Name a series (at least three games long) that doesn't have at least one bad game in its history. This includes games past the third one.
Name a series (at least three games long) that doesn't have at least one bad game in its history...
half life
OG Phantasy Star
Blazer series
Cannon Fodder
I'd say the yakuza series, but then i remembered dead souls. Does dead souls count since its a spinoff and not a numbered title?
I'm going to trigger Sup Forums and say Fallout.
None of them are actually bad. Only Obsidian shills shit on 3 and 4.
Dead Space
Mount & Blade
What about Brotherhood of Steel? That's not a rhetorical question. I've never played it before.
Max Payne. 3's gameplay is still good you fucks.
Civilization... oh wait
so, Zero Escape i guess
Soulsborne. Dark Souls 2 is the weakest but it's still overall a good game, just not a great one. Even if you just count the Dark Souls trilogy that still stands true.
>implying Dead Space 3 isnt bad
Ratchet and clank I guess. Also gta? I was gonna say also tekken but 4 is pretty bad.
it's solid game user, i play it twice with my friend and end game on hardcore mode dying twice at later chapters, fuck the mountain climbing tho
also i forget about DOOM
I forgot that game existed. What was so bad about it? I'm enjoying VI quite a bit, despite being very different.
FO3 has some of the worst gunplay I've ever seen in a game
sorry user
BioShock. I had fun with Infinite, but totally get all the shit it gets.
Zone of The Enders
Your challenge is almost impossible, because most franchises have their 3rd game made post-2011 which is when the videogame industry and AAA games turned into piles normie SJW pandering shit.
Dragon Quest.
So, how long until javiposter arrives
team fortress if you count the quake mod, tfc and tf2 as seperate games.
>Muh collectathon
It's really not that big of a deal.
The one for ps2? It's a dungeon crawler in a fallout setting. It's fine for what it is, but pretty different from the other fallout games.
The Witcher
GTA hasn't really a bad game. Neither has warcraft.
Baldurs gate could count as well, since throne of bhaal is big enough to be a stand alone game.
Metal Gear (The PSP games were disappointing but they weren't outright bad)
Gears of War
Ratchet & Clank
Jak & Daxter
Half Life 1-3
Beg to differ, Disgaea 3 is trash. You got good taste tho
why is she so perfect?
> most franchises have their 3rd game made post-2011
I know you won't answer this, but I seriously wonder when you were born to think something like that. I was a kid during the fucking 90s and even then there were sequels everywhere, from Ultima XVIII to King's Quest V to a bunch of Command and Conquer games.
Max Payne. All three entries are good.
Sly Cooper
Portal for sure. Both games are absolutely fantastic.
R&C has the 2016 remake though that has an absolutely dogshit story. Combat is above average for the series, but fuck does that story and dialogue bring it crashing down.
Now THIS I agree with. None of the four ever drop into "bad".
>ratchet and clank
counterarguments: one 4 all, secret agent clank
assuming we are just talking about main series games
dark souls
donkey kong country
monster hunter
Clear Skies
OF and BS are garbage though
>le headcrabs every 10 feet
>le shitty guns
Fallout 4 is actually a shit game.
Metal Gear. Even the worst one, V, is still a really good game, albeit a very disappointing one.
The Witcher. The worst one, TW2, is still fantastic.
Max Payne.
the third one was without a doubt the worst the in the series, but it was not a bad game.
How do you play the first two to completion and remain completely alright with what happened to the property in the 3rd game
>Gears of War
>dark souls
Part 2 is complete shit
Fallout 4 is shit
Skyward Sword is trash
Sadly Beyond Earth kills it's streak
>donkey kong country
Can't argue here
>monster hunter
Meme game that only weeaboos like. The whole series is trash
Clem is cute as fuck with that hair
>Meme game
casual detected.
That's because you're secretly gay and are into twinks
Doom 3 is shit
Jokes on you, I like both
if you count the DLCs as a full game (which it basically is) then I'd say the Dishonoured series is consistently great
There was definitely a trend of games coming out in the 90's, then getting a more refined sequel a year or two later that sort of fixed all of the problems, before getting a soft reboot 10+ years later by people who didn't really get it.
DooM 1 was great, DooM 2 was better, DooM 3 didn't quite get it
Thief 1 was a good idea, Thief 2 perfected it, Thief deadly shadows was shit
Fallout 1 was great, Fallout 2 greatly expanded on it, Fallout 3 kind of messed it up.
Dead Space 3 is fucking terrible, and it killed the franchise.
They got close, but no cigar.