to blame someone else for a non-issue


Maybe you're an idiot

It's a commentary on how Steam has no quality control and anything can get on there, same as the paint drying game and the one where you stop the baby from killing itself.

The moment games are treated as "art" is when there is literally no chance of any good games ever being released again.

Video games are a creative medium and have within them the ability to be works of art. If you define art broadly all video games are art. What leftists want is for video games to have a place in the art WORLD, i.e. for video games to be used as a vehicle for tax evasion, progressive faggotry, and Jewish iconoclasm.

There's a reason high art is fucking dead to the general public and it's not because it's 2deep4them. Having artfags infest video games would doom them to the same fate.

>Why do liberals want to label video games as art? What is their end game?
Have you seen what they've done to art proper? They want you to moralistically regard their walking/breakup simulators are high art, regardless of how much of it is masturbation.

A decade ago it was conservatives. Today's edgy kids are now conservative, so it's flipped.

Kids see something involving politics, and because politics are a bigger than ever, they jump right in pretending to know what they're talking about. Gotta prove you know what's happening by dragging the most popular topic in the world everywhere you go.

That too, yes.

Everything here is a liberal issue because we're overrun with Sup Forums losers.
Elsewhere everything is a conservative issue in the same way.

It's just easier for people to argue about things if they can take a thing they don't like, assign it to a group they don't like, and then attack the group.
Don't have to actually have any arguments other than "you suck" that way.

Haha yeah I also don't want to be forced to feed my children, lolbergtardianism for the win my fellow Jews

Sup, my fellow gaffer. Do you hear about that rude youber by the name of pewdiepie say about black people? I'm in complete shock. In fact, I'm reporting his vids right now. We can't allow people like him to influence younge minds of his bigotry and racism.

Political newfags who fall down on the right-wing side still see everything in terms of liberal versus conservative even though basic bitch conservatives are also liberal but w/e so whenever a leftist does something it's """liberalism""".

>starts thread with "why do liberals"
>acting like this isn't Sup Forumsshit

Essentially yes.
On the surface it looks as if they're aiming upwards, for a noble cause, but it's really just to sabotage what is already there.

I'm sick of these fucking games, and I can't stand heavily stylised games that go for style over substance.

If I want art, I'll go and visit the Tate Britain. If I want a compelling story, I'll read a book.

I do like story-based games, but walking simulators and all the rest of it are fucking cancer.

>Video games are art in the same way movies are.

Do movies allow you to control actors and make your own experience? Do movies nickle and dime you with dlc and microtransactions? If the answer is yes to at least one of these, than that means video games aren't art, but rather entertainment.

People who want video games to be included in the art scene are typically left-leaning. It isn't as though any rightists are gushing about how ~important~ and ~personal~ vidya is.

fuck off cunt, he has a point.

Because they want to validate themselves to their parents that they aren't wastes of sperm

Quality post Sup Forums

Video games are art but faggots try too hard to justify it.

Can you guys imagine how good the world would be if every single leftist just disappeared over night?

Where is it, though?

Why are there people so fucking dumb that they think walking simulators will replace AAA games? Why do they not understand that people will make walking simulators AND their AAA traditional games? It's already happening. Firewatch existing doesn't make Nier Automata or Witcher 3 less likely to exist.


they're already trying to do that by making Trump out to be Satan

Almost as good as if every rightist just disintegrated right now

>everything I don't like is muh Sup Forums boogeyman

end your life

>Why do liberals want to label video games as art?
Because then they can use 2deep4you to justify laziness and incompetense.

Videogames are already art
>waaaaah muh libruls
fuck off back to Sup Forums Trump cocksucker

>video games are the only media that let you personalize the artistic experience

But that's fucking wrong. Did fucking the 20th century just pass over whoever wrote this?

>anyone who doesn't like walking simulators is an AAAfag


"we're overrun" that's rich, considering you fucking cockroaches infested Sup Forums and a large amount of users were pushed into becoming edgy Sup Forums posters.
Even in that slither of text you have the language of a limp-wristed faggot progressive.

It's an issue, because all entertainment is in a stage of stagnation, and it's all because of lazy writing and smug politics being pushed into things, which will instantly date the material.

Mark my words, 2010-2020 is going to be a cultural black hole, consisting of some of the fastest dating entertainment and art that NO ONE will look back on fondly.
The only escape is the fringes and looking towards Japan.

Swap Sup Forums and cyka blat

Yeah, fantastic. That'd fix every issue with the world right now.

People like OP make me sad when I think about what this board has turned into.

Well to anyone interested, The Last Night, supposedly puts you at odds with an overly SJW communist government in a cyberpunk setting.

Pretentious conservative game?

>not thinking this place is the rightist equivalent -"everyone i disagree with is a leftist pos that should go away"

>Near a tomato

>all entertainment is in a stage of stagnation, and it's all because of lazy writing and smug politics being pushed into things

No it's because of the search for returns coupled with the fact that no one has any fucking money.

>wages don't rise
>prices do
>people consume less so everything competes for that same slice of the pie
>wtf millennials are killing X
>btw raising wages would be bad okay?

bash the fash

It's always been the way, fuck off neo-cunt.

>mfw to smart too pick a side

>he has a point
...that isn't about video games. He asked why X political group believes Y. He didn't ask if games are art or not. He's just asking about liberals. Which is fine, but it's not video games.

This is the board for video games, not politics (though who could blame you niggers for being confused). If OP wanted a thread discussing video games as art, that'd be more fitting, but that'd be a different thread.


>w-we're not newfags I sw-swear!

>pushed into becoming edgy Sup Forums posters

>Do movies allow you to control actors and make your own experience?
Is art music not art because it's common for pieces to be composed in a way that leaves room for the performers to improvise? What does this have to do with being art or not?
>Do movies nickle and dime you with dlc and microtransactions?
Unrated editions, deleted scenes, etc. Of course not all movies do this.

He's probably right for the wrong reason. Video games are the only art form to give life and medium to Hot Blooded Rivalry. This makes it the best by default.

Even if 99% of it is just children calling each other names. That 1% are the enlightened peak human condition that will one day guide humanity to a brighter future.

They'd be back in a few generations or so

t. doesn't know how immigration and Jewish influence works.

Literally fuck off Sup Forums

Sup Forums always had edgy posters though. They were at least ironic at one time.


>being this much of a newfag

Video games are art.

Video games are political.

These are facts, not opinions.

Aight, real question: How come everyone on Sup Forums always deals in extremes? If you say
>why is this relevant
or something similar, you're branded as whatever the original thing is against. If you go along with the original thing, you're branded as an extreme view that it holds. I know at least 70% of this is trolling and shit posting but are a shocking number of you really this narrow minded about everything?

You know, I think Sup Forums talks about all of those things. They typically blame Jews and/or capitalists who are just Jews through various avenues and agree that minorities are just a tool that they wield against whitey.

But, hey, you're just going to reply to me with a dumb /leftypol/ meme so hey

nah, their left wing (((puppet masters))) would also disappear, ending their century long lineage


You first, neofaggot.

You meming kekistan cunts need to stop cosplaying as nazis and become actual republicans and try to fix shit. But you won't because it's all a grand joke to you because you think you're safe in your middle class mediocrity. The economy is going to go tits up and you little shits will be scrambling to find someone to blame because it can't have been you, oh no, you did shit. You waved flags and shitposted on message boards like real adults. Better re-elect some corporatist to protect us from the other corporate shills instead of electing a republican who knows how the country works and isn't a fucking commie boot-lick.

>hates jews
>worships trump
>trump loves jews and is the biggest kike shill we've ever had as president
I don't understand Sup Forums's logic here

>worships Trump
>Sup Forums



FUCK mudslimes and antifa they're LITERALLY TERRORISTS- oh wait

Have you even been there in the past 18 months?

>dumb phone posters
>clearly a reddit and neogaf infestation

Stop trying to turn hard facts into something you can use for your own advantage.
The Hilary shilling was off the fucking charts.

What stage of the grieving process is this specimen in?

Fake screencap. Lefturds so desperate.

Yeah i wonder who shitpost with politics outside the politic board.

But they just did that.

The right wing will never have an answer to this problem, because it's what made the problem. the Regen-Thatcher-Greenspan era is everything you wanted.

Have you never been to Sup Forums in the past two years?

Kekistan fags are Republicans, though, or even literally just white Democrats who don't hate themselves as much as they're supposed to. Unless Gavin "AIDS Vector" McInnes is a Nazi now.
>Better re-elect some corporatist to protect us from the other corporate shills instead of electing a republican who knows how the country works and isn't a fucking commie boot-lick.
Oh, so you're retarded.

Holy shit I can't wait for the fucking shitlib salt when Fields walks.

Have you been on pol? They treat Trump like he's the second coming of Christ
Nice fancy infographic, Kevin. Make it all by yourself?


in case you haven't noticed, vidya production and criticism have been taken over by liberal arts majors who don't play video games but see them as a vehicle to push societal changes they see as desirable

>Why do liberals want to label video games as art? What is their end game? Would labelling games art be easier for them to just want to turn games into pretentious dumbed down walking sims with shoehorned in political agendas?

How do none of you people see this? It's extremely obvious beyond even the slightest shred of a doubt. Look at every other "Art" scam out there. Why do these get a pass in the world of modern art? Because you can apply some asinine "Meaning" to literally anything, including someone ingesting paint and shitting onto a canvas. Once you apply some unbearably pretentious narrative to any degree of zero technical skill in art, you have now shown your art to be "Higher" than any art of superior technical skill, despite the meaning pretty much being the exact same with more flowery words to associate with it. Thus, whenever someone shows off a "painting" which looks similar to Pollock's, many people tend to be averse to simply saying it's trash because some other faggot made splatter "art" and gave a story behind it. They don't want games to be genuinely artistic, they want games with pathetically low degrees of effort put into development to get praised for pseudo-narrative and faux depth while being shielded from all criticism by simply using whatever current synonym for "2Deep4u" passes these days. Thus they can start praising their in-house friends' projects as the deepest, most profound pieces of gaming in history and be able to constantly hide behind "It's art, we can interpret it however we want" whenever they receive the inevitable negative feedback that follows. Hell, it's only a matter of time before these "people" literally review games via YouTube videos they've seen rather than poorly play them.