Are you looking forward to enjoying precious small girl?

Are you looking forward to enjoying precious small girl?

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Lemme see the potential mods first

they took to long, my excitement came and went

wasn't yokoo-laylee announced and started after this shit? what's taking them so long



You betcha pal

Are their lewds?

>yokoo-laylee announced and started after this shit?
grats on them for making a shit game so fast!

I dont think time constraints were the issue with that game
meaning a hat in time is simply developing slow as fuck

This, I totally forgot it was a thing.

I hope they're able to deliver in the design and gameplay department, but I got a feeling the charm is gonna be lacking

in 4k?

Yooka-Laylee raised WAY more money than Hat in Time and had industry vets behind it.

>industry vets
i.e. industry has-beens

why do you hate anime?


I know this is a meme, but there are people who unironically hate an entire medium. My only question is why would anyone think like that

What's the potential for mods?

I hate rap music because it's full of NIGGERS


that half blink

You are just leaving yourself out of a lot of quality artists user. That's what I don't understand, why would anyone intentionally do that?

very tumbrl and childlike, I love it

I hear ya

Behind that tumblr nose lies a very fuckable little girl

Your mom pussy is full of niggers too and you don't hate her.

Didn't they steal assets from wind waker or some shit? Maybe they just waited since people have short memory.

Can you spam this in the AAA "shill" threads?

The nose kills it for me.


I'll wait a bit and see its reception. If I were to get it though I might wait for a switch version should it ever come out.


It's okay to give kids flushed cheeks and nose.

stop supporting this dev, he's a known thief and jackass

Do not sexualize precious little girl

>red nose
Adult form's nose looks like shit, but kid form has cute button nose

no one cares, goobergagger

this is all that matters

That looks like mid teens at most


Is there more porn yet?

really gives off pedo vibes

It was a mistake

Please don't use the p-word


Dumb babu babu

>I want everything to look like one of my Japanese animes.

This dude is a literal pedo

She's asking for it so it's okay.

Can somebody edit an ahegao? Or maybe the heart shaped pupil thing?

this just makes her look like a delinquent
>hey mister, give me ten bucks or I'll tell that cop over there you tried to touch me down there.

MechaBowser is shitty MFGG super mod who swung the banhammer at anyone he just didn't like, promised to be developing this game engine called "mechasource" (and i believe took donations for it) which in hindsight was very likely a scam the entire time, and was a huge scumbag who openly stole assets from other people and charged money for people to use them on his TF2 servers.


There's literally nothing wrong with that.

That explains it. jej

>Those exclamation points


Any precious little girl requests?
Chub requests and slight weight gain with dessert pampering focus will be prioritized.

I'll be using this one tonight, thank you very much.

PUBG isn't AAA

PLG taking her smelly socks off after a long day of running and jumping

Hat Kid being given a popsicle

>t. mecha the fag

Is there porn?

Same, at this point I had assumed it had been released and forgotten because it turned out to be shit.

Kinda glad that's not the case I guess?

I might buy this game now because of the cute response. Is it gonna be on ps4 too?

>look at hurt face
>dick twitches
What went wrong lads

If this is Ashley user, do one with thighs.

Hat Kid sticking out tongue



How about plump drugged amputee?

Is the qt version on the right actually in the game or do we just play as the chibi?

nice try slag, this was way before gg was a thing

get the fuck off of the internet you fuckwit, you can't escape from what you pulled

Thicc and anal

It's precious small child get your memes straight

plg in swimwear embarrassingly noticing she gained weight

I don't know who's bringing the lolicon renaissance to Sup Forums, but keep doing it the neofags are leaving

H-how the fuck did you know it was me? Was it that obvious?

Bored looking girls is my fetish. especially when they say loving things sincerely

Why does she have to be so sexy?


I know what you're into mother fucker.
Upload your art somewhere already. I'm tired of seeing threads deleted and never seeing the work.

Chubby Hat Girl eating an ice cream cone, with some of it dribbling down her chin.

But user, gaffers are the actual pedos.

looks like she got some batter in her eye

>you lived to see lolicons and pedophiles fighting

Yes, but unlike the lolicons of Sup Forums they'll deny it and go on virtue signalling rants day and night. Sup Forums loli threads are comfy.

Something to do with the alpha build back in 2014.

Ryona is the thinking man's fetish

desu there's some bleedover between the two.

That's not surprising when little girls are so sexy.

They're completely different!

>upskirt while swimming


left is just right in denial
thank god I'm in denial

I think they need to think over how they outreach to people.

Wait this hasn't come out already? I swear I remember watching some stuff about it years ago


Be honest, what are the chances of this game being shit?
I kinda want to buy it to support loli platformer genre but it looks a bit cheap.

memes are the language of modern day people.

Oh they know their fucking audience alright

Me too user
Me too