Divinity: Original Sin 2

It's getting closer boys
If they add another skill tree to the game, what do you wish it'll be?

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I'm at the final parts of DOSEE
the ending just drags on and on

another hydro to bash undead

3 more days until another shit Larian game filled with
>Shitty cliche story
>Boring one dimensional characters
>Retarded meme lol so randumb humor
>Dialogue so bad Chris Chan would blush
>you won't read this line you fucking faggot
>slow as molasses
>constant shilling
>outdated turn-based "combat"
>same reused graphics
>quests locked behind characters to make the game "longer"
>mages are op as shit and make every other class irrelevant
>LE interactive environment meme

cast mute at shadow dragon it will become your bitch

I just started play PoE, and I gotta say user, your post keeps getting more and more ironic.

>the fight before the final fight is you having to wait out invulnerability and killing enemies one by one as they cast it on each other
it really was dragged on

I'm more interested in the meta image than the hidden line.

I've liked all the other voices but Sebille sounds to sane for me.

Full list of skills when? I want to prepare ahead so I don't get halfway through the game only to realize I fucked up and the schools I invested to don't synergize at all.

Illusion, as a buff/debuff based spelltree maybe with some hard-light/animate shadow attack stuff thrown in.

A non-denominational set of cleric spells

Can lorefags explain why Dragon Commander has Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Lizards, Undead, Imps and Orcs (though, they count as uncivilized. But DivOS1 only has Humans, Imps Orcs and partly Undead (they aren't part of any collective, but rather just resurrected humans). But then DivOS2 has all those races from Dragon Commander back, except for maybe Imps.

What is the deal here, why do these races keep appearing and disappearing through the timeline?

Why aren't Imps a playable race in DivOS2?

Yeah, that sucked. And the ending is pretty anti-climatic as well.

Why do you post this every thread

PoE and DOS are very different games in terms of tone and combat design, it seems silly to compare them really.

The only thing that stopped me from completing Pillars was my FUCKING SAVE FILE CORRUPTING HALFWAY THROUGH GOD DAMMIT

really took the wind out of my sails

its a you bait

Who thought it was a good idea, I just teleported last demon away and killed Leandra in one hit after spamming debuffs

That sounds like they made a really great game if the intended purpose was to piss you off a lot.

Is there going to be any story connection to the original Divinity: Original Sin? Is there any point in playing it before this is released?

Have shit, will post, user.

IIRC (I honestly am not qualified to answer this but here goes) imps got wiped the fuck out whereas the others simply weren't "around" the areas that DOS2 takes place in but with all the upheaval going on the pot's starting to mix more.

>first time playing pre-EE, final boss
>dragon has ridiculous dodge
>nothing hits the fucker
>decide to just throw any odd skill at it in frustration
>knock it the fuck down
>genuinely was not aware that I could CC that piece of shit
>100% hit rate
>buffed up two-hander knight obliterates him in two turns
I hate that the vidya has conditioned me to believe that debuffs don't work on bosses.

It's like 1000 years later. I doubt there will be more than a few references to the first.

DOS1 takes place in*

It takes place centuries after AFAIK, so the connections might be tenuous/minor, like how in DOS1 you occasionally here people reference Dragon Commander but its not too relevant to the current events because its ancient history

im excited for the game too but i dont want to be banished to /vg/ hell

Let it rest for a few hours please

Why do male felines have barbed genitalia, and what's the release time on thursday?


endgame battles are so fuckin boring

>/vg/ hell
The thread will be the same as it ever was there, user.

Is this a prequel and why everything is fucked up again

I'm not even there yet, I'm still in the fucking swamp


Dragon Commander has you conquering a large part of the world so it makes sense that you'd encounter all the races.
DivOS takes place in a small part of Rivellon, mostly human settlements.
DivOS2, you start on the island where they bring people from all over the world regardless of their races.

It's just my headcanon, I don't think there's much more to i than that, all the races were still there somewhere.

I actually replayed Dragon Commander just a week ago because I was so exited for this game.

It's really cool that they haven't just erased from the lore, as it almost seemed like they would, considering the huge time skips everywhere.

Fane is probably a character best played as a caster then, right?

Its the future so new things have fucked everything up.

Lead Writer: "So [Fane] looks around and what he sees is a completely new world that is completely strange to him. He sees dwarves, lizards, humans, but they are completely new and alien to him."

I think Fane pre-dates Sigurth's empire from Dragon Commander. He is probably a member of the Undead race before they were brought into the empire.

Also, his race is given as "an Eternal."

whats wrong with your horse

Dude I love The Last of Us, I cry everytime at that scene

Gods know what happened trought 8000 years from DC to OS1.
Original Sin 1 was done around Cyseal, a human based territory, we might had something like elfs or dwarfs but personally i think they didn't had the money, time and will to do that, after all OS1 started as a smaller game that turned big (and for the better).
OS2 is also like 500 and more years from OS1, an explanation would be that we are into more mixed race/neutral territory or simply the new nations started to oepn the gate to them and there is still racism in the air.

Imps got rekt and lost their place to live (and since they will to live was to explode stuff and got all their boomexplostion inventions destroyed, they got depressed)

fuck all of you that arent playing white straight male

That's gay.

So, there is no explanation other than that DivOS takes place in a human part of the word?
I guess that's good enough then.

But was the real reason budget restraints, or what? It feels much blander with just humans everywhere, and I was pretty disappointed coming straight from Dragon Commander.

It's also intresting to note that humans don't have any provinces of their own in Dragon Commander. Does it then just count the largest non-human minorities, or what's the deal with that?

>imps got wiped the fuck out
When and by whom?

>roleplaying as yourself
How creative

Has the writing improved over OS? I wanted to like the game for the tactical combat but the humour felt very forced and obnoxious.

I read that Avellone is writing something for them, which feels like a weird fit if the game has the same tone as the original

its better than being a furry thats for sure

>Implying im straight

Around the time of DOS (1200 years before DD), most of the races kept to themselves in their various places. We play in human lands with a bit of orc invasion.

DD is when shit gets real. There was not one (which the dwarves alone repelled) but TWO invasions of Chaos, the second one requiring all the opposing 6+1 races to unite for the first time to triumph. Then DD happens, Chaos' 3rd invasion - manipulations lead to orcs invading the humans, imps were wiped THE FUCK OUT, and so forth. It's a pretty rough time after DD, but the races still stand together under the Divine.

Now DOS takes place 24 years after DD. The races are still holding together, somewhat. The humans are the primary meat in the war factory against Damien, and over time the elves will retreat underground into caves and entirely die out (by the time of Divinity 2, 65 years after DD), but for now we're all together.

Im going to be a violently racist, bigoted, bible thumping dwarf skeleton Necromancer. Get gassed


>imps got wiped the fuck out
>When and by whom?
I wonder.

White is the only human race in this game, though. I mean you can be dark as the night, but you're still racially locked to Caucasoid.

What if you were a red straight lizard?

ooh, hehe

I'm also wondering this. It won't be a deal breaker but it did make the opening feel like a slog since it was much more dialogue heavy.

Race mixed basically.

>imps got wiped the fuck out
This is true (and how I just phrased it in my last post, oddly). In Divine Divinity, to stop the Marked One from gathering the 7 Races for the ritual, the Damned One invades the imp lands and kills them all to a man - the last survivor becomes the chancellor needed for your ritual.

On the plus side, imps are demons native to the demon world of Nemesis - they just colonized Rivellon at some point way in the deep past. So there's plenty more of them where they came from, so to speak.

>I read that Avellone is writing something for them
it's just one character
>Has the writing improved over OS? I wanted to like the game for the tactical combat but the humour felt very forced and obnoxious.
At least in act one, the mediocre humor and quip machines have definitely been toned down thankfully

>over time the elves will retreat underground into caves and entirely die out
This rattles my bones in all the right ways.

>What if you were a red straight lizard?
If you are a red straight lizard in real life sure

Is the first game worth playing, or should I wait for the sequel?

I know DOS2's art design for armor is a *bit* to the flashy end of the pretty/practical scale, but are there any SALLETS in the game?

>When and by whom?
see I'm apparently a steady 5-10 minutes behind in your discussion.


What? You re fighting an army of imps just before the final dungeon.

But isn't all of this pretty strange considering that had all been part of the Dragon Emperor's empire for a very long time?

>and over time the elves will retreat underground into caves and entirely die out (by the time of Divinity 2, 65 years after DD)

Caucasoid =/= white

Just tellin' it as it is. Their settlements were entirely massacred.

They don't explain anything about the imps you fight in the last act (they don't explain anything about the last act, desu), but with Beyond Divinity you can presume they were summoned from Nemesis along with the death knights.

certainly not a SHEEEEEEEEEEIT negroid otherwise you'd get +2 to thieving

IIRC (it's been a while. You only find this out in a cave of corpses with a journal to explain it), Source use from the War fucked up nature in a bad way. So the elves went underground to wait it all out and let nature recover, but it never did. And the elves can't survive without nature.

Does anyone know if the the party members are all going to be playersexuals, or is the sex of the PC actually going to matter?

>reverse pickpocket someone
>fill their inventory with grenades and elemental arrows
>use sabotage on them
>they assplode and take their team with them

"caucasian" is the most retardedly rascist shit ever.

>because apparently all white people were born / emigrated from the fucking caucus's mountain range in russia / east europe

how fucking retarded is that?

if you're white and there's ethnicity block on some form or whatever you have all the 'race options and cultureal and ethnic shit, .... and then 'caucasian' no 'scottish / irish / spanish / italian / french' etc.. just 'caucasian'


How can you be of mixed race if there is only one race?

The darker hues are obviously just there so that they won't get a bunch of complaints, trust in Swen.

Well racially it actually is. But you can still be "white" and subhuman, just look at the Indians.

There's more to a people's genetics than just their race.

What a majestic, noble and proud elf

speculation on what these might be Sup Forumsros?

is there a list of skills/spells yet

what's wrong with racism user
a lack of racism is currently leading to the destruction of western civilization

Werewolf please

>But isn't all of this pretty strange considering that had all been part of the Dragon Emperor's empire for a very long time?
We don't know anything about what happened in the 8000 years between DC and DOS1 - except that somewhere in there was the Wizard Wars, which fucked shit up.

You can get an overview of the Divinity timeline here:




>all achievements

Cat can break you out of prison. It has a body swap, a teleport, and a small kitty pounce.

You can get a cat summon if you save the cat in the fort. He can't attack but can jump to places and swap positions with you.



its the reward for successfully escorting the cat out of the fort/the island.

Cat familiar/summoning skill, someone posted a video of it yesterday along with an utterly retarded theory that it's the reward for escorting the black cat out of the fort
You can summon the cat, take control over it and move it around. The cat can jump around though I don't know how large leaps it can make and can swap its location with you

How do Staffs work, do warfare skills scale from int with them?

>how fucking retarded is that?
>if you're white and there's ethnicity block on some form or whatever you have all the 'race options and cultureal and ethnic shit, .... and then 'caucasian' no 'scottish / irish / spanish / italian / french' etc.. just 'caucasian'
What are you even saying here?

>You can get a cat summon if you save the cat in the fort
>its the reward for successfully escorting the cat out of the fort/the island.
[citation needed]
It clearly says it's a summoning skill, not a special skill

Someone in a previous thread posted a video where the player had a cat familiar summoning spell. The cat could be controlled, and had two skills: one was a leaping skill, and one let the summoner swap places with the cat. I think that's what those skills are.

IIRC from the gamescom footage, those are the rewards for keeping the black cat alive. One is to summon it as a familiar, one is a spell that let's you switch places with it. No idea about the third one though.

>the elves will retreat underground into caves and entirely die out
Doesnt help that the divine order literally gassed their homeland according to a memory you get eating a body of one of them

Skills damage Phys armor.

>How do Staffs work
You get a skill called "Staff of the Magus" which shoots a ball of whichever element the staff is. And you can swing them as a normal weapon of course.
>Do warfare skills scale from int with them?
Yes, but have it mind that warfare skills have physical armor checks.

Have you settled on which kit to start with? Everything looks really nice so im really torn on what to pick.

>Ascend to Divinity: Original Sin 2

so chris avellone did some writing on this game?

You get none of those. Just some blade tied to a stick or a rock wrapped around a twig called a staff / wand

>Swen said there's a cool reward for escorting the black cat
>You can literally summon a black cat without damage abilities
Please tell me why you don't think it's the reward

>summoning skill
every skill has its tags, summon tag makes sense.

>that fucking plate armor
My dick is diamonds.

Fight, Cleric look the best.

looks like hail attack, meteor shower, rain of arrows, and lightning storm are coming back

Why would they lock a unique ability reward behind a skill requirement? In DOS1 all unique quest spells were special spells that could be unlocked without any requirements

Whichever lets me be pic related.

>the same spell for almost every single different spell school

Do you ever get to do anything really cool with the metamorph skill line. Like actually transform your whole shit into a monster and wreck shop? Or is it always just transforming one part of you