TES 6's Gimmick

>Oblivion's gimmick was Radiant AI
>Fallout 3's gimmick was VATS
>Skyrim's gimmick was Dragonshouting
>Fallout 4's gimmick was crafting/settlement building

What will be the big gameplay gimmick they will try to push with the next Elder Scrolls Sup Forums? My guess is they will continue to push the crafting shit and add persistent online/multiplayer somehow.

Moving tree home.

It's Hammerfell, so sailing.

For Honor gameplay

Who cares? This thread isn't even video games. This is like writing fan fiction. Why is this here? You won't predict it correctly anyway i playtest for bethesda sometimes and from what i've heard it's co op multiplayer

co-op, with bethesda in charge of coding multiplayer on their shitshow engine. come on dude...

i can see this, sailing/boats are going to be the next big gaming meme

thats what i heard. there are 4 "campaigns" to play (aka 4 classes) with different starting points. you can join and leave freinds games at any time.

You can watch in-universe theatre adaptations of The Lusty Argonian Maid

Next Fallout game in Hawaii confirmed

If it can be a tenth as fun as Black Flag, I'm not even mad

But ass creed and wind waker

Yeah well my uncle works at Nintendo and he says that Dovakiin is going to be in the next Smash Bros.

>Elder Scrolls game with forced campaigns and only 4 classes

You know? With the advent of voice acting, meaningless dialogue choices relegated to 4 button presses, the taking out of skill points and being replaced by perks, crafting as a focus, and speech only affecting your bartering skills as well as paid mods being a thing now, I can see Bethesda trying reall really hard to dumb down the "RPG" experience even further while still trying to call it an RPG.

dont believe me. not like i give a shit either way. im not even supposed to be talking about it.

yep. apparently they're going to try to explain it with story why there's only 4 classes (i have no idea about races though) which means the characters are pre existing people like fo4

>trying to force the coop multiplayer meme
it didnt work when you made that retarded thread all those weeks ago
it won't suddenly start working
kys attention whore

maybe they'll see the error of their ways and remove "quests" and their dog shit writing and just make an elder scrolls sandbox that relies on economy, physics, npc ai, and mods

the series has never been about the RPG experience, it has been about producing "content" with best possible cost/"production value" ratios.

however the player accesses that, be it rpg systems, pseudo-FPS todd will use it

>apparently they're going to try to explain it with story why there's only 4 classes
skyrim didn't have classes already you retard

The gimmick will be paid content. Not even DLC. Not even paid mods (although they'll be there). You pay a tiny sum for every single asset in the game.

Nigga what? Daggerfall and Morrowind you can definitely tell Todd made those games in mind to try and bring a tabletop/role playing experience as much as possible to an action RPG setting.

The fact you can kill any NPCs, explore any part of the world as soon as you start, be good or evil, and experiment with the game's systems through crafting/alchemy/skill building etc. is prime example of that.

That's a load of boring shit. Skyrim is way better.

>Game has base building and sailing
>Can build port towns
>Can build secret hideouts on islands
>Can build and customise ships
>Game is basically Elder Scrolls: Pirate Edition

>Todd comes out on stage for reveal
>...In Elder Scrolls 6...we decided that the best possible option was to give the player the oppprtunty to create all the content they'll see. We've done away with any semblance of storytelling, worldbuilding, or original content. The world of Elder Scrolls is now what the player wants it to be. All quests and NPCS will be made BY the player with our new content creation system. You arrive in an empty world, where you will play as...The Worldmaker! From now on, EVERYTHING is about player freedom. We don't just give you a mountain to climb, we let YOU create the mountain you'll climb!
>crowd goes apeshit
>articles on journo sites defend no content and shit on older games non stop
>game releases and gets 10/10 GOTY

>elder scrolls sandbox that relies on economy, physics, npc ai, and mods
>economy, physics, and mods
>economy and mods
>economy mods
>mods economy
We heard you loud and clear user. We're making the next Elder Scrolls game rely on a mods economy.

Will be less of a pirate game than TES: Redguard

I'd play it desu

Isn't that just going full circle and paying for the base game?

All I want is an elder scrolls game where you're a prisoner shipped out to settle a colony in Akavir and there's the same gameplay loop as in Fallout 4 of going inbetween adventuring and expanding the Empire's reach into a new and dangerous continent full of surreal monsters and landscapes; is that too much to ask for?

I know it is

Hey, OP, that image is pretty neat, whe

...Huh? When did I buy Skyrim?