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dont fall in love with the damsel in distress.
shes a whore
stomp simulator GOTY edition
more of the the same goodness except you learned to talk
a good time
Killing babies
The best Dead Space.
>Do it right
>Needle slides in smoothly, tickles your brain, and slides out
>Entire device suddenly thrusts down and skullfucks you
A damn good game
You better play Hardcore.
These are people who thought "I could probably control this biohazard alien species". They're probably not exactly adherent to safety standards.
Hardcore isn't any harder than zealot, it just adds the save limit.
Really? I did Zealot just fine but I still need to figure the better parts to save.
A good time.
Also remember that Altman did nothing wrong
Ellie's a bitch.
How do I play this on steam without the DLC being thrust into my face every time I open the store.
Is there a way to disable it?
Just don't buy anything that cost 0.
If I remember correctly hardcore is just hard mode with limited saves where zealot has less drops, higher enemy damage and so on.
the best game in the series
i got it on origin since it comes free with the access. not to sound like a shill but access gives most of the library for 30 leafdollars a year
Hardcore isn't worth it. One fatal mistake and you have to start all over again.
Some people like that.
good video game
A better Dead Space 1
This shitty place really is a reddit infested nu-male containment board.
She becomes a whore in the game that doesn't exist.
She's a fine waifu in 2, though.
Dead Space RE4 Edition and best in the franchise
NG+ bueno
toss a few more buzzwords in there
I sure hope we get a Dead Space 3 someday
>"Dead Space 1 was better"
>am I fitting in yet xD
They are different games in terms of pace but you'd have to be pretty autistic to not realize DS2 is better in every way. The set pieces are better, the combat is better, hell, I'd even argue the atmosphere is better because of the return to the Ishimura and that god damn invincible necromorph towards the end.
Dead Space 1 but less horror and more action. And Isaac's shitty bland voice.
Best game in the series. DS1 is still fantastic, but the overall gameplay and pacing of 2 is way superior.
dead space 4 never ever. Why?
honestly this
>He can't dismember with the seeker
You should have posted the contact beam, which insta-gibs every enemy with no power node investment
What are you talking about? We never even got 3
DS1 is a survival horror game
DS2 is Sci-Fi RE4
>implying seeker doesn't dismember like a champ
>having shit aim
>tfw DS3 is criminally underrated because people threw a shit fit about the co-op and completely optional microtransactions
>creepy antarctic environment
>actually interesting environmental backstory beyond "dug up ancient evil", they were dissecting and harnessing the ayys
>super spooky ayy city
>great weapon crafting system
I mean, it's not perfect--the love triangle is pretty awful--but there's so much good in it that people ignore because it wasn't a total rehash of 1 and 2.
>regenerator appears
>stasis him
>start hacking door
>He's on the screen moving slow while I'm hacking
Nothing personnel regenerator
At first I thought myself "what the fuck are you talking about, DS1 is RE4 in space" but yeah, DS2's pacing is way comparable to RE4
But Isaac is a bland character
>not even mentioning the coop hallucinations
Best part of the game imo
First save is used in the solar array, or if you can get a little further. Second save is typically right before you fight the tripods while removing the giant tentacle blocking the tram. I usually hold onto the last save for somewhere close to the end because the last fight can be bullshit. Fully upgraded seeker rifle really makes the later half of the game a breeze.
This statement is actually true.
Fun. Use the Ripper and Javelin Gun.
>not just using the exploding javelin alt fire to wipe entire rooms in two shots
The worst thing few things about DS3 and what makes the game unfun for me -
The weapons feel really underwhelming and not powerful and most of them are actual guns. The charm of the weapons in DS1 and DS2 were that they were just mining tools that Isaac mcguyvered into lethal weapons.
The humanoid enemies that talk and stuff
>tfw DS3 is criminally underrated because people threw a shit fit about the co-op and completely optional microtransactions
Compared to the two previous games, the inclusion of a co-op mode kind of took a giant shit on the atmosphere. Plus, aside from very specific moments in the game and cutscenes, Carver might as well have not existed. Because during singleplayer gameplay, he literally didn't exist.
Furthermore, microtransactions are not okay, and never should be okay. Paying for an advantage, whether it be in a single player game or not, is not cool. Putting said microtransactions into a game is shitty, greedy business practice.
>creepy antarctic environment
Opinions. I preferred the derelict graveyard in orbit. I also felt like the planet-side missions tried to ape The Thing a bit, without really understanding what made The Thing great.
>actually interesting environmental backstory beyond "dug up ancient evil", they were dissecting and harnessing the ayys
But DS3's contribution is literally "dug up an ancient evil"
>super spooky ayy city
It was okay, I guess. Could've used some more interesting geometry. Could've used some more of those sound-based puzzles too.
>great weapon crafting system
Yes and no. It was extremely easy to make something hilariously game-breaking, but on the flip side it WAS nice being able to build your own weapons for specific situations. Trusty default weapons like the Plasma Cutter were gutted in 3 and whether this is directly connected or not is up in the air.
> god damn invincible necromorph towards the end.
NEAR invincible.
The main issue with DS3 was that it completely shifted the focus towards action. And it's a fine action game, the coop is really fun and what not, but of course people who where expecting something along the lines of the previous ones where disappointed. DS2 was less focused on horror and was more "actiony" than DS1, but it wasn't a significant change overall. DS3 was a whole other beast that would have been much better received as a spin-off.
And if it didn't have microtransactions.
Glitches don't count. The Ubermorph was unkillable without glitches.
Who really keeps the Force Gun on hand to knock him into the fans though?
Iforget how you get rid of him in 2. In 1, you test fire a shuttle in his face.
You can do it with the contact beam as well, probably easier.
The humanoid enemies are fine. They're not there to turn the game into a shooter, they're there because Aliens wouldn't be the same movie without Burke.
It stuns me that people can't seem to believe that DS3 actually made certain gameplay decisions for story reasons as opposed to purely mechanical ones.
You don't. It just kind of stops chasing you when you get close enough to the Marker.
>The Thing
Speaking of.
Don't listen to any of these nerds. Only the cutter, detonator, and contact beam are worth a shit. Those are all you need. non-zealot nerds don't fucking respond to me because enemies are weaker on lower difficulties
Pretty sure it wasn't a glitch. I mean that huge fan is RIGHT THERE.
Shove him into a giant fan.
I can dig it.
Truth be told I've never actually tried to push it into the fan. Doesn't it just get stuck? Or maybe stuck in an eternal loop of regenerating limbs -> limbs get destroyed -> regenerate?
>It was extremely easy to make something hilariously game-breaking
Fucking telemetry spike and diffraction torus with max damage upgrades, felt fucking awesome to use and raped everything in sight.
It disappears entirely and doesn't come back.
Which, if you just move on anyway is effectively the same thing.
>Using traps
Clever girls aren't so clever.
More fun killing them with the Seeker Rifle anyway.
Trust me on this. The only guns you need is the ripper, the javelin gun, the line gun, and the cutter.
blame EA
that said the series was left off pretty good. brother moons won, there's nothing you can do against them. makes sense
I haven't played the DLC but the premise sounds retarded to me
The line gun seems confusing to me in the weirdest ways.
It drops the same amount of ammo as the contact beam. And holds the same ammo per stack. But the contact beam easily kills enemies easier.
I vaguely remember making a rapid-fire nailgun that applied stasis to anything it hit. Needless to say, it was the only weapon I needed once I made it.
I dismantled it after a while because it made the game far too easy.
line gun is and always will be a meme gun. Piercing is nice but it's too slow to fire, and the projectile travels too slow to be viable when really needed
>machine skullfuck
Yeah that's the gun, I ended up ramping the difficulty all the way up to combat this.
Line Gun's designed for crowd control. It should be used when you're facing a bunch of necromorphs all running at you in a pack. Otherwise it's just no good. That's why it pierces.
exploding babies
>Using line gun for crowd control
Why not just use the force gun?
Why not? Both serve the same purpose in different flavours and the Force Gun has some real killing power when you upgrade it. Same with the Line Gun.
Cross your heart and hope to die, stick a needle in your eye
Tends to make bodies and ammo fly around and sometimes fly off cliffs and ledges. Other than that I can't really complain about it.
I think my two favorite guns would be javelin and pulse rifle. javelin gun is beastly and the pulse rifle is very ammo efficient and good for crowd control.
Javelin Gun is by far one of my favourite guns in DS2. Upgrading the secondary fire turns it into the most efficient weapon in the game next to the Ripper - all it takes is two ammo to significantly weaken, if not outright kill, most enemies.
You guys are making me wanna replay DS1-2 now.
Reminder that Isaac is a slut. A SLUT!
But they were dumb decisions. Dont try to defend the dumpster fire that was DS3
I tried the ripper a bit.
It's ok, not awful. It does tear through enemies really well.
But javelin gun on just about any difficulty that I remember would kill any enemy with the primary fire secondary combo. It was pretty great.
I think my experience with the ripper was tainted when I fought the cutscene beast at the top of the unitology church and there must have been some kind of bug or something, because it wasn't letting me use the alt fire modes on the force gun/ripper I was carrying, so for a while I was trying to do that with just those guns and neither one had the reach until I found a way to get a hit in with the force gun alt fire.
Kinda pissed me off.
I meant you can just bodyshot with it...
Is there any fucking way at all to make this into FPS? I just can't deal with that reading over your shoulder playstyle.
Arguably the worst weapon in Dead Space.
That's not the Flamethrower.
At least flamethrower doesn't impede your mobility.
Really? That's your complaint?
But all guns have you moving at the same speed when you're aiming. What're you talking about?
>not wanting a pirate gf
>first game
>stomp silently
>second game