The loss of a game or community

Yeah I know, not my personal blog, but I can't be the only one can I?

Over the years I've been a part of several online communities across various games and services. Whether it is a guild in an MMO, an RP community in said MMOs, a group of anons from /x/ who did nightly movie streams, or maybe your group of friends just fell apart, maybe a game you loved closed down?

Maybe some of this happened long after you yourself already left and it still hurts to find out? I don't know Sup Forums. Basically I just logged into an MMO called Aion for the first time in years. The two guilds and rp community I had once been a part of fell apart a long time ago, I guess I was just logging in for nostalgia.

It hurts though. It hurts you see that guild name still over head, see the long list of offline players who haven't been on in months or years. It hurts to know that they are never coming back and you'll probably never see them again. It hurts to know those good times will never be a thing again, and that the nostalgia will only become a painful memory as a result.

Again, not my personal blog, I know and I'm sorry but I have to ask you guys.

How do you fucking cope? How do you get over everyone you knew and cared about, everyone you spent all your time with drifting away completely? How do you deal with everything you enjoyed either ending or just being empty now?

Has it happened to you? When? Where? Who? How? Why? ...And what now?

Pic related is the sort of thing I'm really talking about. I can't deal with the constant forming of attachments only to keep losing it. Anyone else?

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Classic WoW was fun, but good lord were the armor sets ugly. IT was like running around in pajamas.

just picked Aion back up again as well. TM Elyos. Server merge could spice things up next month... Lots of new things that I have no idea about though.

Connect with them outside of the game you sperglord.

I know how you feel, I feel the same way about Guild Wars.

This is why people kill themselves at 40, they get out first before watching everyone and most everything they know crumble away around them until they're a doddering old fool wandering around an alien world with none of their friends alive.


Sure, there are people playing it... but, I really miss the days when custom maps were still popping up and things were still being discovered. People freaking out about the first hats and random drops.

I also had a few servers populated with a few older people that were a lot less "REEEE" than shit is today.

Totally miss that fucking ancient Egyptian 2fort level.

>How do you fucking cope? How do you get over everyone you knew and cared about, everyone you spent all your time with drifting away completely? How do you deal with everything you enjoyed either ending or just being empty now?

I suggest you find out fast since the same will happen IRL too which will hurt even more.

I don't think about it much. I can't play the WoW I want to play so I don't really feel the need to think about it.

Already did, for everyone at least once I'm sure. The only real solution is to just deal with it until it stops hurting.

I've mostly kept people online at a distance.
Even the last time I played wc3 I still entered the old channel that I started using back in starcraft though, but I don't really miss the people.

Accepting that my general on /vg/ was dead was kinda hard I guess.

Is the slag gaming server still around? They used to run nothing but custom game modes like TF2Ware and Prophunt.

What about the Wacky Races servers?

>a group of anons from /x/ who did nightly movie streams

RIP Whisperer in the Darkness
RIP Randolph Carter

Well.. you could get a life you fucking nerd loser. Try getting off your fat ass and hit the gym or whatever.

There are people I have not played WoW with in a decade and I still think of them on a semi-frequent basis.

>How do you fucking cope?

You move on. Such is life.

That is too rational of an answer.

RIP Oldcouch

>slag gaming
sheeeeet, I remember I used to go on those servers and repeated request mandrill maze until the moderators obliged. Eventually they made it into a fortwars map. I like to imagine that was thanks to my efforts but I know it wasn't just me. I probably spent a few collective days on that server group total.


There are still a decent amount of good servers with old guys on, but it's 95% huehue kids. Maybe I just wish I was 15 and at the LAN center again

>Has it happened to you? When? Where? Who? How? Why? ...And what now?
I was part of the Guild in WoW called Totallosers from Shadow Moon, we started off in FFXI from 2003 to 2009, I had to quit WoW for a couple of months, when I returned to the game in 2011 many of them had gone or were offline, many of them where in different guilds. My guild Totallosers was nothing but a guild for alts, alts of people I never heard about from.

Recently I found some of them playing in FFXIV but they didn't recognize me or remembered me because I was gone for so long, I had some of them on skype/ICQ but since I wasn't around they probably deleted my info.

How do I cope with it? its hard its been years and when I feel I try to find old WoW threads or screenshots, then realize they moved on and I have to move on too.

From my experiences, it always starts with a sudden change in someone. It can be anyone, really, but more often than not it's always that person you still liked, but liked the least.

Some sort of drama will break out with them in the center. Maybe it's with people outside your little community, maybe it's with a new person or a well-loved member of the crew, maybe it's real life drama and they can't find a healthy way of talking about it and end up lashing out. Either way, it ends. Everything should be resolved, but nothing feels the same afterward.

Eventually it just escalates further and further. More arguments, more fights. People start taking sides and expecting you to take their side. Whether you do or don't, whether you're there or not, it always ends up with your community split into chunks or split apart entirely.

It always hurts the worst when it seems to perfectly align with the game that brought you all together going to shit.

Communities fall apart when they are formed by chance and no effort goes into maintaining them. I've been a member of many and learned that lesson very well. You, me and everyone else should do their part to guarantee longevity and not just be a part, take part and consume.

You caused that same hurt to the others in the guild by disappearing for years.

Because it's all about min/max now. Back when WoW dropped I was in 6th grade. I didn't care about any of that. It was about exploring places and being an idiot with other idiots online. Now, you can boost your character to Max on day 1 and then just run raids for gear. It lost its magic.

you're not really helping him cope you know

Guild Wars is still there. There are people still playing it, making videos and even streaming it. Trading is still being done too.

Well he should know that if he made a deep enough connection with those people, chances are high that in his years of absence someone said "Man I miss user. Remember that time when..." and felt how he feels now.

I left when they all did, still popped back in every often until the last of them stopped coming online as well.


Nothing ever really filled that void.

He knows that, I think, but thats not what op was about. You're just being mean.

But I crave for Guild Wars before all the EotN changes.

Ragnarok Online

You just forget man, thats the only way. Sad but true. Everyone has to logout for the last time at one point. They were a part of your life, but they arent now.

Time heals all wounds. It might not heal them well, and leave scars, but it does heal them.

Can't help you there, I guess. I wasn't too happy about them either, none of my characters did Winds of Change or any of that other crap that bridges GW 1 with GW 2. And you could see from the EOTN's drop in quality that it was the last breath, so it's good that they stopped where they did.

I miss my friends and guild from classic/BC wow. Our server was RPPVP, packed with players, always good fights to be had with awesome RP stuff. Adventures, nights out camping, lore, parties, birthdays. It was nearly perfect.

I was in highschool when WoW was a thing. I played with my friends. Eventually we grew up, got girlfriends, went to parties, got jobs, went to college. As the years passed, I drifted away from the majority of the people I used to play vidya with because I spent less and less time playing and more time in the real world. I'm nearing 30, I've had dozens of sexual partners, jumped through career paths, and gone out an experienced a lot of the world. I do miss sitting in Vent, laughing and trolling, but the guys I used to play with are now rather pathetic adults who never grew up.

I combat the nostalgia by constantly looking ahead and seeking out real-world experiences.

I've always played WoW solo so I never noticed. The general chat is as awful as it was back in vanilla.

So why the fuck do you still post on Sup Forums?

It's that time again huh

I like board culture, it's funny, and I can relate to some of the stories. I still play games every now-and-again.

Any kind of change is a mental loss OP. Forget, and move on and create new memories.

If this is true. Good on you. That's how it has to be done. Keep it inside and remember it fondly but keep it in the past. Move on to bigger and more exciting things

But in my server plays thousands and thousands of players and always is busy

Back when only the Asian server was F2P, Sup Forums had a great Wakfu guild. Then shit happened, and some of us restarted in the international server, but it was never the same. That guild also disbanded in a terrible duping exploit event, because some of them got banned. At least we had fun duping I guess.

The game is still active but it's not the same: even the dedmmo thread in /vg/ has like three wakfufags.


I thought i was out of touch with Sup Forums and gaming stuff in general. I'm full on nerd compared to you.

I'm in the same boat as you user, or at least now I mainly just work and come home and try to relax. Don't game much.

I can't stop thinking about the past though, I practically live there and torture myself with the memory of it. My successes, my accomplishments, the blessings in the future are worth dirt to me next to the people I care about.

>halloween in goldshire
>hogger raids
>deadmines camping
>booty bay and arena pvp
>graveyard camping horde

losing SWG and Vanguard still make me mad

fuck you Sony

Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes, the BETA community of SWTOR.

Fuck you Sony, Fuck you NCSoft, and a damn shame about the last one. Everyone was so cool during the Beta.

I used to play this online game called Super Hero Squad Online, or SHSO for short. It was a really fun and comfy game that was based off the TV series.
Basically you could buy characters and play as them in zones, missions or card games with other people, and you could even decorate your own helicarrier. There were almost 200 playable characters when the game shutdown last January due to the Jews at Disney.
I was an active player, had 200 friends(the most you could have if you paid for membership) and 186 characters. Played since 2011 with my younger siblings, and I still miss playing this silly game with them.

I used to feel the same way in my mid-20s. I would get very nostalgic for places I used to go, get lost in wonderment about some girl I used to date, or some friend from middle school. It still happens infrequently, but the bitter feelings associated with it have faded. Now, when I recall the past, it's with a sort of warmth and a bit of humor that all the cliches in the old TV shows were right.

A drastic change in my worldview is what did it for me, now I try to live every day as honestly and I can, with the express purpose of building a better world for myself and my future family in whatever teeny tiny way I can. Seek out purpose, take on responsibilities just for the sake of it, and commit yourself to them. Eventually you'll start to figure out which endeavor is worth your time, and the others will have served as practice. There are lots of people out there who you'll care about just as much if you steel your courage.

Anyone remember Battlefield Heroes?

Why live

>tfw even if you played on a private server, it just wouldn't be the same without the old crew that you ran with

Raid for 5 hours then BGs as a pre-made until 3 AM. I miss the NEET life sometimes.

>Totally miss that fucking ancient Egyptian 2fort level

Oh shit, nice. Loved that map.

This is why I can't get into any of the SWG emulators. It just isn't the same. No one is there. The people and connections you made are what make the game. All the items and armor and shit can be replaced, but friends cannot be replaced.

>tfw you still remember your old friends by name, even though you haven't talked to them in decade(s)

If you browse here Rhodoki, i miss you my nigga. Same with the rest of the blood hounds.

Why did that human kill all his friends?


Tried FF, didn't really enjoy it. Is it doing well?

I re-installed and played a bit of a newly created assassin. All the starting areas were naturally empty. It felt too depressing to continue

is your server empty?
I'm playing right now on a new character and starter zones filled up like crazy

The most unique MMO and it was killed. They should of just sold it off to a f2p company or something.

Runescape and a Minecraft server called Killion Detention Center

maybe the EU and US servers are different, idk

Currently fucking myself over playing a shitty mobile game that's being put down on the 29th, I've barely put much time into it prior to this final event and while the game is bad you can tell most of their work was being put into the art and character design, and something about all of this is just making me think I don't want to even touch any more games that are tied down to a server anymore.
This whole "games as a service" deal really feels fucking awful, I don't have any particular attachment to anything in this shitty game, but the idea that any work that went into it won't be able to be noticed or appreciated by anyone who would take note of it is really rubbing me the wrong way.

We live in an era where you only buy a license to to play the games you "own" and free to play games aren't really free.

Everything you do is dust in the wind.

That shit is insane, doubly so when even that crap mobage is in fact totally single player, there's not a goddamn bit of multi-anything in it. The only thing it uses any online for is a tether to the cash shop and streaming in assets.

Yeah it's coming back thanks to the same people who brought back Battlefield 2 and 2142

> Be part of a Rare Ltd. fan community in the early/mid 00s
> Thriving community of several dozen people who were always posting on the forum
> Rare employees would pop into the site and post every now and then
> Projects got cancelled left and right,Rare fell into obscurity, the owner couldn't afford to host it
> Everyone fell apart
> Most people I stayed in contact with are NEETs
> Two user committed suicide
> Most famous user was a semi-famous lolcow who got arrested for CP

>Tfw used to have a friends group that played PSO2
>Had a cool YouTube animator in it
>mfw said animator got obsessed with his "waifu" in PSO2 to the point that it ruined the group to the point that almost everyone hates each other now
execpt for the Animator's butt buddy and the butt buddy's 15 year old bf

>big fan of roleplay
>really like the Final Fantasy aesthetic, especially the armor design for the dragoons
>the unofficial roleplay server is always locked for new characters

Shit like that happens all the time IRL, you know why? Life happens that's why. Had a lot of friends over the years that got marries, moved out to another town, went to different schools, etc. And now I'm the one that moved out and left friends back home, I can visit them from time to time but it's not the same.

It's sad when something like that happens. Instead of feeling like crap, hope that your friends are doing well or if you really want to hear about them maybe just send them a message or contact them by some other means.

Happens to everyone, and all you can do is move on. It never seems to stop hurting, but time dulls the pain, at least.

>Go on shoutbox every night for a bit before underage lurking Sup Forums
>Do extremely autistic RP sessions with others and talk about random shit
>Got myself a custom icon for winning a contest the owner ran when he put more games up on the site
>3ds came out, mostly stopped going on there. not even sure why
>come back a few years later, still some people there, mostly new, but saw some of the admins and old users still posting
>few years after that for nostalgia reasons, pretty much just 2 or 3 guys a day using it as a personal chat
>found out today that the sites been down for around 2 years
If any of you are out there, goodbye all you beautiful people.

>tfw never been a part of an MMO community in it's prime
I feel like I'm missing out.

are you me? I would have even used the same reaction image

You did, but only shit from like 2010 and earlier.

Thps4 community on PS2. Damn that was the golden era of my childhood, that and socom 2

Wasn't Socom 2 the premier PS2 Online game?

Socom 1 was online, had a lot of modders though

I feel u user. I miss the days when you are not even playing but just screwing around in achievement and idle servers, my whole steam friendlist is still remnants from those days

They are redsun now. Apparently they are ran by people who ran slag after mecha fucked them up

I started playing WoW at beginning of Mists. I technically played a bit during bc/wotlk, but I was very casual and young.

I played a Rogue on Korgath-Horde, and I was really into pvp, but after a year or so I decided I wanted to get into raiding. My guilds raidgroup was full and they pretty much told me to fuck off. Me and 3 other guys (my 3s arena team + 1) ended up leaving the guild to start our own. I was a lifeless senior in High School at the time, so I had plenty of free time and took role of GM. After a month or two of recruiting and raiding we had a respectable raid and rbg team. For a brief period we were even one of the most well known guilds on the server. We talked with everyone that was in the guild and tried to help new players get better, it was a comfy group.

This lasts for a year or so before I decide to take a break from the game. WoW took a lot of time, and I needed some time away. I left one of my head officers in charge of the guild (one from the original 3s team). Two months pass and I finally resub. The guild has dropped to

Grow up kid

Good to know, thanks.