Post a better designed alien. Go on, I'll wait.
Post a better designed alien. Go on, I'll wait
Reach's design a shit
Objectively wrong
Not even the best Reach design
Literally the only aliens i've ever wanted to play as in any game.
>tfw assassinating Spartans as an elite in halo reach
can't be done
It was too cool to let it continue. Hence why they are no longer playable now
Reminder elites and pretty much everything in nu-halo gets JUSTED beyond repair.
Halo 3 Elite is the best Elite, Reach's elite has too much shit going on, and 2 and 1 are obsolete with low resolution textures and excessive polygons.
>elites supposed to look slender and sophisticated
>slowly get turned into "lel scary big monster"
Is there any redeeming qualities of any Halo past 3?
Here you go, maybe next time you should post the Elites from the better games.
Shut the fuck up, pokebarneyfag.
>be warrior
>have armor but decide to leave entire arms exposed
343 does it again!
No, absolutely not. One of the very fiew original sci-fi series is ruined by stupid faggots and their metroid garbage.
>hating Metroid
You sound like that faggot hating Halo in Metroid threads.
>ai Elites with these 'concussion rifles' had infinite ammo and a bottomless magazine
Good looking armor but I hate them so much.
the grunt doesn't look that bad, but cheif and the elite look like trash.
343 turned chief's armor from a heavy but effective metal suit that paid homage to actual spartan armor to "wow so cool future armor, full body black leather, so cool"
Metroid is super autism incarnate, so fucking retarded it can only appease to manchildren nintenbros and autistic kids who enjoy stupid Mary sue shit like black hole cannons because it sounds cool, thankfully I grew up from being 12 user.
Looks more like a robot
>so fucking retarded it can only appease to manchildren nintenbros and autistic kids who enjoy stupid Mary sue shit like black hole cannons because it sounds cool
Yes, this certainly reads like a post written by a mature adult.
>Mary sue
You must be one of those anti-Chieffags, you sound just like that Halo hating faggot in Metroid threads. Just from reading this post you sound more retarded than any fanbase.
Reach had its moments. Invasion was fun, and it was the one mode where all the new gameplay elements actually worked in a remotely cohesive way. Too bad those same gameplay elements fucked every other multiplayer mode.
Reach SWAT was GOAT
I want to nibble grunt toes!
Fucking hate the overdesigned look of the armor in modern Halo. Now everything looks like one of Michael Bay's Transformers.
>elite enemies
The fuck? Didnt they make peace at the end of halo 3?
Temporarily. After Truth was defeated there's a Cold War between humanity and the elites. Half, led by the Arbiter, believe they need to forge an alliance with humanity while the other half still hates humanity and believes that it needs to be destroyed.
simple as that
5th post, best post
I like their little tails
Why haven't you played Marathon yet?
I play one and 2. Infinity isn't canon to me.
Fuck off faggot
my waifu
Thiccfags invade yet another halo thread
I can't. I'd marry on in a heartbeat.
My go to elite armour in multiplayer, it's so fucking good
They're the equivalent of Zero Suitfags before Sakamoto killed them. I hope 343 kill the thiccfags with Halo 6.
Why the fuck isnt Halo 2 on Steam? I got it thanks to Project Cartographer and it runs and plays great on Windows 7. Like I'm glad I got it for free but I probably would have paid for it like with Halo Wars on Steam.
I love Marathon but the Pfhor are boring aliens. S' pht are cool though. It's a shame you never fight a S' pht powered tank or some shit.
Reach elite armor is 10/10 but the elites themselves are garbage, they look like stupid mindless monsters, not intellgient aliens. Halo 4/5 elites do a better job making them look fierce and menancing while still having them look intelligient and alien. But their armor is complete trash.
If you combined Reach armor with H2A or Halo 4/5 elites, that'd be perfect
But that's fucking wrong you retard, Halo 4/5 elites are actually some of the most lithe elite designs in the series, the armor just makes them look bulky, and Reach's elites faces look way more le scary monster.
In terms of how bulky they are, from most bulky to least, it goes
Wars > Reach* > 3 > 2 = 4/5 > CE
Another example. Reach elites are trash, their armor is just great
Encountering a squad of these motherfuckers in firefight was a fucking nightmare.
Reach had the best art direction in any Halo game. This is an objective fact.
Star Control 2 is one of the few games in existence to actually have alien species that feel extraterrestrial. It's a goddamn shame next to nothing comes close to it
In your opinion
Geez, what the fuck happened to Bungie after Halo 3? They went to shit starting in 2009.
PC launch when
Back the fuck up nigga
Life is actually pretty boring by design. It boils down to function and lots of biologists agree life off earth will probably follow the same guidelines with some minor changes. So it's very unlikely you'd see an alien that bizarre looking.
>make a blue muscly human with a weird face
>call it alien
I like the Necron, but they aren't that alien looking. They're just Terminator mixed with ancient Egypt.
WH has some real solid aliens that you'll never ever see
Infinity isn't canon to itself.
Halo 5s campaign was the absolute nadir of FPS for me
Also turning the Covenant into space ISIS was just fucking retarded
Because GW doesn't like to put out anything that isn't Spehs muhreens
Not usually associated with Sup Forums, but they were the subject of a 7/10 game so I think they qualify.
>Playing a game of tabletop yesterday
>Some faggot comes in with his "Gorillion shots" space marines and dreadnoughts.
>He gets first turn and nearly decimates my forces
>Managed to get reanimation protocols on EVERY unit
>Marched his ass down
Somewhat related, a different guy brought in his Titan and did 56 wounds to a Baneblade in a single turn
How can anything possibly stand up to the Xenomorph's design? It's engineered to be perfect.
You say that, but here on earth you can see secluded islands that are separated from the mayor continents, and they have some really weird looking shit on them. We're too used to seeing the descendants of the few same common ancestors that when we see stuff that doesn't come from them due to being separated, they look weird and alien. Must be even more so in other planets.
Reminds me of this thing I read here about a cave that had been shut off for billions of years that got opened, and all the microscopic lifeforms there did not come close to resembling anything else on earth. I can't just imagine that we would see similar flora and fauna in other planets. Granted, they wouldn't look as wacky as the spathi, but still.
Good, I always thought SM were bland as fuck but the other Imperium forces were interesting.
Skitari are fucking mad.
I liked Brutes more than Elites honestly
I always liked that almost goat-headed elite look from Halo 1. Favorite elite look and favorite elites to fight.
I want to marry a chubby gay ayy.
I want to kiss an elite on the cheek
Microsoft's writers decided the logical direction for Halo was to have humanity intentionally encourage and supply an anti-human extremist splinter group of a race of aliens that could wipe them off the map instantly into hostilities to try to weaken the group that is their allies just in case they need to fight them, because middle east lmao
saved as fuck
why? they're just generic gorilla people. they don't even look that much like aliens; more like something out of a fantasy game.
When action cam gives you a close up of their insides as they attack :(
they were better when they were tall slender magic sword wielding golden space knights
big tuff lizerd guy monster man was a fucking mistake
They were fun but elites were so much more so to me. Particularly H:CE elites seemed to operate with some cunning and tact. And the way they moved made them so satisfying to defeat.
how do you go from this
Who's more retarded, ONI in Halo or the corrupted faction within the Galactic Federation in Metroid?
to this
This is what happens when you decide to go independent just to follow the trends of other studios. Fucking Bungie.
The "goat head" thing as well as the open thigh plate is just an armour variation, I don't know why the fuck they used it in that image honestly because it's not a direct equivalent to the Minors in the other games.
Right that's what I wanted actually, the regular small fin Minor like all the regular Elites in 2 and 3 and the Minor in Reach.