So Sup Forums is full of girls now. What happened?
So Sup Forums is full of girls now. What happened?
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Where's the proof of this? Most middle-aged women I've seen either don't like video games or only play phone apps
Is this a thinly veiled "Gamers are Dead" article or something?
>people are still counting Candy Crush players as gamers
Why do they insist on doing this? What is the purpose of such obvious bullshit?
>playing mobile and indie """"""""""games"""""""""" makes you a video gamer
Yet another reason this planet would instantly improve if all journalists were killed.
They include phone apps as games.
I like how she's holding a controller but the study probably uses smartphone game audiences to reach these results.
This makes sense when you think that essentially everyone is a gamer in the loosest sense of the word. If all someone has to do is play candy crush once in thier life to be a gamer of course women are gonna be the top gamers. Honestly there should be a slightly more stingint critera like at the very least calling your self a gamer or owning a console or a decent PC. Ah who cares this shit has been said again and again. Im goin back to xenonaughts.
>they include phone apps as games
Jesus Christ.
Honestly, I would really love to see a detailed breakdown of genres and games among platforms based upon the sexes and maybe race if that was possible. Out of genuine curiosity. Unfortunately, corporates like keeping that info close to their chest, since it helps prevent competition.
"have you ever played that card game on your computer during work?"
here, that's how they define "gamer" in the data.
you mean the typical bitch fiddling with her phone.
>video gamer
>I'm a girl btw Xd
I want to fuck the shit out of that fugly olive oyl slut
There was one pic showing ultra popular games by gender. Girls beat out guys in casual trash. We tied in puzzle games. Girls made up like 1% of CSGO and dota 2 players. Not really surprising.
I don't call myself a "gamer" and I don't own a console or decent PC buy I play ~70 hours a week on my toaster laptop.
if girls are the majority of gamers, then we don't need to change games to cater to them, because they're already the primary consuming audience and there shouldn't be changes
>Qualifying as a """gamer""" because you play 20 minutes of candy crush saga a week.
>media pretends girls already play video games in an effort to get girls to play video games
Why does she have a penis nose?
Do publishers actually believe this stuff when they see these studies? Do they actually think Angry Bird and Candy Crush playing moms are the great untapped market for their 80 hour FPS-RPG?
>So Sup Forums is full of girls now
It's always been like that
Keep in mind they are using the "gamer" word, not the "player" word. It's not the same thing.
>videos games are high art
Males are the minority now. Where's our representation? We are oppressed by the matriarchy.
>women still trying to push this
Who is dumb enough to believe this?
More money by sellng more games?
People are sheep, just repeat something is super popular and they will latch on, especailly girls who fall for fashion.
>So Sup Forums is full of girls now. What happened?
After this place went full alt-right, the only real contrarian option was to become old, not a NEET and female.
>video gamer*
>* TN: includes phones
once again phoneposters ruin everything
So, blame the middle-aged educated women for all the bullshit they blame virgin obese males living in their mother's basements.
Always a male at fault when it's negative things.
So I've been autistically discussing RPG lore with milfs this whole time?
Maybe this will finally make the term "gamer" die.
but Sup Forums told me the average gamer is white, in his early 20's, male, and deeply is angered by anything "leftist"
I interpreted this as "It is easiest to make money off of educated middle-aged females". Makes sense to me.
keep in mind they count suck dicks and tweeting about it as games.
i for one would love to live in a society where all men are sexually objectified and raped by females
i would love to go out at night, afraid some female is going to assault me and force me to rub her nipples.
They always neglect to define what they consider a "gamer" and what sort of games these women are playing.
It's called pushing an agenda, and they all know it.
Or it's just out-of-touch focus groups whose definition is overly-broad.
That last part is a direct result of people pushing nonsense like in the OPs article.
25% of roguelike player are female?
I somehow doubt that
I've actually came across a lot of women while playing csgo. Some were actually really good.
>threads about what the demographics of gamers are have existed for years
>every time, every year the thread will be filled with faggots who refuse to accept facts and believe the only reality that exists is what their anecdotes state.
>Thread gets deleted
>LOL better make another one!
Why do you do this?
What are they trying to do with these articles? What would they change by making the average person believe that the majority of videogames are populated by middle aged women?
there goes most of v
there goes the farm
Only if you count mobile "games" or facebook "games", you double nigger
No, I think it's simply not true.
Sport and racing as chad games.
Just look evil misogyny JRPG begin favorites over WRPG.
>What happened?
Nothing op! NOTHING!
fuck i was dreaming, for years, to change into Hatsune Miku
but i grow up, now i know it cannot be done, also i almost stop playing vidya because i have other adult things to do like finding new job, maybe women have more time and spend it to play candycrush or something "vidya" related more than men these days, i don't know
all i wanted was to bring smile to the world with my voice but i'm not cute anime vocaloid, life is just simply unfair
>billiards and chess aren't a real sport
>but this phone apps totally count as video games hurr
>not a Miku cosplay
I thought we were all little girls? Isn't that established fact and well known by now?
Because look at all the (You) and how fast this thread is going.
It says 'survival roguelikes', which probably means games that aren't roguelikes, like FTL and Isaac.
Does journalism do anything of use nowadays?
>paid off to give games good scores, meaning their reviews don't matter
>all journalists are god-awful at games, not even having a normal person's level of competency
>most journalists don't know how to write, describe, or explain anything so they rely on arbitrary comparisons between two entirely different video games (dark souls of, mario is dishonored, etc)
>constantly trying to make bullshit claims about who plays video games and that video games are political platforms
I don't even understand why they push this shit. what's the point? who cares? if they were trying to push the market in a certain way it would fail and go back to pandering to teenage males anyway no matter how much they make up lying articles like this.
middle aged women fucking hate video games, are these people retarded?
candy crush is not video games.
Billiards is on ESPN. Pretty sure Chess has been at the olympics.
Stop stealing Sup Forums meme.
Female version Neckbeards are women over 25 y.o,B.S in humanities,twitter/tumblr user, fat likes complains everything.
>typical gamer is female
How do we get more men into gaming, Sup Forums? Diversity is important.
the study is wrong because it includes """""games""""" such as Angry Birds and walking simulators
>counting cellphone games
If anyone doesn't see the obvious agenda that's going on, they're most definitely redditors and n*ogaffers that need to kill themselves immediately.
Trannies and low t faggots are men, they were born with cocks.
Girls follow other girls. In order for females to want to do something great, another female has to already have done that. It's really a curse.
I would like to see the details of this fucking study
they want to push for affirmative action style quotas in development teams, intersectionality commissars in the style of 90's sexual harrassment inspectors and more diversity in characters depicted in videogames because muh equality of outcomes and strict 50/50 split
>tfw no milf to play vidya with
Is poker a sport?
>with faggots who refuse to accept facts
What are you on about? Actual breakdown charts like get posted everytime.
I'll take them over clickbait-journalists following an obvious agenda everytime.
>Taking statistical data from Sup Forums
>Where the population is 50% liars and 50% kawaii imoutos
>Extrapolate a 0.05% sample as a population
He's right tho. Vidya players look 25 (but are actually 2000 years old), have post-docs and are closet cambabes too shy to capitalize on it.
Nesta is besta!
So the ones Harrasing Dean Takahashi are women?
They already can hire whoever the fuck they want, user. A lot of game companies are liberal because Alabama isn't a great place to have your company.
Clickbait. Just look at this thread and how many replies it has. It's a counterintuitive claim that causes people to to read the article and give them precious clicks.
put hot women in them, too many fugly women in western games
Does that mean most gamergaters are female?
and dead?
I personally know two women in their mid-twenties who religiously play CSGO and Overwatch. Terribly.
They come straight from activision blizzard. The only reason why they haven't made changes that might appeal to their female dominate demographic is that girls prefer playing as men in CoD cause they get off on it.
What most people don't realize is that these studies include "moviegames" and mobile games that involve next-to-no substance when it comes to content or quality.
It's on ESPN. So is log rolling, hotdog eating, spelling bee
>Harrasing Dean Takahashi
I keep seeing this claim and have seen no actual harassment. People on Twitter suck up to his ass and Youtube has fair criticism of him.
Is this the same kind of harassment as Zoe Quinn's "harassment" (that she staged herself and the FBI could find no evidence of)?
Maybe girls(male) if anything
women don't like games unless they're mobile shit
The only games that women like are mindgames with men.
A woman is never, ever, EVER satisfied. This is why you don't bend to the whimsies of your girl. Women try to control you but they don't actually want control, it's just a power play.
Same as in games.
tl;dr women don't like games and never will, this is more equality shit which contributes to the cycle of consumer ignorance and corporate greed.
It is? Are they hot?
sauce, friend
Where do fighting games fall on this chart?
Hello Mr.Tripfag, so kind of you to show up, I love adding you faggots to my filter :)
t. pseudo intellectual teenager
I fully support this study
We should start making videogames that target men more, gaming should stop being a girls only club
So what are SJWs complaining about? Us men are clearly the minority so games pandering to us seem fair.
mama mia
Please stay on your containment board, incel.
i like check boxes better
Female - Educated. Passionate. Artist.
Male - Stupid. Sexist. Fat. Neckbeard.
Nigga pls