Your hopes. Your dreams. Your desires. Throw them out the window because here comes Egosoft, where every developer is at least in his late 30s and totally out of touch with talented game developing. Despite my pessimism, I remain hopeful.


are they just pretending Rebirth didn't happen

No. Many times throughout the Q&A they admitted their mistakes and how fans didn't like the lack of certain features, which they acknowledge fans want so they are putting back in. One of the first things mentioned is you will be able to manually pilot all ships, including capitals.

Many of the people asking them questions sounded like disgruntled fans like you & I and they really put the heat on them.

Yeah those fucking 30 year olds. No experience with programming and shit ideas about space ships and economies instead of wall to wall waifus like us enlightened millenials.

Hey friend calm yourself down. I merely meant to say that as game developers they are mediocre at best. Compare them to blizzard north in the mid to late 90s.

Looks like they learnt a bit at least from Rebirth.

Sup Forums doesn't play good games, if its not a Star Citizen thread, it won't take off.

Yeah man. They deserve a second chance, but every fan is right in being cautious, endeavoring to wait and see before deciding to purchase.

At least they upgraded the tech a lot from X3 and now have a stable foundation to build off of. The question is, with a 2018 release date will they have focused their efforts in the right area?

Nobody cares about a half assed first person walking around mode. They have said they are not really focusing on walking around though they have built a few new platforms. They also said they're focusing heavily on upgrading the simulation and AI.

AI are now supposed to dynamically build stations in space in response to economy fluctuations. Also stations can now be completely destroyed.

Why don't they just patch those features into rebirth with an expansion, instead of staying a new game from scratch

sold, just on that
Fuck microsoft and fuck the giant turd that is win10

Sounds like they're getting some ideas from Eve at this point, let's hope the AI is decent.

Because Rebirth is kind of poison.

D.. does Eve have walking in stations yet?

$$$$. They have to release a new product to stay afloat.

It's harder to fix than remake. Sometimes the architecture you build the thing just make some features impossible without starting from scratch.

>D.. does Eve have walking in stations yet?
last time i played they were adding the ability to walk into your own private hangar, and they had built different designs for all the factions.
But they were functionally useless compared to the normal hangar, and socially pointless because they were solo.
I don't know if they expanded on it.

giving people the ability to build their own custom stations is going to quickly remind them of the TTD(time to dick) of player creation tools
because ill certainly be docking with a giant dong in space

>not making the most yonic stations and flying only the most phallic ships

thats nice. You shouldn't of said anything, because you've just revealed what a talentless, creativity-lacking piece of trash you are.

I would have loved to see you walk up to some of the greats in Architecture, such as Palladio or Vitruvius and joke with them about making dong buildings. Then I'd laugh as they slapped you out for being subhuman.

I have a feeling they got burned hard enough from Rebirth that they're going to probably make something that at least runs on day 1. Many, many people refunded Rebirth.

Rebirth made specific design concessions that are directly opposed to the changes they want to make in 4.

Things like mini-game based trading, drone operations and cap ship balance.

>Implying the architectural greats didn't include phallic symbolism in their designs.

The caveat is they were better at hiding it.

I liked Rebirth over X3:AP. The UI alone is far friendlier. Granted, I played XR after 3.50 with a x360 controller so I can believe that it was a shit show at launch. I also liked the space-legs though the stations needed things to do on them. I'm glad they are making a synthesis of both X3 and XR. XR also needed the stock markets to work. They even have trade floors on stations but they don't do anything.


They removed the Captain's quarters recently because it was 10 year old spaghetti code. They said they'll consider it in the future but they're reworking moon mining this winter.

And an expansion would be a new product.
Yeah makes sense

Honestly I'm hopeful for x4. I never got to play X3 and every time I give it a go I either get frustrated with the ui/controls, get bored not knowing what to do or get sick of tedious grinding following someone's guide and I go back to Eve.

I know X3 is right up my alley but I feel like the ui and controls have aged like milk.

Fuck it, I'm gonna play it again tonight anyway

X3 is the best when you're just wandering around doing random shit. If you're trying to get lots of cash quickly you're missing a lot of the game and eventually you end up with functionally infinite money anyway, then the game becomes less about you as a person and more about spending hours in menus to screw over the entire universe.

didn't they recently patch a few things to get it VR ready

>then the game becomes less about you as a person and more about spending hours in menus to screw over the entire universe.
in that case why not skip the ship part entirely and play endless space 2