The developer of Firewatch is trying to get a DMCA filed on Pewdiepie to take down his LP on Firewatch after he said...

>The developer of Firewatch is trying to get a DMCA filed on Pewdiepie to take down his LP on Firewatch after he said "nigger" on stream. He is also urging other devs to do the same.
Should this be allowed?

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He'll lose this fight.

Anyone else notice that Sean has that neonazi haircut going on?

>abusing the DMCA to censor people you don't like

he wont win

especially after the H3H3 win

>sjw nu male scum are triggered by based redpilled Pewds

I think its better to call it a Hitler Youth Haircut. it helps emphasize how childish and infantile these people are.

my cock is sooo fucking hard

It's time to go full streisand effect on the word "nigger" niggers, let's-a go

This cunt managed to makes me more sympathize with pdp saying nigger because this asshole decided to abuse DMCA takedown and set bad precedent

He's a butthurt faggot that's scared of words. The fact that he can't grasp that you can say the word "nigger" without hating black people is astounding.

What's funniest though is that he's acting like he has any sway whatsoever. He took part in creating an extremely mediocre flavor of the week walking simulator years ago, and suddenly he's a big dog with power over people.

gamedev is retarded, pdp is retarded. I hope both die in a fire

You realize that Lets Play's already violates DMCA right? I don't agree with why he's filling the claim, but he has the right to do it and he will more than likely win.

>they made pewdiepie money
Pretty sure it was the other way around. Pewdiepie playing their game would've helped it sell a ridiculous amount.

the fact you can means youre either too young to learn history yet, or have no real account of history, either way, stay on Sup Forums where its safe til you kill yourself and your relatives find you in your own filth and anime pillows.

nigger literally just means black in latin

This guy is a cuck and uses his personal connections with half the IGN staff to get himself and his shit game shilled there constantly. Pure nepotism.

You do realise it says on their website that people are free to create content and stream using their game, right?

>there are people who still get triggered by the words "nigger" and "faggot"

>too young to learn history yet
history isn't deterministic, marxist faggot. you're the idiots clinging to history like autists.

I don't want to wade through hundreds of polygon articles, can someone tell me exactly what he did? Did he say nigger offhandedly as a joke? Did he say it accidentally? Did he scream gas the kikes and niggers at the top of his lungs?

How many Jontrons of seriousness is this?

Which they have the right to rescind at their discretion

Intellectual Property should be abolished.

For any future videos lol faggot

see this is a real fun grey area. No lies this argument will fascinate me to no end. Like both sides make valid points. Lets plays dont really violate DMCA if they even say one word about it being good or bad, they can qualify it as a review and then its fine. So again, huge i mean HUGE grey area.

Then lets use the words fagger and niggot

He said it (possibly accidentally?) when he was pissed off during his PUBG stream.

>Lets plays dont really violate DMCA
They absolutely do.

For fuck's sake, he had a part of a FAQ of his website that specifically said "Can I stream your game?" and he answered with a resounding "yes". Well shit, man. Not everyone's going to be squeaky clean with that.

They've given permission without stating any exclusions such as profanity for LPs on their site. It's probably not illegal for them to abuse DMCA to censor people they don't like right now, but it's shitty, and they're going against their own words.

Here is a video of what happened. Quite frankly, the word has lost its meaning when Hip Hop started shoving down people throat.

What a fucking Nigger

>walking simulator dev gets buttblasted easily
Not surprised.