What's the biggest plot hole in all of WoW?
What's the biggest plot hole in all of WoW?
All of WoW.
The game still being alive.
blood elves joining horde
fighting Illidan
TBC was fucking retarded but everything after that is incomprehensible
Thrall goes from being a great warchief and semi-okay shaman to the world's best shaman in under a day right after cataclysm launches
All lore following the death of arthas was a mistake.
where did the fun go
why are half my class skills locked behind pvp talents
I still can't believe the circlejerk around undead, they just wanted a cool undead race but they couldn't come up with a good concept to why a dead person can come alive at any moment and serve shylvanas and the horde just because.
They are still my fav race tho
If there's at least 2 Gul'dans trying to summon a Burning Legion why aren't there multiple Burning Legions and Sargerases?
And now he's not even a shaman anymore since Garrosh did nothing wrong
Shit, that's a big question.
Uhh.. everything from Dark Shores to WCIII I guess. Like how The Light was something akin to the Christian god and orcs came from hell.
>Be alliance
>Guys the horde have overtaken one of our fallen cities, Lordaeron.
>They are capturing our people and experimenting/torturing them to death
>Let's do absolutely nothing about this whatsoever ever.
there's no concept of time in the twisting nether. That's why Turalyon disappeared for 40 years while also fighting the legion for a thousand years while never aging.
Demons are infinite across all timelines. They sort of merge when they become demons. I think they answer that in the chronicals book.
and then they made a fan-fiction tier sequel of TBCs terrible lore
Fucking this.
If the demons knew they were immortal and infinite why wouldn't they just find another Gul'dan from another timeline to keep summoning Sargeras again and again?
It was a lost cause at that point though. Would you be the leader that suggests sending YOUR people into a plague-infested land just to reclaim a bunch of broken shit?
The whole Zandalari saga
>Zandalari trolls exist as a reclusive neutral body
>Gurubashi have resurrected their death god
>Zandalari don't like this and send Alliance and Horde adventurers in Zul'Gurub to kill the god and it's minions
>fastfoward to Wrath, the Drakkari have started sacrificing their gods in order to become powerful
>Zandalari don't like and same again, send adventurers to go kill
>4.2 patch hits
>Zandalari see the trolls as a race are dying out and they need to unify
>claim the Drakkari and Sandfury are too weak and are already dead (I wonder why)
>Gurubashi and Amani are strong and have joined up
>not once do the Gurubashi ever question who they have just joined up with
>Mists of Pandaria comes out
>Zandalari now snow and sand trolls in their army and now for some reason are allied with the mogu
I really don't get it.
> Would you be the leader that suggests sending YOUR people into a plague-infested land
No one notices that Jaina got replaced by a dreadlord
>let's just let our enemies continue to hold our ancestral city and kidnap and torture/kill our people, gaiz.
>Trying to do anything about it's not worth the effort.
>Siege of Orgrimmar
>Horde are having a civil war
>instead of retaking Lordaeron or fuck even Gilnaes, Alliance decide "Orgrimmar seems like fun"
>in the end, the Alliance just leave without doing anything except letting Panda boy take his revenge on Garrosh because apparently destroying the vale is a worse crime then Theramore
Blizzard are useless.
Even better question
Why do the Legion care so much about the main timeline's universe if they are infinite
In fact what is even the point if there's multiple timelines
Oh hey we conquered world A now we gotta go to world B and do this shit all over again
But wait there's possibly even more past B
Look at all these Well of Eternitys we need to take holy shit
>Thrall throws away Warchief and becomes green Jesus
>Dragon aspects throw away all their aspect powers so that green Jesus can shoot a Kamahameha at Deathwing.
>Garrosh runs the Horde like a true Orc Chieftan but everyone hates him for it. Does nothing wrong.
>Vol'jin becoming Warchief for 1 expansion and doing literally nothing.
For starters Illidan is alive.
>fighting Illidan
Totally justified, unless you are one of those people who thinks Illidan died in Northrend to Arthas.
I agree with you if so.
Trolls have always had shit lore and have always been a shit race because none of the devs post-WC3 have cared about them. Now all the lore is fucked because they wanted to explain all race's origins, didn't have one for trolls, and just made them the "natives" of azeroth.
Kill all trolls
Not true. Someone said that as some vague "lore man" ONCE on twitter and people rolled with it. In truth they swept all the timeline shit under the rug just like they brought out "demons reform always in the nether" when both Archimonde and Mannoroth straight up die. Only dreadlords ever manage to actually sneak away pre like TBC.
So you can just ignore the timeline shit because it's all all a lie.
Warcraft through Vanilla(?): Demons are just monster men from the nether and they can be killed like anything else. In special cases I guess they can slip away/revive but it's not common
TBC(?) through WoD: Demons just reform in the nether if they die
Legion Patch 7.3: Demons are revived by the world soul of argus somehow suck my dick
Even with all that changing of lore there's literally no reason that Archimonde managed to throw Gul'dan into our timeline nor a real reason (again infinite timeline is bullshit) why Kil'jaedon knew who the fuck he was. But again Blizzard expects you to ignore all of that.
God damn Legion zones sucks so much say whatever you want about WoD but that world was comfy.
PLEASE BLIZZ give me another expansion that's light hearted like MoP
>light hearted like MoP
>starts and ends on a classic cities genocide
>Demonic death on Argus
>There is contradicting information regarding demonic regeneration on Argus.
>In Chronicle Volume 1, it is stated that demons die permanently when slain within the Twisting Nether, or in areas permeated with fel energy. Argus would likely count as one such area.
>In World of Warcraft: Illidan, Illidan has stated that Argus was so satured with fel that a demon's death there was permanent.[27]
>In the Patch 7.3.0 trailer, Illidan can be heard again stating that "every demon that dies here dies their final death".[28]
>In Quest:Talestra the Vile, Talestra the Vile says "I will be reborn by Argus' flame! I will never... stop... fighting." Turalyon then states that "her soul will return to Antorus to be reborn, but not without punishment. Sargeras does not take kindly to failure."
>After slaying Vagath the Betrayed, Illidan states that "his punishement in Antorus will be severe."[29]
>Upon death, Quartermaster Kl'azz exclaims "By Argus' flame I will be renewed."
>Felbound Drudges, after being freed, exclaim "There is no fighting them. With each death, they return!"
>After hearing about Argus' world-soul in N [110] Storming the Citadel, Turalyon says A titan... the Legion must have harnessed the power of its soul to regenerate its armies in the Twisting Nether! If we can destroy it, the infinite army..." to which Alleria replies "... would become finite."
>It thus seems that not only demon souls survive even after being killed on Argus, but this also states that Argus's world-soul is what allows demons to regenerate. However, demons were able to regenerate in the Twisting Nether long before Sargeras discovered Argus.[30]
>When asked about this, Jeremy Feasel answered that "[we were] free to speculate".
This is not only a realistic scenario but it would cause political issues and war between factions and instead of the ''wow dude 2 dimensions lmao'' expansion we could had gotten a full on war expansion
Fucking Blizzard
It gets better. Sylvanas is a new Warchief.
The main WoW universe has some dumb secret to ending it all. Easily written.
Blizzard has run out of Warhammer to ripoff so now it's literally SPESS MUHREENS and the fucking warp.
>you will never get to see an Orgrimmar run via a three way council like Ironforge
Garrosh for the Orcs, Vol'jin for the Trolls and Rexxar for the Ogres/half orcs.
Speaking of Rexxar, what is he even doing now? I'm guessing he's just sat in the Hunter's class hub doing nothing.
>illidan says he will sacrifice everything to stop the legion
>refuses to sacrifice muh scars for a powerful to beat the legion in the same cutscene
Also love how he calls everyone a brainwashed idiot for following the light when the only reason they are alive is for following it. Turalyon would have died to a fucking orc
Legion doesn't have access to time travel.
Cut and dry.
the legion cant just go anywhere in any timeline or reality or whatever. the only reason they found azeroth was because of the well of eternity acting like a beacon through space/time etc
imagine trying to drive a car to a place you've never been or only think exists.
He's not a shaman anymore?
I do think one of the reasons why they wanted Garrosh to die was because they knew he would either kill off the entire horde shouting victory or death in the broken shore or kill every single demon by himself
>Legion begins, Sylvanas immediately does evil shit
>Meanwhile Thrall took Guile's advice and went home to be a family man, never to be seen/heard from again.
>wasn't an teenager when I played WC3
>wow Illidan is a fucking idiot
>play TBC
>Illidan is a fucking idiot
>play Legion
>guys Illidan wasn't a fucking idiot shame on you for killing him
>turns out he actually was a fucking idiot
>Blizzard retconning shit from Chronicle 2 not even a year later in some attempt to make the Naaru look evil and justify Illidumb Cockage
I hate this character. I've always hated this character. He's been nothing but an angsty teen self insert since his inception
Hmmmmm whatd she sayyy
Hmmmm that she only meant well
Well of course you did
Hmmmm whatd she say
What did she say?
>Legion doesn't have access to time travel.
>Cut and dry.
Then how did they enter the alternate draenor timeline in WOD?
Different Legion.
That's just alt-universe Legion, mang.
Well in my Shaman Class Hall, he said that spirits no longer answering him, so he gave me a fucking DOOMHAMMER and left.
That's it.
They were summoned.
This isn't difficult man.
The plague and why the undead still is spreading it and why the alliance doesn't care about northen eastern kingdoms
Which Warcraft games are worth playing?
>There's at least 2 different Legions
Why don't they join forces to stomp each timeline respectively one at a time then
Guys is it too late to go back? Last time I played the Sun Eater was a relevant weapon
>Be Horde
>Garrosh gets made warchief
>Everyone hates him for shit he didn't do
>Launch siege on Orgrimmar
>Alliance gets to steamroll through your capital and canonically murder horde heroes
>Fast forward to WOD
>Go back in time and literally kill every major horde lore figure to ever exist
>Come to to Legion where Sylvanas gets made warchief and no one calls bullshit
>Oh and her only act is to abandon the horde in Stormheim and get shit on by naked Worgen
Alliance really have no leg to stand on anymore. It used to be a debate that Blizz love one faction more than the other. Now its just a proven fact.
Because don't think about it
>We have to reclaim Lorderon from the people of Lorderon
Maybe if the Alliance wasn't filled with racist fucks they would have accepted Sylvy's request to rejoin the alliance instead of literally murdering her messenger.
Oh please. Blizzard always has and always will love horde more. Alliance is just an afterthought.
>you never again see her smile
Also will be forever pissed that half the game was cut was from WoD because all the resources at Blizz went into fucking Overwatch.
>What's the biggest plot hole in all of WoW?
Everything after vanilla and even vanilla itself kinda created its own plot holes. Truly, Wrath of the Lich King in"Warcraft 4" form should have been the next step after the frozen throne
MMOs were a mistake
You sound like a child.
Wod sucked major cock and I started playing in MoP
Same legion, they just didn't have access to that timeline. Yes it's retarded and the warcraft writers would be better off retconning everything about Titans and things outside of Azeroth as incompetents writers seizing the team under threat of violence.
Different timeline.
WoD was a vehicle to use Gul'dan in OG Azeorth without retconning his original death. That's it. That was the entire expansion.
Yeah thats why Horde has gotten ceaselessly shit on for the last 3 expansion. Cause Blizz loves them so much. Blizz loves Thrall, they dont give a shit about the Horde. Expect a WC4 soon; they'll need to set up some new Horde character to kill off
It sucked major cock because so much of the planned content was cut.
Also that complete bullshit move of hyping up Grommash as the big bad, but then before you can even fight him, he turns out to be a good guy.
If the leaks are correct then next expansion is going to be about filling in all the plot points from Azeroth.
Each race is supposed to have its own little story line. Humans are going to try and retake Lordearon while the Forsaken fight back
What is with this "retake Lordaeron" meme? It's already taken by its own citizens, Stormwind has no claim to it nor does any other significant population. The Alliance abandoned the region during the third war, Gilneas especially, even if they regret that now it doesn't mean they get to act like it's somehow still theirs by right. I mean, this is the whole reason why the BElfs joined the Horde, the Alliance weren't willing or available to help them recover from the near extinction of their race, but Lordaeron still was.
That's why the Horde gets dedicated plot lines while the Alliance is just along for the ride.
The artstyle and music and even the theme were so un appealing that me and my friends just wanted to go back to mists of pandaria again and have fun.
Instead we got some URG WE ORC SO SAVAGE in every possible moment.
>let's shove alternate timelines and plotholes in our game
>that makes more sense than just ressurecting Gul'dan with some powerful spell
Yea nah
Uh no sweetie I see you need to replay WC3 expansion to see why the Blood Elves became traitors to the Alliance by working with sea demons
neptulon bouncing for 2 expansions
>If the leaks are correct then next expansion is going to be about filling in all the plot points from Azeroth.
Literally impossible unless the new expansion retcons the last 12 years of the game.
Why does Argus, the world the legion have occupied for 10,000 years look no different than a generic forge camp on Outland that can't be more than a few years old?
The fact he just gives it to you like its no big deal pisses me off. Blizzard is implying its some super special magical hammer that is super powerful and stuff, but they have no idea why people liked doomhammer.
I thought doomhammer was cool because Thrall had it, and until a certain event in WoW history, I liked Thrall. And Thrall thought it was cool because Ogrim gave it to him. Ogrim, to taught Thrall about honor and all that cool shit.
To see Thrall just casually toss it away like "Oh here bro you can have it, I dropped it and you got here first, so its cool." is so wrong. Fuck blizzard.
How did they even get to alternate draenor anyway?
Yep I bet if it was an offer for more fel power he would've accepted. But "the light is holding you back xD" *tips fedora* is what we got instead
But he died pretty quickly doings things some other asshole could have done.
WoD was shit because it wasn't planned.
MoP was a fantastic expansion and clearly had a huge amount of love put into it, but the players shat on the setting so fucking hard that Activision took over the game's direction and scrapped/pushed back the originally planned expansion.
That's why WoD was so rushed, it was a quick appeal to nostalgia (another reason why classes got gutted, so that returning players aren't "lost") and giving the muh war people what they wanted, and that trend has continued with Legion and fel jesus.
I'm almost certain that the fight against the Legion wasn't planned to happen so soon originally.
Not to say Blizzard isn't in part responsible, but the players have their share of the blame too for what happened to the game.
Why would it look any different? Fel is fel
Why doesn't the horde just vassalize the alliance since they own like 75% of azeroths landmass
Why would anybody believe Sylvanas after she betrayed Garithos and slaughtered him and most of his men?
Magic bullshit portals bending time instead of space, and also something something "Bronze dragon renegade"
Okay explain why they cut Baine from high mountain while I still have to save velen and the exodar and help tyrande and shit
>that pic
My nigga
>Players shat on the setting
No one had a problem with MOP's setting. It was the pandas that everyone hated. No one wants obese furries as the primary race of an expansion. They should have been relegated to one zone and then a more humanish race serve as the primary race of the expansion
Did they ever explain how the Goblins got into alt Draenor in order to build all the trains and shit?
People who play WoW are fucking pathetic.
They could at least have given us a giant factory they build their spaceships in or something to make it visually interesting.
Did you end up fighting any bronze dragons then?
I agree and I played it for 8 years.
The same way Garrosh did. Bronze dragonflight fuckery.
You fucking idiots, the Light its even MORE evil than the Fel! The Light had cultists in Northshire Abbey way before the orcs ever invaded Azeroth. The Light has been manipulating the history of Azeroth for thousands of years, just to make everyone its slaves.
Garrosh got sent to Panda jail and a rogue bronze dragon busted him out and brought him to AU draenor. At this point he revealed his master plan to join the Infinite dragonflight and have Garrosh use the uncorrupted Orcs of Draenor to serve as his infinite army in order to save Azeroth from the legion
Garrosh gave him a line about how he will never allow his people to be used by dark masters and slew the dragon on the spot. Devs sold this as "Yet another one of Garrosh betrayals" when in fact what he did was good and honorable
Unlike the videogames you play
I think the one bronze dragon who time traveled (not even a particularly powerful one so fuck knows how he did) gets killed during the legendary ring quest chain.
I don't even think he was a true renegade. He was tricked into doing it or something.