What's the video game equivalent of Neon Genesis Evangelion?
What's the video game equivalent of Neon Genesis Evangelion?
Metal Gear Solid 2:Sons of Liberty.
Persona 3. It basically rips the plot of Eva off completely.
Nier automata
Games were never good
>starts off as schlocky genre fiction with hints of darker, more serious content
>gradually descends
>eventually reaches full-blown madness
>managed to get massively popular and is regarded as one of the best in the medium
If you take the advertising into account, maybe Silent Hill?
MGS2 except no one likes it other than Sup Forums
Neon Genesis Evangelion 64
Problem is that MGS was the massively successful one, and riding on expectations for it was part of 2's message. I'd compare it to Rebuild, but, well, you know.
persona, both are garbage for teen weebs
Neon Genesis Evangelion 2 for the PS2
unfortunately there just isn't a video game on the same level as evangelion
eva will be remembered in a hundred years. no video game will
t. Anno
Pic related, also t. Anno
hate this fucking pubebeard faggot so much
give us 3+1 you Nip cunt so I can shit on it and move on with my life
Just because Shinji doesn't belong to Rei that doesn't mean you have to stop liking Rei or something.
>they can't handle strong women such as misato and asuka
lol how is asuka a strong woman, she's just a loudmouth
This is the closest answer, unfortunately.
Did you not watch 3.33? I mean, I don't blame you at all, but fuck.
The original Rei isn't dead though. Remember when Shinji made such a fuss about saving her that he started Third Impact?
Neon Genesis Evangelion is the Dark souls of Anime and vice versa
The irony is that of the three main females, Asuka is the weakest. Misato is inarguably strong, though her coping mechanisms aren't the healthiest. Rei comes across as passive, but endures the shitty hand she's dealt with aplomb AND overcomes a decade of brainwashing to defy an order given by the man who did so. Asuka is a little bitch with a fragile ego that crumbles like a deck of cards when the slightest threat to it pops up. She has no strength, just a lot of bluster. SHINJI has more strength than her. At least Shinji kept going after he got fucked again and again.
Also the PSP version
>the SDAT = Rei theory
My man, I fucking wish. But the fact is that Anno has a hardon for sodomizing Reifags. There will be no satisfactory conclusion to original Rei's story in 3.0+1.0. Just a lot of Asuka wank and more Shinji suffering. You gotta learn to recognize patterns.
>Metal Gear Solid 2:Sons of Liberty.
convoluted bullshit loved by "deepfags" that needs more material to explain what the fuck happened?
>shinji is anno
>shinji fucks up the world and turns it into a red lifeless shitheap in 3.0
>everyone hates him for it
so he knew
Check out this brainslet
Rei has a special connection to the SDAT. The object she throws into the sea at the end of EoE (right before Shinji sees sher floating) is the SDAT, I am almost sure.
Xenogears. They're both the opus maximus of their fields.
being a shitty sequel was part of 2's "message"?
That's fanwank and you know it. The only certainty is that Anno hates Reifags. Unless he gives up the reins to someone with talent and retires off his Godzillabux, Eva is eternally doomed as a franchise. Thank fuck he can't unmake NGE.
You ever see that interview where he claims Rei's character is 'done' after episode 6 of NGE, and he completely forgot she exists in episode 7?
I like where this is going
While Reifags and Asukafags fight over the spoils we tasteful patricians know who best girl (male) is
i never saw the new movies, are they any good? are they a continuation or a remake of eva?
>are they a continuation or a remake of eva?
Answer unclear, ask again later.
Yep. He's honestly a disgusting hack of a writer. Every single thing I've seen of him makes me wonder how someone with such little self-awareness and insight could have made something as damn good as NGE. Swear to god he made some monkey's paw wish or something. Only explanation for how such a fucking idiot could pull magic out of his ass.
>I want to make the most famous anime of all time!
>Fine, but your least favorite girl will become the most popular.
> are they any good?
>are they a continuation or a remake of eva?
Bit of both. Come watch them now and wait for 4.0 so you are unsure of whether Anno is a hack or a genius like the rest of us.
Evangelion is a shit mecha anime and a shit anime in general, with really nice animation.
so probably Undertale or MGS.
i'm so excited bros
spec ops the line
Reminder that Evangelion has an HD release now and you owe it to yourself to go rewatch it.
Approaching Eva as a "mecha anime" is fucking retarded, that clearly isn't the point of the show. That's like watching Twin Peaks expecting a soap opera and being like "wtf is this weird shit what a crappy soap opera"
>Approaching Eva as a "mecha anime" is fucking retarded, that clearly isn't the point of the show.
except it's pushed as a mecha anime.
fake but I actually believed it for a second because of Adam Wingard
For fucks sake 20 years later and I'm still getting my mind blown about NGE, just the other day I saw a post about how a coffee pot and two mugs in the background of one of the shots represents instrumentality (all of the coffee in one pot) and Shinji and Asuka are the two broken cups outside of the pot. Post some more stuff like that please
This isn't real, is it?
Please tell me it isn't.
What is the video game equivalent of Gurren Lagann?
It's a great anime and a great love letter to classic shows like Gundam, Ideon, and Ultraman while also being its own thing unlike tripe like TTGL. Fuck your shitty nigger contrarian taste.
that doesn't mean shit because it isn't a mecha anime, there aren't even giant robots
>that doesn't mean shit because it isn't a mecha anime
Sup Forums, why don't you fuck off back to jerking it to whatever harem anime is airing this season?
You guys sound exactly like Rick and Morty fans.
>last update 2010
Holy shit
Shallow, flashy fun with a decent theme underlying all the stupid? Maybe MGR.
butter my biscuit, shinji
BioShock Infinite
Metal Gear Rising.
Seriously, the similarity between the two (meaning Eva and Metal Gear) are pretty damn stunning.
Quick question: why do you even post if you are just this bad at arguining? What is the point.
TTGL is just shitty Getter Robo for nu-anime fags, like Evangelion when it came out.
>correlating literally THE most integral anime to chanculture with some mediocre literally who cartoon based around Marty licking the Doc's testicles
Is this what Reddit looks like?
There's literally no other answer
is Rick and Morty the new meaningless catch-all boogeyman like Reddit?
Kirby 64
>wah my intellectual series is better than the other intellectual series.
Evangelion and its fans were a mistake.
That's the Madoka Magica of video games.
>likes Zeta Gundam
>doesn't like Eva
Pathologic is more like The Big O than Evangelion.
How is it hard to figure out MGS2? It's an anti-sequel that goes out of it's way to chop the player down but builds them back up.
It's almost the opposite of MGSV where you are the heroes equal from the beginning despite not being the real hero the whole time
Anyone got a dl link to that blu ray EVANGELION?
madoka magica is the evangelion of anime, much like dragon's dogma is the dark souls of fantasy RPGs
Kirby 64 is good.
Madoka was so bad I dropped it.
>but builds them back up.
When the fuck did the "builds them back up" part happen?
The game was on a downhill slide after it was revealed you were playing as Raiden.
Yes, didn't you pay any attention to the game? The whole point was it being a sequel.
but Dragdog is actually good
Eva is just a shitty Ideon and everyone knows it.
stop thinking that just because Anno plastered religious themes and imagery "just cause" means its actually (((deep)))
Raiden becomes a ninja that kills a billion Metal Gears and kills his Doc Oc dad at the end.
Not really. And I say that as somebody who fucking loves both. They are not in any way alike. Eva, much like Metal Gear Solid, is an ad hoc mixture of silliness, immaturity, genre clichés and shocks using those clichés - it's a genre fiction, just intentionally cranked up to a riddiculous level that makes it fairly valuable and interesting.
Pathologic comes from the other end of the spectrum: it's a non-genre fiction through and through. Instead of taking something fundamentally childish, literally aimed at child audience, relishing in that childishness, then twisting it around like Eva does, it just goes straight into the deep end, establishing itself as a completely unique work for mature and very niche audience from basically the opening screen.
If you want to see something like Pathologic in anime, I'd suggest something like Kino No Tabi, or Now and then, here and there or Serial Experiment Lain. Definitely not Eva. Also, Eva was a run-away success bordering on cult, while Pathologic is obscure and never got any mainstream recognition.