Who is your favourite vidya villain?

Who is your favourite vidya villain?

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elder god tier clearly

Great and mid tier are pretty much the same thing.

Am I alone in thinking that the best villains aren't the ones you sympathize with, but the ones you actually hate?


Educate me, who is that up at the top?

>joker and hannibal's motives are a mystery

She literally did nothing wrong

She did it for science

Letho from Witcher 2. This was CDPR peak. Witcher 3 Letho was complete ass and so was any other Witcher 3 "villain"


I usually hate edgy psychopaths, but there's something about Albedo that I just love, like he's not really so crazy and just likes to ham shit up.


I think she falls under Great Tier. Especially because she's victim to faulty programming.

>le ozymandias did nothing wrong faec
Kill yourself, homo commie.

Yes, but we live in an age were the villain can't be a villain because muh deepness.


fuck sympathetic villains. if you somehow made the villain more likable than the hero then you failed as a writer.

She's meh or mid tier.
>constant testing in a sprawling underground lab is insane
>obeying the nature of her programming (the itch to test)

stranger from furi, such a good villain that even though you're told you're the bad guy the entire time your still surprised when it's revealed that you actually are the bad guy. fuck the epilogue the game was better without it

Yeah actually you're right, she's Mid Tier. She's trapped by her programming and you see when Wheatley replaces her that she would be in constant pain if she's not constantly testing.

>Madman Lugos
>Gaunter O'Meme

I want old CDPR back

good choice

the aliens from X-Com/XCOM because they have good reason to do what they do but they still deserve to get their asses kicked and it feels satisfying to eradicate them
your image is stupid because it doesn't pay any attention to the protagonist's motivation
i don't care if the villain is justified or not if he fucks me sideways, it's about how well they're written. You can have a generic evil bad guy who is really fun and satisfying just as you can have a really intelligent and justified villain who I don't sympathize with

Wind Waker Ganondorf should be bumped up to great tier

This guy rapes Loki robots and gay for Jr.

I need to play more single player games
The best villain I can think of is bowser in paper mario ttyd because he is actually pretty comedic in it. recommend me some games plz