This is an absolute masterpiece.
This is an absolute masterpiece
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only because ape escape 4 doesn't exist yet
the ps2 was a masterpiece. I wish Sony would rerelease it and start supporting it again.
To sort of go with your point OP, I honestly think gaming would a a lot better if we had more main characters like Kratos. Oh, he was definitely edgy and all those buzzwords but you know what? I rather take that then all this "beta loser bland 'kind hearted' MC" shit that games constantly love to do. Call Kratos edgy and an edgelord but at least he's interesting.
Kratos' problem isn't that he's edgy, but that he's just a bad character.
Kratos is one of my favorite characters of all times.
Seeing this man descent into hopelessness and utter absolute rage because his life was ruined was one hell of an experience. Being betrayed by everyone left and right until he goes "fuck it, I'll just ruin everything for everyone" was so fun. My favorite part in GoW II is just before the end when Kratos is walking down the corridor and the last sister of fate goes "Kratos stop, you'll destroy everything" but that does nothing, he just keeps going. He's long fucking gone and he just realizes it a whole game later but then he still manages to save mankind.
I just wanna hug him and tell him everything will be alright.
Oh fuck you he's great.
makes me sick that this franchise is still going and Ninja Gaiden, DMC, and Bayonetta are dead
>I only play on easy mode then I complain I just mash buttons.
it isn't still going technically, they changed the combat, characters and story, it basically isn't the same game anymore
I love this game. But I discovered there are action adventure games that has way more deepness in gameplay. gows gameplay isnt bad, but its a little simple. lives matter and current situation in Europe is what?
Increasing the difficulty doesn't make it more complex, the "combos" are still kiddie-tier, you just have to mash harder because more enemies are coming.
stop that, you might trigger Sup Forums by suggesting there's more to games that just raw combat mechanics
This doesn't make sense.
>thinking evading more and counter attacking more in hard mode makes the game mechanics deeper.
dumb button masher
>still going
>new game is a bastardized mess of an already simple game series.
I'm not a GoW fan but if I was I would be pissed that the new game doesn't even try to resemble the old ones in any way. I think the similarities begin and end with Kratos' name, white skin, and red tattoo.
At least DmC was a hack and slash that resembled the originals, albeit dumbed down in every way. This doesn't even look like it's trying to be God of War, let alone anything good.
3 is better in every way possible.
I heared about the gameplay. Is it true that it is a hellblade ripoff?
See for yourself:
You try just mashing buttons on any difficulty above medium and tell me if you get anywhere.
These games are casual garbage and I don't understand why they even got popular in the first place
Nice buzzword.
Just because you don't mash them randomly it doesn't mean it isn't mashing, it is still basically 3 actions, attack, defense, counter attack, you just have to time them better as the difficulty increases, but you are mashing 3 buttons 1 for each action basically.
You don't understand this because you haven't played old school DMC, that's it, it is like comparing your typical Naruto/Smash/[Insert weeb tier casual fighting game] with Street Fighter.
It doesn't mean it can't be fun, but it isn't difficult or actually good.
I completed the ps2 and psp titles in every dificult level. shut up and stop lying to yourself, gow is a good franchise, but it's gameplay is not deep.
It's not deep but it's still difficult and fun.
It's pretty difficult (and yes I played fucking DMC, it's always brought up).
I never said it is not dificult. It fucking is, but I said the gameplay is simple compared to other action adventure games
I know some people are gonna hate me for this but I wish more action games took cues from this series in terms of adding more puzzle and platforming elements. The massive scale of most of the set pieces is also really nice.
Compared to DMC (not in Easy mode where the combos are automatic) it isn't really difficult.
If you really played it I should not have to explain this.
This, kinda.
He's hilarious. He's exactly the kind of character that action games need. None of Arnold Schwarzenegger's action movie heroes were "good", but they were entertaining as fuck.
>He's hilarious. He's exactly the kind of character that action games need
That's not Duke Nukem
I really liked the original GoW. I know it's not difficult, square smashing, etc, but that's not it's strong point, this series never wanted to be a dmc.
It was a "casual" experience with a lot of awesome moments.
I don't know if I'm interested in the new GoW, the trailers haven't impressed me, it lacks impact, epicness, magic and brutality.