itt post games you fucking SUCK at
Itt post games you fucking SUCK at
When they will add HAVOK?
I'm pretty fucking terrible as well.People's reaction time is like of a fly on crack.Still a fun game
My k/d is literally 0.3 and I'm like level 60.
why the fuck does pulse have a p90?
why the fuck does doc have a flare gun?
182 hours in vanilla and I still haven't beaten it. I keep forgetting to do the avatar shit and end up restarting when I've fucked myself into a corner.
>flare gun
that's his heal gun
Any Grand Strategy game.
I haven't figured out if I'm too autistic for them, or not autistic enough.
I beaten it on Easy, with Saving every fucking move I done.
I dont know how Beaglerush and other XCOM eaters are so good at this game. AI just fucking you whatever move you done. I honestly think they have some kind of AI Fixing Mod, because it's impossible to make hardest difficulty on Ironmad without losing anyone. It
s just impossible.
>Having trouble with the easiest XCOM on the easiest difficulty
wew laddie
>Dota etc.
Literally the only reason i can't get into it, i enjoy like 1/10 matches.
I suck at listening for the difference between roaming retards on my team sprinting around like its CoD or enemies doing the same. The whole sound thing really does get ruined by idiots.
I suck at every game I play, and I hate it. I have played vidyas for as long as I can remember and through all my time on first person shooters I still suck dick at all of them
Poor tachanka
Pretty much everything honestly
Poor spetnaz in general.
Siege is easy, what the fuck are you talking about?
games like that are easy, but if you dont enjoy them there's no point. it's not like they get better if you do, like some harder games like fighting/strat/etc
Any and every FPS or online competitive game.
I can only use the muh biology excuse for so long I eventually accepted I just suck.
I can do singleplayer games tho. But so can anyone with enough time.
Only with Guild Wars and Diablo 2 have I been shit and not understood why. I was quite young I guess
Fighting games since I have trouble just stringing together basic combos and ultimately resort to button mashing.
Feels like 50% players on EU are cs veterans when I play.
Well you're going to lose people, that's just how the game works. You as the player are to minimize that as much as possible. I did much better by just staying in high cover, abusing explosives to destroy cover, and going for flanked shots.
Why the fuck is every enemy so much better than me?