>Pewdiepie is at risk of losing his youtube channel over him saying the N word
>Pewdiepie is at risk of losing his youtube channel over him saying the N word
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Who is going to take his channel down?
Not youtube.
He's a fucking idiot. What did he expect would happen?
What did Felix mean by this?
>hard R
what a mistake
o no, what will this young millionare do...
Fuck that faggot and fuck niggers
fuck off nigger
but why would you want to fuck /ourguy/
wasn't he supposed to delete the entire thing at 500m subs or whatever
the guy who does content cop says it literally every day and is jewish
poopdoodypiss is not jewish
all google execs are jewish
see a pattern?
>uploads a video of unrelated stream fails shortly after
base pewds
>the N word
Just say nigger you nigger, where do you think you are?
Fuck you
He deleted one of his other channels iirc, some clickbait shit
yeah what an idiot. His precious YT channel. Oh no.
he said he'd delete his 2nd channel (the "vlog" one)
he did
Why doesn't Youtube have a mature audience warning like Twitch does?
>losing his channel
hahahaha nice joke retard
what's next? bethesda going bankrupt for selling the same game 5 times?
seriously, who cares he said, clearly not his cancerous fanbase, nor normal people. Just sensible faggots would rant about that.
>Sup Forums likes pewdiepie now
Americans should start using "nigger", "honkey", "spic", "chink", "gook", etc on a daily basis. That way their "taboo" words will lose their real meaning. the same way they did with "nazi" and "cuck".
Thank god. He's fucking cancer and always has been cancer. Sup Forums siding with this fucking screaming obnoxious retard because he said nigger is retarded as fuck.
Reminder that this is the guy you people are siding with
I laughed.
I don't watch pewdiepie, so I'm not bothered. I hope nothing happens to him, though. I honestly don't think anything will.
I'll say nigger in the bronx at the top of my lungs to retire with the money he has
idubbbz aint a jew, ya fuckin' jew
I hope every e-celeb loses their income. Can't wait until the bubble bursts
I think we should get rid of every video that has the word nigger in it. Easy work-around to banning blacks on youtube
"it's not about pewdiepie, it's about those damn librals"
>at risk of losing youtube channel
How the fuck is that allowed? You can't lose your channel for saying that.
>until the bubble bursts
anytime a big name dies, it just make the smaller ones more profitable.
If Pewdiepie didn't lose his channel over the nazi allegations, he's not going to lose his channel over the N-word scandal.
Who the fuck cares?
he could make a video saying NIGGER NAZI KIKE for 10 minutes and no one would anything about it.
Of all the problems going on in the world the one that gets the most buzz, most reaction, and most backlash is some random Swedish youtuber saying nigger on a stream.
This just goes to show how retarded our society has gotten, to where they care more about the off-hand use of a racial slur by a random person on the internet more than any serious problems.
Oh no, Pewdiepie said nigger while playing a game! Time to shit my pants and have a crying fit on the floor!
He's rich as fuck, don't think he cares at this point.
That said, its ridiculous how all these """industry""" people are coming down on him for saying nigger. Their argument that he's supposed to set a good example because of his huge following is retarded. Was he setting a good example by acting like a goddamn moron in front of the camera for years? No.
The whole thing is just more of the usual virtue signalling crap.
You didn't watch Idubbz didn't you?
>someone donates just as he says nigger
Also why would anyone donate to a fucking millionaire?
>Pat from the Best Friends has said negro and nigger on multiple occasions
>no backlash
wow it's almost like they have some kind of grudge against the most successful YouTube user
He's not. You got clickbaited.
>pewdie is pandering to edgy teens instead of children now
>Sup Forums is filled with edgy teens
Of course neo/v/ likes him now.
/ourguy/ syndrome, apparently all it takes for nu-Sup Forums to love cancerous e-celebs is for them to say "nigger". Just look at JonTron
Google isn't dumb enough to throw away the money he brings in.
So they can get some attention from the streamer
youtube gives him basically 0 money. His money comes from licensing, merch and he invested most of his millions in houses in London and put it for rent.
I actually AM a jew, and so is he.
heres a better vid
>a swede saying "nigger" in the UK stole the spotlight from the 9/11 anniversary.
it really makes you think!
He didn't think, he just said the word out of anger.
>fame is a "bubble"
are you literally retarded?
>jews volunteering to not make millions of dollars of ad revenue a year because one goyim accidentally blurted out the word nigger
I don't think so, Tim.
literally yesterday on his stream Pat called a sonic enemy a "beaner" not knowing that it's a slur and stopped the stream and apologized for like 5 minutes straight after his gf told him what it meant
I am glad. He has been a huge faggot from the beginning.
>all these people defending him
pat is jewish
pewd isn't
The guy who made firewatch threatened to False DMCA him. Three of them gets his channel deleted by the google robots. Yeah, this is illegal but no one wants to go to court over it.
Those Saudis were the real victims. If America wasn't so oppressive around the world, they could've find a better life than terrorism.
>celebrating 9/11
>in the official year of muslim take over
I hope you're not older than 14 because then I have some bad new fella, you're fucking retarded and not nearly as smart as you think you are, what a pretentious, basic attempt at social analysis
Nobody gives a shit about 9/11
>losing youtube channel over what he said on twitch
Literally, what did you expect?
I don't care if this snownigger disappears.
jontron is an arab
>Pat called a sonic enemy a "beaner" not knowing that it's a slur and stopped the stream and apologized for like 5 minutes straight
Wow, what a fag.
t. spic
Nice arguments there, fag
Don't try to call someone else stupid when all you can manage is autistic screeching
Did that before. They unironically didn't care.
Which just makes his worship of white boi cock even more pathetic
Skyrim is for the nords
Who the fuck cares? Why are you watching PewDiePie, or any surrogate friend simulator for that matter, in the first place?
>Man swears
>His livelihood is threatened
The absolute state of the US right now. What happened to freedom of speech? Is your spine made of clay, to be offended by a casual curse?
What is wrong with all of you? Can't you just love your ALL your neighbors?
except he will
>all these fucking kids defending pewdiepie
I don't give a fuck if he said nigger or not but holy shit, pewdiepie is not your friend. You are walking goybux to him and the fact that so many of you retards think he's le /ourguy/ xD because he said nigger is fucking pathetic. You faggots probably grew up with him so you shared his transition from kid friendly, annoying, loud Pewdiepie to his fake as fuck ironically edgy, "Punished" Pewdiepie persona.
this is the only thing that needs to be said in the entire thread
this is the dumbest thing in the entire thread
I hate how we are now at a point to where if you so much as do a slight slip of the tongue even once, it gets forever archived online and will be referenced and held against you for probably many many years.
All these idiots online going insane over him saying the N word should try going to a party or any gathering of friends. People say all sorts of crazy shit, but they say it without any actual mean intent. It's like how people use to feel comfortable using "retarded" in all sorts of situations, but now do not do so not because their thoughts on mentally handicapped people changed (they never had an issue with them to begin with), but because people will treat you like a fucking nazi if you say it.
And it will always be bullshit that if he was black no one would care.
freedom of speech protects you against the government, not bloggers
Why do so many people care about e-celebs drama? I don't understand.
Gen z is red pilled
He's just a ginger
my non cis gendered bi queer turbofag megazord insides just got triggered
>freedom of speech
Freedom of speech protects you against the government you faggot. Same reason it's perfectly fine that people aren't buying the South Park game because the difficulty slider triggers them.
He's in Bongland
I wouldn't love the children neighbors. That gets messy.
I was playing destiny with my friend and he was doing a conference call for work at the same time, and had the voice chat going through his tv and I said nigger, meanwhile he was on the phone with a black guy from the office.
>there's a black guy on the call and he can hear you
>oh sorry_ nigga_ Is that better?
>everyone laughs
these things are not as big a deal as some would have you believe
It's blatant censorship, it's going to affect your favorite homosexual ytuber
>Casual curse
He said nigger, that's considered rather offensive when a white guy says it.
Dare I say it, is he /our/guy?
Because Sup Forums is forever locked in an eternal war with Sup Forums
>Pewdiepie transformed into a faggot-triggering machine
I like it
>everyone not realizing he hates his job as a youtuber
everyone not realizing he's practically google's slave for them to reel in cash
>everyone not realizing he did that nazi shit a while back to gain controversy to try and get google to abandon him
>everyone not realizing when he did that 'deleting my channel' thing he actually wanted to but google restricted the deletion of it
>everyone not realizing he's given up now and is now screaming nigger to get fired
if google keeps clinging onto him like this he's just gonna end up killing himself
Can all the niggers around here honestly tell me if they even give a shit when they're called niggers?
all the people i see complaining about that shit are white faggots filled with self inflicted guilt
>Same reason it's perfectly fine that people aren't buying the South Park game because the difficulty slider triggers them.
Well, its a pretty shitty joke.