Risk of rain never dies

Risk of rain never dies

I've never played with Sup Forums. Been a long time actually. Anyone willing to host?


oh wow another hostless shit op. piss off.

Fuck off

>Finally free to play a game
>No one hosts
T-thanks, anons

How new are you?

Not very new, I was just hoping things had changed

The drill has always been posting a thread waiting for a host to shows up, it is rare for a host to make a thread.

I could possibly host if someone tells me what to make the settings

Forwarding your ports?


works, join up



have fun faggots, here's a free bump

I crashed earlier. I'll stop torrenting


i'm on irma evac and haven't played with you fags in forever but i guess i'll bump your shit some

never forget





Never open




Host when

lets rumble


1 more

I played with Sup Forums one time and within 2 minutes the entire screen was a clusterfuck of monsters, fire effects, and explosions.

If that's what lategame is like, I never wanna reach it.


>Came too late

Pls reply when open

I prefer the term Lightweight

Ive been wanting to play this game with other people since I got it. Someone plis host


It's not working, are you

It's working for everyone else, try again.

A note for the computer illiterate: this is a joke post. Don't try to connect to this IP.


Man I suck at this game

who needs items anyway





tfw you fucking die


delete this



for me



Im gonna sleep bye bye



And by sleep i mean i'm not gonna play


i hope coobie hasnt forgotten about the drawing

Closed for the night, thanks for playing.

No more games

yeah you're welcome


Its a rough gem thats to be sure




cute cursive

ded comanddo


He's alive congraturations



I'm new to this game, why do people say infusion is garbage?

Because some guy made an image macro saying so.

too op

It's not garbage. It's actually so good that it makes the game fucking boring to play. Do you use the debug menu and console commands while playing video games too?

Infusion never stop giving you health, coupled with the insane enemy spawn rates later on means that every stage youll end up gaining huge chunks of hp.
If you wanted to match infusion's hp gain with whites you'd need like 50 roots or so and then you hit the cap and cant gain anymore health

You're giving yourself too much of an edge if you take it when playing multiplayer with Sup Forums's rules, meaning with glass in place. You're getting a huge damage boost while negating the offset of the drop in health because you'll just get that health back, plus way more than if you weren't playing with glass on. And the fact that it's not even in a red chest was a huge mistake.

But basically it just gives you an extremely hollow victory if you take it.

I've had this game in my library, never actually played it mp. Is Sup Forums fun to play with?

On top of what everyone else is saying, the point of having Glass on in Sup Forums lobbies is to make you vulnerable. With Infusion you can just face tank through the game and it becomes a bit dull.

You'll struggle for a few lobbies before you get used to the FUN. After that it's quite a blast.

The community is usually civil by Sup Forums standards and the meme spouting is pretty tame since everyone is too busy dodging explosions to type.
The point of Glass isn't to raise the difficulty, but speed up the game. Killing enemies without Glass takes far too long and lobbies can take an hour or more just to reach the temple. SPITE is the artifact we use to make things harder, because it's only purpose is to fuck your life up.

yeah, you'll die pretty often in the beginning and later to hilarious shit like an explosive ball falling on you at hihg speed and killing you.

Its kind of a unique experience so it's hard to say if you'll like it, Sup Forums makes shit really hectic

Shaka shaka shaka



If thread is alive in5 minutes I will host

Ok, I'll jump in next time to check it out.
Y'all have like a schedule, or just whenever a thread pops up?


Just ctrl+f 'Risk of Rain' whenever you feel like playing and look out for a thread. It's always been done that way. If you see some fag spamming his discord here just remember it's not an official one that we support or anything.

It's been 5 minutes

dicord haha gay

where do i pirate this shit

dis shit don't work

I lied to y'all.
