For you Rocket, anything

For you Rocket, anything.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck you, Rocket

What the fuck did they do to Dante?

Fuck you.

Dante's been htiting the meth hard.

>And now you realize Donte wouldn't never be such a sellout

Miss me yet?

holy mother of jpeg

>CUTSCENE Dante getting BTFO and running away like a bitch to fucking Ultron
Holy kek what a shitshow

I hope there's a reason to why Dante trusts Rocket so much.

>This is a AAA game on the year 2017.

Why does Dante have white hair in that pic?

Do i have to say it?

No, not yet. Go back to being the most universally despised reboot ever made, theres a good lad.

he's epic.

>most universally despised reboot ever made
That's not this though.

Maybe so but to be fair there are barely any bomberman fags left.

except he was in ps all stars

>And now you realize Donte wouldn't never be such a sellout

Guess again

Weird, I don't remember that Turok poster

I know the meme evolved into cutscene Dante being invincible, but that was because he constantly got BTFO without dying. It wasn't because he always won the fight.

This is more on brand for Cutscene Dante than the joke is.

Shit man i was starting to forget that, let it rip

Holy shit

>wouldn't never

Well, he wasn't wrong.


Not in a million JPEG artifacts



This. Most people don't really understand or know the origin of cutscene Dante anymore.

And you faggots are ignoring the time he was chumming around despite having a sword stabbed through his chest. He might not be god mode, but Dante is sturdy as shit and rarely bitches out.

that's not the arm is his wife

Yo, what if Crest or Colgate hired some dev team to create a CUHRAYZEE character action game where you fight plaque monsters? Like a DMC 3 reskin with an oral hygiene focus and toothpaste product placement. I'd play it.

Osmosis Jones by Platinum games

Fund it.

For fuck sake he didnt Even Devil know how they could make Dante showing Up awesome in the history?Make in showing up along with ghost rider ONLY in the Jedah/Dormanmu part of the history

This looks awful I can't believe the fgc will play this shit but after sfv they will play anything

That sounds legitimately fantastic.

>the only niggas to understand my vision

The entire game is just a massive advertisement for the new marvel movie. Why else would they have Dante basically show a mini-fanboy moment to a character he'd normally never care about. This is dante, guys laid back about everything. Hell, they didn't even use his original VA so that shows how much they cared.

here's that donte the plaque killer video as a webm if anyone wants it


>would not never

WifeArm Commando had issues, but it wasn't a bad game per-say, unlike Act Zero. Swinging was fun in it.

Cutscene Dante in DMC2 was the exact idea of invincible though, he doesn't break a sweat in any of them, then at the end he humiliates Argosax without even going DT.

I don't know what is reality anymore, but I know it isn't this.

I guarantee you DMC2 is not what people are talking about whenever they say anything positive about DMC.
