What vidya characters do you wish we knew *less* about?

What vidya characters do you wish we knew *less* about?


A joke hints to it in Mario x Rabbids, if I had to guess.

Was it 'clarified' or did the interviewer ask if he wasn't circumcised and he just said yeah whatever?

Never mentioned in the whole game.

>jew version of Luigi
What did they mean by this?

>falling for an article written by "The Onion for Sup Forumstants"

It's even weirder in context.
>hey, about the second DLC pack for BOTW
>“Waluigi still has his foreskin,” said Kimishima. “You won’t ever see it but it’s there. We do not know why he remains uncircumcised, however. It might be a religious thing, it might not. But, yes, Nintendo players can expect some exciting downloadable content for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.”

>americucks sacrifice the tip of their penis as a sign of submission to their Jewish masters

>What did they mean by this?
he doesn't have a mutilated dick

more like wajewigi

Finally we know the truth. At last I can end the debates I've had with so many people up to this point during our week long meth binges where we would argue about the details of the dicks belonging to various fictional characters while we painstakingly cleaned a bathroom and picked at our faces with our dirty fingernails.

Right, but do you think Mister Fantastic can stretch the size of his dick?

Super Mario: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut

He can of course but you need to remember that the dick itself does not possess any muscles; only vascular tissue so while he can stretch it and possibly expand it, he cannot control it like a prehensile tail or a tentacle.

>cutfags will never know the absolute please of running your finger between your foreskin and your lubricated glans

lesbos are hot

We know for a fact that he can, and that he uses that ability during sex. It's canon.

Enjoy your cheesy dicks, eurofag.

Literally take a bath

OP is bulshitting

>the hard times dot net

showering every week is a scientifically proven waste of water you eurocuck

fucking kek

Make me, fagboi.


this is a really unfunny fake joke news website
please stop posting this cancer

>KYOTO, Japan — Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima divulged in an interview with Game Informer magazine yesterday that recurring character Waluigi is uncircumcised. The remarks were unrelated to the downloadable content for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild he had been asked about.

>“Waluigi still has his foreskin,” said Kimishima. “You won’t ever see it but it’s there. We do not know why he remains uncircumcised, however. It might be a religious thing, it might not. But, yes, Nintendo players can expect some exciting downloadable content for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.”

ha ha
funny joke :)
it's over
stop it's not real

Lesbos used to be hot

I think it's pretty safe to assume that unless a character is jewish/american than their parents didn't mutilate their genitals.

What are the tangible benefits of having a circumcised penis? I don't see that there are any.

I'm uncut and 22 and touching my glans just hurts even lubed, I wonder when will the sensitivity go away

lesbos were never hot, it's just that you had an idealized idea of them before they were in your face due to cultural shifts.


you get to be a good goy

>literally cutting pieces of your dick just so you don't have to shower

If I wanted to mutilate my penis, I could. However you cutfags will never be able to get your foreskins back.

the actual reason is because Jews control every facet of American society, fear that your dick will be encased in smegma is just the gentile rationalization

But do you know how much money I mean water you waste by showering?

Actually it wasn't jews. Dr. Kellog (the guy who made corn flakes) thought he found a cure for masturbation.

Not showering for 3 days makes you dirtier than a nigger.


/x/ told me kellog was a cryptojew

The best character also escaped the jew.
Who WAH here?

Of course, by saying this they all but confirm that the other characters are cutfags.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Is Waluigi the biggest forced character of any series? I used to like him until I realized how gimmicky and retarded he and his fanbase is

Are we living in an alternative time line?

I bet Kat and Ana have fucked.

>the hard times fell for the gaming journalism meme

I'm still mad desu

This. I feel disgusting if I don't shower every single day.

Thank you~

In Korea they spontaneously started doing it because they thought Japan was. The doctors had it done to middle-aged and old men too, bizarre

post dicc

Most circumcised penis I know of come faster for some reason