>Free version is better than the full priced version
Has this ever happened before besides this?
>Free version is better than the full priced version
Has this ever happened before besides this?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't know why people like paladins so much, it just seems like a watered down version with unnecessary mechanics and even more shallow characters.
>Blizzard marketer.
>Full priced
How much are you being paid to make these threads? I'm fucking serious.
t. Hi-Rez viral marketer
damn you got me
$15 per hour 10 hours a day 4 days a week.
You know that even the people who play Paladins don't think this game is serious, right?
Only to poor fags
I bet the one in the left isn't a filthy carpet muncher
>get a hero every month
>fun maps
>doesn't take itself super seriously as a $20 MILLION BUY IN ESPORTS game
why would anyone play overwatch?
t. previous overwatch player with 400+ hours clocked in that got utterly bored of the game around doomfists release when realizing that the game is so fucking sterile
Yes, a few times now.
That's exactly the face i make when i know that Overwatch will eventually go F2P just like TF2
>people trying to play serious is wrong because I'm the typical single player baby who can't into competitive gameplay
Typical Sup Forums.
Just like WoW, Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 did, right?
>literally defending buy in esports for a game that is actually horrendous to watch
wow is f2p "muh trial" fuck off f2p cuck
starcraft 2 is f2p
diablo 3 is the only one that isn't
umm paladins was going for esports from the start. They even had tournaments in cbt.
>wow is f2p "muh trial" fuck off f2p cuck
>starcraft 2 is f2p
The fuck are you even saying?
>Community Content
Valve found a way that they could get other people to do the work and still get a majority of the profit, which is why TF2 was able to support F2P. Blizzard gave people an inch with Custom Games and it turned into a fucking disaster. There's no way they're going to implement something like TF2's Mannconomy or SC2's Arcade when they don't even want to release the map maker.
>starter edition
It's trial, you cuck.
they don't even have to do that since game already runs like a f2p model with their microtransactions i mean its same concept as Paladins does with chests and shit.
forgot link
>if you don't like the vomit that is Paladins you're a Blizz shill
>if you don't like the vomit that is Overwatch you're a HiRez shill
both games are fucking trash and made for trash retards like you. Have "fun" you braindead faggot.
Paladins has better girls
Have fun not liking video games
Paladins embraced and used the power of cute girls
>I don't know why people like paladins so much, it just seems like a watered down version with unnecessary mechanics and even more shallow characters.
It's called boredom. Once you get bored of Overwatch but want to scratch a similar itch you move on to Paladins, which is different enough to still find some enjoyment.
That said, Paladins does some things better, some things worse.
But both games dropped the ball HARD when it comes to the characters.
>Being a Hirezfag after Tribes and Global Agenda
They'll shut down Paladins immediately as soon as they realize they can't milk it more out of it than they can with SMITE or their poor imitation of the latest big thing.
>>Being a Hirezfag after Tribes and Global Agenda
> They'll shut down Paladins immediately as soon as they realize they can't milk it more out of it than they can with SMITE or their poor imitation of the latest big thing.
Oh, one of you fags again.
They shut down Tribes because you didn't support it. Then they brought it back and still keep it alive because you complained to no end. But are you playing Tribes now? Of course not. But you oh so love to keep complaining instead.
well i wouldn't blame them if they don't earn money from it
>Hurr look how cool I am I hate everything!
Blizzard is so incompetent
>They shut down tribes because you didn't support it
People didn't support it because they didn't listen to feedback whatsoever and just changed things that didn't needed to be changed. It was so lazy, just shitting out a new, unfinished, class system knowing it would be broken as shit and kept pushing hitscan and shotgun faggotry. And when people had the fucking gall to not play something that isn't fun they just shrugged their shoulders and didn't bother fixing it.
Still F2P. You blizzdrones make excuses for everything and fall for obvious marketing.
Overwatch is bad, but Paladins is actually worse. Like a Chinese knockoff of Overwatch.
paladins has better gameplay,more characters and balanced
overwatch only is better in graphics
It's not F2P as it does not offer the same features as the full game and gives no in-game ability to unlock them, other than purchasing a full-product. Do you also call demos F2P? You're probably too young to even remember MMO trials, so I won't even ask that.
Both have shit gameplay.
Paladins also has shitty loadouts.
More characters != better game/balance
The characters also look like shit. Waifu bait sluts and retarded Mexican knight.
>hurr I love the taste of shit you're dumb for not enjoying it
>overwatch and Paladins are the only games that exist
>implying I would ever forgive hi-rez
Just how naive are you?
>More characters != better game/balance
paladins has both
also Nando isn't mexican
he is spaniard
He's Mexican/Peruvian. Like most Paladins players.
You can come up with whatever excuses you want and point the finger at Hirez, but the fact of the matter is that it was a free to play game and the players didn't support it with money. So if they don't turn a profit what possible reason would they have to keep it going. So your entitled ass could keep playing?
Well they listened to your bitch ass and brought it back, but you're not playing, instead you keep whining like a little bitch.
>Like a Chinese knockoff of Overwatch
No one who has actually played it believes this, that's the meme that blizzardcucks were trying to create.
I played it in beta and I was laughing the whole time because it was so terrible. Obnoxious voice lines and terrible voice acting, deviant art tier characters (Androxxious??? Lmao). Terrible gameplay/HUD and horses???
Don't know if this counts but wolfenstein ET > Quake Wars
Overwatch added some fucking card system? The fuck?
That's fine, but it's quite different from overwatch
>paladins and overwatch
>most of the cast from both games completely lack personality and good design
From Paladins the only decent ones are Bomb King, Inara, Mal'Damba. From Overwatch it's Tracer, Ana and Mercy.
Both of them really need to step up their game.
I like Kinessa because she's /fit/
>basically has 2 snipers and 3 semi-snipers
>no players can aim for shit
Not exactly sure when you played, but it has changed a lot, HUD looks just fine and horses are good because they increase the amount of time you are actually playing the game, it helps with initial positioning as well, specially for slow characters.
This ass is not comparable even for D.Va, not to mention Widowmaker. Widowmakers ass is pure perfection. Cosmos
Show her face
No character can consistently one shot enemies, only Kinessa with an specific card that requires a headshot and even then only a portion of the cast can actually get oneshotted, plus the very high mobility means that snipers are weak in the game.
The point I'm making is that there are many sniper type characters people always pick, always miss their shots with and just spends entire matches just looking at the objective.
Sounds like a low elo problem.
Overwatch sucks but Paladins has the worst aiming I've ever seen
Does paladins have proper mouse sensitivity input? is it possible to directly convert OW sens to Paladins?
>worst aiming I've ever seen
What did he mean by this
>implying you can get even more shallow than Overwatch
Oh wow thanks for helping me realize all the fun I've been having is fake.
Well sure if you wanna live Im the land of deluded but I'm not one to get in the way of people's delusions.
Nooe, and it still hasn't.
all grovers are top tier snipers
>paladins has better gameplay,more balanced
Lying online must be fun for you to do it every day.
Paladins is a lot more competitive. It doesn't force a player to adapt to the characters like in overwatch, but instead lets the character change the heroes to their tastes. Don't really care too much about bastion's main form or torbjorn's right click? Fuck you get used to it. In paladins if you dislike a part of a champion you can take away from it and put cards towards abilities you use often.
>can change character mid game
>characters hard counter each others
This essentially means that the game is a glorified paper, rock and scissors simulator.
not really
I 'main' lucio and fuck up a lot of people in 1v1s.
>Forces you to get good
>not comepetive.
Sound logic mate.
you are incorrectly quoting friend. I never said anything of that nature. Everyone has their own play styles. In Paladins it's just as common to be a regular tank and just shield than to be a flanker. In overwatch you are limited to what they give you.