ITT: Games you hate without needing to play


pubg is the biggest meme piece of shit.

>literally wasting your time making the same threads over and over again
This time OP is not just a faggot but also a waste of air

Newfags, remember to sage

None because im not a faggot. It's the reason why this board is mostly shit

>Hating the current popular game meme
Don't you get tired of being hipster?


also the third thing down on the shop search is fucking body pillows

Every moba

>Is shit at a game therefore hates it

If only not because of that dumb name


>posting the name
Go fuck yourself. You don't even get the (you).

I watch a guy named Daniel Kross stream on YouTube. Never played the game myself but the guy is full tactical and makes over $250 a day from donations.

I reckon that's pretty cool.

full tactical meaning hides as much as possible and taking the least initiative?

I hated this before I played it, played it for 30 hours, then found even more reasons to hate it

>makes over $250 a day from donations.
What the fuck does that have to do with anything? I bet you are one of his cuck donators and donate half of that every day

is that mike krosses son? isnt he a weab?

I hate that this game didn't make the other open world survival games more PVE friendly with all the shoot-on-sight shitters moving to PUBG, instead it seems to have just generated more shitters like it across the board instead of moving them all onto a single game.

is this advertising? i can't tell anymore


>tfw you can't report for advertising anymore

>spending like $500 just to play 1 game (Which is the only exclusive) on that shit

Nope. Also fuck botw, watched enough reviews and streams of that shit to tell its inferior to witcher

Anything developed by westerners.


>gone home is good




>mental gymnastics

Geneforge games
any Moba

Xbox release when?

Sup Forums probably gets money for it

>all these fucking newfags replying to bait and not saging
I'm gonna go talk about games on Sup Forums, fuck you guys

>some douchefuck pulls a Tactival Visor out of his ass before you can get the point back and you lose
>point out the press q to win bullshit
>everyone calls you salty because they're literal fucking troglodytes who can't into critique or understand proper game design
>fucking had efuckingnough of this ficking shoy game after fucking game, proceed to spam "DIE NIGGER" for five minutes straight as they continuously hurl hypocritical insults
>finally get an 11 moth silence after tossing racial and homophobic slurs as these braindead SCUM all fucking year
But it was worth it.

Sup Forums doesn't want ratty little spoon-fed babies like you.

Will we ever reach the impasse where in order to be contrarian Sup Forums will need to forsake contrarian views because they are too popular?

>wah wah wah stop shitting on my game

Redditors are about to learn a hard lesson in facts. Sup Forums doesn't hate everything, your game and your taste are shit.

>he doesn't know where he is

I have no idea what you are talking about but you sound mad and gay as fuck.

>le reddit boogeyman
You must be real clever there kiddo :^)

>2 + 2 = 4
>lmao le math boogeyman

this sounds just autistic enough to be true

you're a fucking loser either way

Are you actually retarded?

I don't know, are you?

At least I'm not a braindead Blizzcuck who can't into arena shooters.

Any moba, and hearthstone



>an actual argument

>implying this changes anything

Sup Forums already identifies religiously with the majority of the United States.

the funny thing is hes posted this image more times then there are actual posts in that image

If you ever actively dislike something that you have zero knowledge of or experience with, none of your opinions on any subject are valid or worthwhile.

The skill you have in other shooter games doesn't translate to this one right away. Don't get me wrong, that's a flaw, and there's an endless list of things to critique about this game, but it can still be learned and made fair when you're talking about actual aiming.
Has far as the unfair elements, you need to do your best to reduce RNG as much as possible. Similar to how people bitch about XCOM because they're too stupid to level up a backup squad to have a plan B for their character getting wrecked, people will virgin drop to shitty areas in this game and complain when they get killed by better weapons after 20 minutes of running around like a retard. If you drop to better areas, you get better loot, and you learn where these places are as you play. You can also drop to high population areas and kill some players to gear up that way. Don't make the game tedious and boring on purpose and then bitch about it.

You're right, it doesn't.

weebshit is garbage and you are a traitor to your race

I played enough to hate it. Everyone memes me into playing with them every time I go online.

This is a story, about a guy so damn mad that he complained about Overwatch on the internet.

When frustrated by the responses, this man (?) called those who responded cucks - in service of the company he himself supports by buying and playing the products of.

I applaude humanity on reaching this new frontier in a space faring age. May our sides continue to ascend across the galaxy.

i love this argument
>it was made with anime in mind
no, it was anime/random, ergo, Sup Forums and Sup Forums. so if its okay to post anime anywhere because it started as Sup Forums, then its okay to post...Sup Forums anywhere because thats how it started.

oh Sup Forums, never stop being retarded

Any weebshit game

did you even read the image you just posted? As that would make this user a fucking weeb.

3rd person domt count