never thought I'd see the day Sup Forums was the one who couldn't take a joke
Never thought I'd see the day Sup Forums was the one who couldn't take a joke
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not a good first post, you could have done better
I like the joke I just hope there is either one difficulty or you can still play the hardest difficulty as a white person for immersion purposes
Well girls and homosexuals took over Sup Forums
the butthurt this and the gender option caused on here is hilarious, thanks based south park
Sup Forums gets triggered constantly thojugh
What's the gender thing?
The joke is supposed to be funny because its true, but your average black doesn't have it harder nor does the average white have it easier, this joke is just dumb.
I believe people were posting this unironically at first, but now it's just a baity meme like dark souls.
>for immersion purposes
truth hurts?
The jokes are a reflection of us, mister.
For what it's worth. The strawpoll suggests that most people (who bothered to look at the poll) finds it more funny than not.
>Is this hilarious or annoying?
Every new Evangelion gets weirder and weirder.
Being Black is the Cup-Head of real life.
If you are not underage and still truly believe this I doubt there is anything that could be said to change your mind. Have a nice life
You mean Cuphead goes around murdering and raping and atealing more than any other race by a huge margin?
I live in a community where there are high school girls with this exact skin color wearing similar looking school uniform.
Doesn't live up to one's expectations.
This is a load, where is the "just a bland unfunny joke" option, annoying is a pretty loaded word.
This. Being black in America in the last 2 1/2 decades is the most difficult thing any minority group has ever dealt with. One time I was going into a gas station with my retarded hairdo and somebody looked at me weird :(
blacks have it harder but it's 90% genetics.
>made on imgur
>b-but Sup Forums
You have to go back
That's because Sup Forums went from a bunch of MUH SEKRIT CLUB faggots to an amalgamation of every other website's faggots.
I'm not saying I'm some 2004 Oldfag, but ever since classic shenanigans like Chanology and the Habbo Raids, you can't deny that the number of fuckwads has been growing and RAPIDLY sped up thanks to the Fappening, Gamergate and the gradual homogenization of the internet as a whole by corporations, government and other major forces.
Aren't you people always crying about Sup Forums being reddit? How does that prove anything?
are you made out of construction paper or something?
You immerse yourself as a cardboard cutout?
I think its funny
>the government isn't gassing people so it's okay
I am but one person mister.
Great argument, you should make an ms paint comic
Who are you quoting?
Jesus christ, alt right extremists are the whiniest fucks to ever exist on Earth. Hope someone pours gasoline on him while he carries his tiki torch.
it'd be funnier if female characters get 27% less loot
>Great argument
The post I replied to is "If you disagree with my point of view ur wrong okay bye bye :)" so it's not like I was bringing down the quality of the discussion.
Did you read the thread or just the OP?
>Rpg with a character creator
>Difficulty tied to a certain appearance
Its a funny joke, but I hope that either
A. There's an option to turn up or down the difficulty in the menu afterwards
B. They continue doing funny stuff with the difficulty you choose throughout the game
>nothing related to what I said
>now a twitter pic
You have to go back, you have to.
Did you?
Danke doktor.
god you're a fag
just play as a black guy if you want the harder difficulty, what's the big deal?
mister, I am Sup Forums
are you Sup Forums?
They are right.
Nobody cares much about SP game but there is an avalanche of articles about Pew saying a very bad bad word.
I don't get OP's image.
What if I want to be white so I can self-insert but I'm also a tryhard
But I want to be the black guy and not play on very hard.
It doesn't get harder.
He wants to self-insert and isn't black?
Most likely there is no difficulty slider in game and everything is a big joke.
There was never any extra difficulty for choosing race, you just were coaxed into thinking you have problems when everyone else is having the same thing.
It would be a brilliant commentary.
>no one cares about south park
you're going to have to learn to differentiate from your hugbox and reality
south park is the longest running tv show ever pretty much. I mean, half of you weren't alive when it began.
fuck off with your self insert bullshit, no one can self insert into stick drawings
Sup Forums is the one making those threads, they get butthurt over anything.
Deep breath. Sup Forums can't hurt you
>link to place he hates
>somebody goes there and responds
>explodes into accusations without proof out of insecurity
holy shit man
Is shit like the color of band aid and whether a store carries your brand of shampoo being called racist and an example of white privilege not worth mocking?
I believe you have falsely attributed actions of others to me in a desperate attempt to make your argument seem worthy.
>selector on white but character is still black
0/10 joke did not laugh
Go to bed, Yves. It's late.
I wish i knew. I found it on /trash/ at one point.
This is pretty funny. Kind of like how Cartman comments on the player being a hardcore gamer for spending a long time going through his backyard. If Ubisoft, Matt, and Trey really wanted to fuck with people, then the difficulty slider could just be a placebo and nothing in game actually changes.
its only the snowflakes from Sup Forums who got triggered.
literally alt right pussies who cry about literally everything .
>B. They continue doing funny stuff with the difficulty you choose throughout the game
This. As a black character, shop prices are higher but you're awarded more money from battles so it all evens out.
Your post is very amusing to me.
Millennials can't handle political views without being flammable and completely polarized about anything, they can't really discuss anything, they just like to spit poison at the people that think differently than them. It's a sad state of affairs you guys are in.
Everything is worth mocking, but the worst parts about being black are closer to something like making it through life without getting shot or arrested because you've been automatically associated with criminality
But it is just a placebo
South Park really has sunk low. Where is the humor here?
Is that a Jojo's reference?
That's because you don't have anything of quality to bring at all. Being black in America is typically more difficult than being white. If you're born black you're likely to face numerous difficulties from the moment you're born. You're more likely to be poorer. You're more likely to grow up in a bad environment. You're more likely to be born out of wedlock. You're more likely to be the victim of a violent crime (pitiably, from your own race.)
If you think the average white has it as bad, you're either from Appalachia or you're full of shit.
The Joke is most games don't have that option or regard it when picked, how dense are you?
Nigga, shut up
The irony of the edited OP is that the majority of food stamp users in the USA are white.
This is what happens when you throw a group of virgin basement dwellers along with kids into a alt right safe space that propagates certain views never to challenge them due to hurt feelings.
If they ever wander out and see that liberals will tolerate and discuss politics of various types compared to the alt right that any kind of wrong think will get you ostracized.
>That settles it. Beating you kids up was definitely the right decision.
>This mean I get to go back on disability? Hallelujah.
This is why I like this show. It's low brow as fuck but it's pretty funny.
I don't want to play a black character.
liberals were a mistake
You are cringe.
Holy shit a mature opinion
That's not smart or funny user
There is no difficulty slider, it's a joke. The only thing this does is change dialogue like it did in the first game and how characters respond.
so they have it hard due to all the hateful shit they do to themselves and white people need to feel sorry for them
So don't.
He looks like the black version of the ackthually guy
Blacks make their own lives miserable and white people have nothing to do with it.
It's even more pitiable how they spent CENTURIES earning their indpendence just so modern blacks could piss it all away while perpetuating the stereotype that black people are thieves by trying to steal culture from other races, like the infamous "WE WUZ KANGZ" meme floating around the internet nowaday.
Also, which "white people" are you talking about? Because every European culture has had to deal with some shit back in the day, hell, Irishman and Scotts were treated even WORSE than blacks were but you don't hear them crying about it!
But I don't want the game to be too easy either.
Wait, they're coloured to look like skin?
You're an idiot
More like the joke is funny because it highlights a controversial statement without being wordy or preachy.
It doesn't have to be funny to you, but the people who legitimately take offense to it are huge, undeniable stuck-ups. They're no different than the people who got mad over the first game poking fun at you for picking a black thief.
>He still doesn't realize it's both sides that are the problem and not just the alt-right
*Sigh* You realize they think exactly the same of you right?
That's the thing about it being a joke. It doesn't actually affect gameplay. I'm pretty sure there will just be different racist jokes based on your color.
A better way to do it is keeping the "other" option, but making the rednecks absolutely innocent and clueless, then have the counselor start some shit against them based on the fact that they are rednecks, therefore, they are intolerant. Then, let the "transgender" kid deal alone with the issue the counselor started while he cowers in fear.
There, you have something still "sjw", but a bit more self-aware. I thought about it in less than a minute.
It's subtle, something you don't understand.
Doesn't it seem a bit stupid to not want to be associated with criminality but then celebrate part of a culture thats associates itself with criminality?
That's good then.
That's some golden mean fallacy bullshit, mate.