>Nintendo Confirms Waluigi is Uncircumcised for Some Reason

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Fake news

what about bowser?

i don't even understand why this is relevant?

>Shows uncircumcised in a bad light
>Implying that getting your dick mutilated is a good thing

>implying videogames aren't the final form of zog propaganda and the means by which they plan to circumcise the world's children

>Hard times

>Shy Guys have no gag reflex

I want to be in a gay relationship with waluigi

walugi penis stinky

I fucking love the Hard Times but the Hard Drive is really lacklustre

Here come the Italian intactivists.

Why won't you join my side, I am just saying your dick is a mutilated abominations.

And now they have another face for the movement, I guess Waluigi is much more than a taco stand owner.

>“Also, remember Shy Guys?” he added. “None of them have any gag reflexes. So you could really go to town if you wanted.”

My penis is also uncircumcised and I don't see why I would circumcise it

just don't circumcise it. Nothing will change

well you obviously wouldn't circumcise NOW

People push it nowadays for "sanitary reasons." I don't even see how that's relevant in an age where people shower every day though. Be happy that you will enjoy sex and masturbation much more than one of us cutfags.

It's not like I had a choice

uncircum-boys unite

Circumcision threads are a past time but god do I fuckin hate them

Ok baby penis

But Wario is circumcised.... I wonder why....

Enjoy your smegma anteater. There is a reason 95% of porn stars are cutfags.

It's not a big deal. But you have my respect for not blindly defending the practice just because it was done to you, like most of americans online do.

Because they born in the US were it's normal to cut bits of your dick off?

The only people who have smegma are homeless people who can't clean themselves, and neets who refuse to clean themselves.


>having a mutilated dick
>having your body permanently marked by the jew

>not washing your dick
Have fun being a virgin

>not removing all your teeth so you dont have to brush them
>not pulling out all your nails so you never have to trim them

>Having a foreskin must mean you don't wash yourself and practice basic hygiene

Do you not scrub your dick? Disgusting. No wonder you're so bitter. The only time someone should ever have their foreskin removed is if infection or discomfort is involved, and even then, only if no other options work to remedy it.

do you never wash your penis you fucking stankdick

>americans mutilate themselves so they dont have to take a shower
you really cant make this shit up

europoors DONT do this? jesus. what a third world shithole.

This one is more important.