Now that the dust has settled and we moved to a new generation of consoles, what was the superior last gen console? PS3 or 360?
I'm leaning towards the PS3 purely because BluRay won over HDVD
Now that the dust has settled and we moved to a new generation of consoles, what was the superior last gen console? PS3 or 360?
I'm leaning towards the PS3 purely because BluRay won over HDVD
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360 was pretty worthless unless you played shmups.
360 was the better console but ps3 had better games.
ps3 is fucking trash
In terms of performance, 360 generally did better. PS3 had free online. I can't recall many exclusives at this point for either one
PS3 has blu-ray, better exclusives and no paid online so I went with that
Fucking around with your schoolbuddies over Xbox live was the shit during it's peak nibba, even if it wasn't free.
ps3 got the best games
PS3 for me. Went though two xboxs and finally got a PS3. Free online and Demons Souls sold me forever.
Same. Remember when Bluray players were still like $300 around the time of the PS3's release?
The Wii.
PS3 was 599 US DOLLARS at release though.
OP here. I had both consoles, but my 360 ended up redringing. Probably what I get for buying it off a guy I knew. I had the original PS3. You guys know the one that people converted into fucking grills? (Backwards compatibility though)
360 did well because everyone's friends had one so they had to get one to play with them. X1 didn't have that so it didn't do well
Early-gen I went with the 360. Had some glorious times playing Halo, GTAIV, CoD4/WaW, Rainbow 6 Vegas, RDR, L4D etc online. Live was miles better than PSN. Xbox was dying so I sold it and bought one of the newer gen. Got kinda bored around 2012 and traded it in for a PS3. I got to play the exclusives (mgs, tlou, DeS, journey) everyone talks about for cheap.
Overall I have the fondest memories with the 360. The online was just so much fun, I made a lot of friends I still talk to today.
PS3 had Yakuza, 360 didn't. There's nothing to debate here.
Who is this qt?
PS3 had blu ray
360 had grass
Yeah..and it honestly didn't have many games worth playing.
I only recently heard about this series. How many games are on PS3? I'll try to find them soon
Yakuza 3, 4, 5 and the spin off Dead Souls are the ones that got localized, that's 4 games in total.
In Japan they also got 1 & 2 HD remaster, the spin off Kenzan and Ishin which is also on the PS4.
From the screenshots I've seen it looks like a beat em up. What makes it so special? Good plot? Good fighting mechanics? What?
i think in time, the 360 edged out the PS3 as online felt 10x better
but now the PS3 is better since it has a strong SP library. the only thing that was really fucked was Bayonetta
are you guys dumb? PS3 had better hardware. Xbox 360 had better online (not including price).
Exclusives are subjective
>What makes it so special?
It's fucking YAKUZA.
Where did Sony get off removing backwards compatibility with their newer consoles anyway? Not sure if 360 was at all backwards compatible.
PS3. More exclusives I liked, free online. Also better av, but no really cares about that.
Bayonetta PS3 was a really booty blaster though.
cmon now
Love the animations. Do the combos take skill to pull off or are they just QTEs?
>shmups on xbox 360
I'll never get this and why most CAVE games on are that system. Especially when PS3 was way more popular in Japan.
360 had "the games that mattered" as backwards no Otogi or Tao Feng. All the Halo and ATV games you want, though.
fuck off dobson
Those are just finishers, they are just a context sensitive button press but funny as hell, the combat has tons of combos too.
What makes Yakuza so good is the absurd ammount of content and stuff you can do, imo Yakuza 5 is the pinnacle of gaming. There are tons of minigames to play and many of those could be an actual small game of its own. You can go bowling, billiards, darts, baseball, golf, fishing, play poker and many other gambling games western and japanese, you can date hostesses from hostess clubs, you can eat in restaurants, you can even go to the arcades and play a full game of Virtua Fighter 2 among others(games change with each entry in the series). In Yakuza 5 you can even play a drift race minigame, there's also the coliseum fights that you can fight solo or with a partner, these fights are really hard on the hardest difficulty but the game is generally easy.
This is now a Yakuza thread.
I preferred PS3 exclusives, but Xbox 360 ran multiplats better, especially early on in the gen.
It really isn't. go talk about your little literally who game somewhere else
The one without the 55% failure rate.
You talking about the RROD or Sony's exclusive games between launch and 2010?
>nobody ever mentions how fucking dominant XBLA was when they discuss the console wars of last gen
fucking hell
its like none of you got engrossed in all the fucking amazing games that came out for it
Fuck off normie. Haruka is Love, Haruka is Life.
So the one with the 100% failure rate because all early models will YLOD sooner or later
Well that depends
they were both kinda on par but 360 wins due to the native 2x anti aliasing allowed without impacting framerate + being easy to develop for
in sheer numbers ps3 however you may prefer the little exclusives 360 has
preference as I prefer the ps3 pad because of the way the buttons are alligned and the 360 d pad is horrible but the 360 is a solid controller.
PS3Fat White>PS3FatBlack>360FatBlack>360 E>360FAT>360Slim=PS3Slim>PS3 super slim
its preference
360 was the superior hardware. the ps3 ran games like total trash
360 won first half, put too much focus on kinect for the second half and allowed the PS3 to jump ahead with games and only games. Had it not been for Kinect being a waste of resources it would have dominated that gen with both games and it's community. Keep in mind 360 experimented with things like 1v100 and other things to bring players together...then they just stopped. The sudden decline was practically overnight.
I miss when the XBL Arcade was one of the consoles defining features
I have played games fine on the system.
Redneck Redemption runs fine, GTA IV I didnt notice any difference framerate wise(I hate playing gta on consoles anyway).
Hell GTAV runs alright as well.
just make one
7th gen was the gen PC shined the brightest
God what a fucking awful generation
>7th gen was the gen PC shined the brightest
Why? All the big PC titles were on console save for a very small number. Unless you only play mmorpgs then no.
PC shined the brightest because this gen had the most first person shooters released on both consoles and pc.
Fps on PC > fps on console
It really depends
360 has generally better multiplats, better controller, some handful of early exclusives like Ninja Gaiden 2, Ace Combat 6, Halo and Gears
PS3 is a better package overall - it has bluray, better exclusives like Demon's Souls, PS1/PS2 games, but slow as fuck installs/framerate issues
>everybody votes, punch out wii, dios mios, homebrew channel, wads
now i know ps3 had emulation, but i remember it being shit
>this gen had the most first person shooters released on both consoles and pc.
99% of those were absolute thrash. Which fps games are you referring to?
It's the other way around, the big console titles were all on PC or ended up on PC eventually like Platinum games
And any game that's multiplat is best played on the PC for the definitive experience.
>Fps on PC > fps on console
this has never not been the case at any point in history
Mostly cod, the far cries, battlefields.
Either way im not arguing the quality of the games, Im just saying the best way to play them is on pc.
Even then, most console ports of various other genres allow controllers so you get your comfy controller + better framerates and graphics. It is a win win.
>>>>paid online
>you have to pay to play XBLA
you a dumbass nigga
I'm surprised the Vita version ran this more or less 1:1 with the console versions
Think of the finishers in Yakuza as a Super in fighting games.
>Takes meter tomorrow use
>Requires certain conditions to activate
>Can only be spammed if you are good at avoiding damage and landing hits in quick succession
For pirates clearly PS3 even tho people cracked it later on.
Oh so PC shined the brightest in the 7th gen because CoD, Far Cry and Battlefield are best played on PC? Seriously?
Ps3. It had free online play but now all the consoles are worthless because you have to pay for that shit now.
Literally everything is best played on PC
PS3 was better because it has the games I like, and free online.
*on a much more expensive PC than a console
That's the little detail you fucks always leave out of the equation. Yes, a high end PC is the best way to play any game, save for shitty ports, but they are also much more expensive. The majority of people who played on PC during the 7th gen didn't have a PC as or more powerful than the consoles available at the time.
Didnt have a ps3 so im bias. I owned a 360 and just from this SS the 360 looks sharper. So I think the 360 won it for me.
The price spent on a PC will far outlive your console, and the savings on cheaper games and utility blows your argument out of the water.
The 360 was superior to the PS3 in every way except it lacked bluray, but that's what kept it at a reasonable price so whatever
unless the port is shit
Are you fucking kidding me? It was easier back then to build a console with price parity to consoles than it is now with the 4 Pro/One X. You could literally stick a 750 Ti that was $150 into your mom's pre-built and do better than consoles.
At first, 360 was better, but that changed after about, what, 2 or 3 years?
After that, PS3 became the clear winner.
There are very few PC ports that are so awful that the flaws can't simply be brute forced through. DMC3 and Saints Row 2 are the only ones I can think of. Every other port, even if it ran worse than the consoles at launch, are still better looking at the full picture, with mods and more community support/players in the future.
PS3 had the better exclusives and the X360 had the best multis.
Not factoring 3RLs or YLODs, the X360 also had the best architecture.
It's still cheaper/easier to get PS4 pro/XboneS and greater performance from a PC for under $400
Just buy a surplus Dell i7 workstation like an Optiplex for about $150-$200, then drop whatever you have left on a decent video card and you're golden.
Any multis were better on PC so the PS3 was the best companion console. Though I guess the problem wasn't as awful back then as it is now since the 360 had a few good exclusives while the bone has L I T E R A L L Y nothing.
360 BY FAR
much bigger difference than xbone vs ps4
the wii?
360 easily. there was practically no reason to own the ps3 unless you were retarded enough to spend 600 bucks on a blu ray player. emulation argument was moot too since i (and most other people) still had ps2s. the 360 was the better buy in pretty much every way.
I really wish I got a 360 instead (until it dies at least)
360 had better online, better multiplats, and great exclusives(japanese and western ones. no real support from anyone after 2015. easy to pirate shit.
PS3 had blue ray(but netflix took over), free online(but it was pretty bad,some really good japanese exclusives and later spectacular cinematic experiences from naughty dog. supported longer by publishers(just japanese ones though). pirating ain't that great.
Prefered my 360
It was much easier to port games to the 360.