Join in game voice chat

>Join in game voice chat
>user I like your voice

>tfw no girl to make fun of my small, pathetic cock

b-b-b-but i'm a boy ughuuuuuu >////////////////////< desu
d-does anyone erp?
I-I like your cock user-chan-tan-san-fan o/////////o
hi Sup Forums >o< teehe~~
>turn your mic on, user
>o/////////////////////////o n-no!!!
tfw no bf to dominate me......... ;W; >//////////< desu desu desu
trap :Pp
i'm trap ;pPPP
hi Sup Forums XD
give me attention V i'm sissy white boy teeehhe~~~~ ^///////////////^
>tfw feminine voice ;______;

>Always mistaken for a nigger
>Ragers call me a whitey trying to be a nigger
>Multiple times get accused of being a democrat (???)
>Am actually a dirty spic

Deep voice master race

Things that never happened general?

i don't see why you're proud of that

Spics are actually dumber than blacks, and commit slightly more crime than blacks

>get on voice chat
>at least one person starts making fun of my lisp
>laugh it off with them
>the laughing is just a coping mechanism

>Multiple times get accused of being a democrat (???)
That's probably the dumbest insult I've ever heard.

Is this the sissy white boy thread?

user are you ok?